Multifandom - Pity Party [collab]

Published 2016-11-30
Thank you to all the people that participated! This was my first collab!
I am sorry that I had to change some people's positions. This happened due to some people not submitting their parts. I tried my best to fit the edits with lyrics into the song.

1. PlayFulProdz
2. ouchmyfeels
3. Felicity Swan
4. queenM
5. You can call me unstoppable
6. Naegne
7. Stilinflower
8. BewareIMightBite

From 20 people only 8 managed to complete their parts. I owe the people who have done 2 or more parts because they helped make the collab successful! Thank you!

Naegne and other people did a very good job, unfortuntely their parts weren't in the places they wanted and it may have not been the best portrayal of them. I'm very sorry and I think the people who failed to follow the deadline should apologise.

Hope you liked it! Leave a like and subscribe!

All Comments (3)
  • It looks so cool !! Thanks for letting me join, it was super fun to do and congrats to everyone ^^
  • @naegne
    Rashid Edits Rashid Edits I watched it and tbh I loved parts as seperated but..I don't know if this sounds rude, I don't wanna sound rude but like I don't know you put my parts in different places and you put the 'silent' parts of my video like it is in the actual part and well I don't know I can't enjoy as I watch the video as a whole thing, my parts were following lyrics now they are not and such, if you want I can help you with completing missing oarts and I am sure if you ask the people who sent their part in, some of them will accept to help you with that anf I can also help you for bringing parts together too if you want but..I don't know it is up to you but I am kind of didappointed