[4.7] What Nilou Can Tell Us About Natlan - Genshin Impact v4.8+5.0 Speculations

Published 2024-07-07
Remember when I used to stream? Me neither. Anyway, here's what I would have said on stream - if I streamed - but in a more coherent format, about the upcoming summer event patch and the brand new region of Natlan!

No timestamps, spoiler warnings, or citations this time. This is pure, unfiltered theorizing just like a stream. But without the streaming.

I should stream.

All Comments (21)
  • @stormauror2642
    What is up with these comments?? Lmao are these bots?! Leave us and our genshin theorists in peace, bots!! 😂
  • @Shatteredtales
    something that made me mad were people saying that Natlan should be desolate and colorless just because it is the nation of war. Like hello? snezhnaya 'land of love' doesnt look so loving does it? and Inazuma 'land of eternity' isnt stuck in a stasis bubble. the entire point of the ideals of the gods is to put them in question and play with your expectations.
  • @KyzenEX
    Something that I'd also like to add is that in the Sumeru Rainforest when you clear a Withering Zone a rainbow effect emmanates and revitalizes the affected area. Sadly it's locked behind the Graphics settings, but it's an amazing detail that truly shows how Light itself is Elemental Energy and thus, life.
  • @Zeke1460
    The rainbow serpent could references both aurstalian myth AND Quetzalcoatl/Kukulkan from the Aztecs and Mayans at the same time. Bc Quetzalcoatl was also a colorful flying serpent. And also possibly a dragon. Quetzalcoatl’s world in Aztec mythology had Quetz become the SUN during one of the cycles of creation/destruction. And the sun is the source of all light and life on earth. That includes in aztec myth, where the current sun was in charge of personally creating the “humans” of each cycle. So they could be going with a “Nibelung created life, the primoridal one just co-opted it and then said it was his own creation” type story here. Since Aztec culture was also cyclical, and Quetzalcoatl stopped being the sun after his cycle ended, it’s possible Nibelung also belongs to a similar cycle, being basically the dragon “Avatar” who has access to all the elements and respawns in another color when the current incarnation dies. Would Hoyo reference Avatar The Last Airbender? Yeah they would. They love references.
  • @idaard8
    Aboriginal Australian here, the dream time stories that have stuck out the most to me throughout my life do tend to include sleeping creatures and colours
  • @blueveil3277
    My theory for Natlan is that War has ended a long time ago and they're "continuing" it in form of... Sports. Healthy competition. So it is still a war in a way, but its just the Olympics (not the 1936 Olympics). I say this mostly based on the character designs and their movement skill(?). The hat on the rat looking geo girl, the beach tanned surfer hydro girl, the street wear of the Dendro guy... it all look like modern sports wear to me. Maybe some character will try to restore the old ways of Natlan and bring back war and that will be the villain for this arc.
  • @kolt1868
    The traveller also glows! Their ornament at least not any sort of tattoo
  • As an Aussie, I’d be super excited to get some representation in an area that isn’t entirely desert scrub or savanna. Australia has so many different biomes (rainforests up north, alpine tundra to the east, forests all about the edges, ect) but the stereotype is dessert so that’s all we get in media
  • @mangochip3752
    This probably doesn't lead anywhere but "colorful markings that light up when using/borrowing elemental powers" also specifically remind me of the Traveler and the parts of their clothes that light up in the color of the element they're currently using and white (light) when they have their original power
  • @colorlessguard
    SO excited for Natlan!! i’m hoping we’ll get a “Final Feast” equivalent trailer for the region soon so we can not only see more characters but also get some more clues as to what the upcoming story will be like! also i love how the livestream revealed a portion of the Natlan map lol this region is gonna be HUGE i just know it and i cannot wait to explore all of it 🙌
  • @neonseas
    The fact that the entire theme of this summer event is basically toys REALLY make me think of a conversation I had some time ago about how they are going to subvert war.... and it was brought up that in Mesoamerica historically there are a lot of games like Patolli, Bul, and Totoloque and a strong emphasis on sports like Tlachtli.... perhaps games and athletics are the "ritual" or "substitute" war that is taking place? playing games instead of fighting a wars seems like a reasonable subversion of war.... from a literal standpoint ofc, there still needs to be an abstract point like you were pointing out in the vid like fighting to stay with their Saurian partners. Because of this I looked again at the character designs and I feel like they're all vaguely sporty too, like the hydro girl surfing, the little one wearing a visor with a tied back ponytail and doing some sort of gymnastic flip into the lineup at the end, and both the little girl and the guy are wearing their outerwear shucked off and tucked at the waist like people do at pickup sports games. I dunno, I just think it's an interesting thing to think about. BTW Patolli on it's own is quite interesting because it is tied to an Aztec god of games Xōchipilli and involves numbers related to the Aztec view of the universe.
