Did Jesus Exist?

Check out the other videos:

Al-Muqaddimah:    • Did Muhammad Exist? | Al Muqaddimah  

Useful Charts:    • Did Moses Exist?  

Sources/Suggested Reading:

Chilton, Bruce & Craig A. Evans (ed.) (1998). Studying the historical Jesus: Evaluations of the state of Current Research. Brill.

Ehrman, Bart D. (2013). Did Jesus Exist?: The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth. HarperOne.

Holmén, Tom & Stanley E. Porter (ed.) (2011). Handbook for the study of the historical Jesus. Volume 1. Brill.

Levine, Amy-Jill; Dale C. Allison Jr. & John Dominic Crossan (2006). The Historical Jesus in Context. Princeton University Press.

#Jesus #History #ProjectHistoricity

コメント (21)
  • @RMR1
    As an atheist, I have to say this was refreshingly balanced, unbiased and well-sourced. I grow tired of videos, articles and books that mock believers with non-stop atheistic dogma, as much as I do those that present atheists as immoral elitists and tout Jesus's divinity as objective fact.
  • Coming from a Muslim background, I love how this channel comment section is gathering religious and non religious people to debate without any ounce of biggotry or harassment. It proves that most people who tears down another people beliefs are often the ignorant ones. Peace to everyone, whoever and wherever you are! Thanks for the owner of the channel for his unbiased rigorously selected presentations!
  • @cienfleur
    I dont come from a religious background,but ive always been so fascinated by religion,esotericism,occultism,mythology etc.I recently found your channel and im satisfied with your content!absolutely love it!You are so well spoken and i can tell that you do good research before filming a video.Keep it up!
  • As a Christian I cannot get enough of this channel. So interesting! I hope my brothers and sisters in Christianity and outside Christianity have a good day 🩷
  • Tell me more about this “Jesus is a psychedelic mushroom” theory.
  • I cant belive me eyes.. A video on religion that has no negative comments and such open minded people.. This is needed in the world.. I hope all of u r blessed no matter ur beliefs or religion ❤💯
  • This channel is just amazing. Believer and non-believer people comment, and ALL in a respectful and open-minded way, which is SO rare when talking religion. I guess I am personnally still questioning the existence or not of a God and have no clear answer yet, but one reason why I stopped going to church a long time ago was (1 thing of many) the fact that I always felt that churches were teaching what was convenient for them, and were hiding/ ignoring many historical facts, or ancient writings...and so on and so forth. This channel has been eye opening. Always well narrated, and extremely well-documented, and does not lean one way or the other: just gives facts.
  • @ashrafan3689
    Your Arabic pronunciation of Muhammad and rouh-Allah are spot on. Great work man
  • Me: huh let's see, I wonder how different other perspectives are about Jesus, I mean, they can't be that different from what I've heard in Christianity, right Video: Jesus was a mushroom
  • Enjoyed doing this collab with you. Let's talk religion again soon :)
  • Absolutely loved the way you explained the cautionary tales from the Bible. It adds a depth to the message and encourages us to reflect on our own choices. Truly enlightening! ✨
  • I'm so happy this video is favoured by the algorithm. Your academic approach and attempt to be as non-biased as possible is greatly appreciated and much needed within religious/spiritual circles
  • Thanks, as a Mesopotamian Squid Emperor, I found the discussion of the historiography interesting and educational.
  • There was no Year Zero. The calendar went from 1 BC to 1 AD.
  • @smroog
    EXCELLENT !!! EXCELLENT !!!! Short and sweet - yet very thorough . Hitting all of the important points in the idea of Jesus. Thank you .
  • Thank you for this video and for offering new perspectives (new for me anyway). I appreciate your videos, the format and the clear explanations.
  • As someone with a history degree, which included a course on comparative religion. I think the analysis here is spot on. Really smart and well reasoned
  • Being a 'Born Again' Christian, I don't usually watch this kind of a video, but I found myself enjoying its unbiased presentation. It was very well done. Thank you. I have recently become friends with a Muslim and a Bahi and we sit for hours over coffee sharing our faith and respect for each other. For me, it's like the Apostle Paul saying, 'I am all things to all men, that I may win some.' After fifty years of loving Jesus and the word, my faith is on solid ground, but I have learned to listen; really listen to what others believe. Only then can I hope to earn their respect and have them listen to what true Christianity is all about.
  • Really appreciate this video! Thanks for presenting it in the way you did 😊