Cities can ban homeless from sleeping outside

Published 2024-06-28
On Friday, the Supreme Court ruled that cities including San Diego can ticket the homeless people for sleeping outside.

All Comments (21)
  • So they don't believe it's appropriate for people to camp out on the streets and they also won't build affordable houses. Perfect.
  • @outlaw-466
    so.... they made it Illegal to be homeless?
  • @mts43
    I cant sleep in my car that i own either??? I havent read the entire piece crap ruling
  • @clarissamiles
    Okay, then build housing that's not expensive. How about land owners stop being greedy and charging so much money? 😒
  • @deb109
    Do you think they want to be homeless. How can you fine somebody when they don't have money.
  • Criminalizing homelessness. I’m sure that people with nothing left to lose will just quietly acquiesce and the problem will just go away.
  • @vn8600
    where the fck are they SUPPOSED TO SLEEP?
  • @lmontano8190
    you cant get a lot of things without a street address even if you have a po box. updated ids and ss cards? forget it if you are homeless and have nothing. if i cant make my car insurance payment i wont have a car to live in. its really hard to be old and have nothing
  • There were billions of dollars designated to help the homeless in Ca, but oh my. It seems nobody knows where that money went. I want them off the streets too, but people have to be somewhere. Where's that money Newsom? All this at a time when millions of people don't have jobs. There's no reason we can't invest in tiny houses or something.
  • Anything but freedom in USA but we have the audacity to criticize other nations where they actually have more freedom and comfort 😂
  • making homelessness illegal effectively reinstates slavery. though be it regulated its slavery none the less.
  • I own a home, which is fully paid for. Can I sleep outside in a public place? If the answer is Yes, then why does my owning a house make the difference about whether, or where, I can take a nap? And if the answer is No, then apparently nobody can sleep outside, and why would that be? If I doze off on a bench while waiting for my spouse, is that now illegal? If I take my infant grandson to the park and he falls asleep (which is likely), can they come arrest an infant for sleeping in a park?
  • @johnleca
    How do you prove someone is actually sleeping, cops monitoring brain waves? Ridiculous. How many tickets have you written on someone with no identification? I have dealt with this issue as a pig on MVC violations and it is a bit labor intensive but can be done. The squeeze is not worth the juice unless you get a bad guy rather than just a bum.
  • If the government was doing their jobs n correctly, there wouldnt be so many homelessness, shame on them!
  • @triciac1019
    So where can they sleep? When I was young, there were very few homeless. Too many greedy landlords have jacked up the price of rent and housing. What we do for our homeless shows what kind of people we are. If you can donate to those not for peofit agencies that help the homeless.
  • @atmos1x
    I dont think the justices realize Jesus was a homeless guy if he was real haha