  • @bbysiea
    5:32 aussie here! it does sound like a digeridoo, i haven't seen many people talk about this so its nice to know that i'm not going insane. it's at the very beginning of the teaser if anybody wants to go look at it for themselves!
  • @kuekuatsu77
    I’m quite surprised no one has brought up the Mare Jivari, both in the video and in the comments. The Mare Jivari is a region presumably located in Natlan that is completely covered in ash. A piece of land where the winds don’t reach. A patch of land completely covered in ash could very quickly resemble a colourless space no? What if the Mare Jivari became the Mare Jivari because there was once a 7th tribe in Natlan that completely lost their connection to their dragon/saurian thereby leaving their patch of land burnt, dead, colourless and devoid of wind? When I saw those patches of no colour in Sumeru, I immediately thought of the Mare Jivari, so hearing all this talk about colour immediately made me think of that, but hey. That’s just my theory, A GAME… no, it’s too soon Mat :(
  • @AardvarkPaysOff
    5:21 There is a questionable amount of direct ties to Australia within both trailers that it seems pretty much confirmed to be true. In the first trailer you have animals that seem all to visually symbolic to Kangaroo's/Marsupials, Wombats, Komodo Dragons/Platypus and the overall landscape itself with its red earth. In the second trailer the graffiti, especially the colours and design of the shark that one water girl rode, seemed directly inspired by Aboriginal paintings. There was also the giant trees that seemed oddly identical (Albeit giant) to eucalyptus trees when the dendro guy jumped/gilded through the trees. Honestly I don't think there are any Australian content creators or a big enough voice to point out this stuff without being silince by the sheer number of voices, but hey might as well try. P.S. There is also symbology tying the Four Horsemen in Genshin somewhat if you work backwards with Nahida as Death, Neuvillette as the third, and highly likely someone from the nation of war representing War. $100 dolleray do's on the Tsaritsa being the 'White horse' so to speak.
  • @Boomdizzle99
    Im EXTREMELY hyped for natlan. I just love that no one has much info. The leakers never got any info that is tangible to spoil whats ahead and i think we shall soon see some sort of special trailer for natlan revealing ALL the characters and the harbingers in the region. Fingers crossed columbina is one of the characters. Dragons and the relationship with them will def be the main theme. I agree with that
  • You should look up flower wars. They were an Aztec ritual war, might be something similar in Natlan
  • @wabbledonkey
    Honestly I want to see how all that would play out. Like maybe the Pyro Dragon Sovereign is bitter sort of like Apep and feels as though humans dont deserve to live in community with saurians.
  • New Zealand is the one in the Ring of Fire, not Australia 😅 Which is why I've been pretty amused when people have been "why isn't Natlan grim?" New Zealand is one of the prettiest, greenest places in the world and there's volcanoes EVERYWHERE. Our biggest city has something like over 100 dormant volcanoes in it. Our bush is pretty jungle like but we don't have red desert areas. Now that's Australia right there. That said, the Tongariro National Park in New Zealand is such a weird looking place. It's where the main big volcanoes are in the centre of the island and it's beautiful. The big volcanoes are still active from time to time. Volcanic does not equal Elden Rings grim. Rant aside, I did note the didgeridoo and thought of Australia too. Some of the graffiti felt a bit like Aboriginal art. So I'm interested to see what Hoyoverse interprets of this area of the world...although the fact that they got New Zealand and Australia mixed up is funny. I didn't think they knew we existed because there's no server for Australia and there really should be, my ping is awful, we don't get merch and there's never any "global" events down this far south 😭 At least Australia gets a nod for Natlan. It'd be nice to see some New Zealand rep but I think most people in the Northern hemisphere think New Zealand and Australia are the same country 😅