1966 Batman: Ep. 31: Death in Slow Motion (family com.!)

Published 2016-02-28
I don't own this at all (duh). This is just me, my sis and our dad watching a show he hasn't seen since he was a kid with very poor camera quality :3 sorry. The camera on iPad doesn't zoom in at all. If there is a way...I'll probably find out someday.

What basically happens here is that Batman and Robin are called on to help catch the Riddler (again...this guy appears a LOT in season 1) along with his henchmen and typical random hench-woman. Turns out the Riddler has gotten into, what else, SILENT MOVIES. (yeah, totally didn't see that coming) and makes a point to film himself as he goes about robbing a movie theatre, a bakery and...spiking lemonade at a formal shindig with TemperTonic? (Oookay...) All the while secretly sticking around after every crime to film the Dinamic Duo in action when they come around to Clean up the mess.. (Someone's just discovered a weird hobby :/) To add insult to injury, Riddler uses the chaos of the tempered party to kidnap Robin, where he have a spoof of Perils of Pauline to worry about and AAAA!! CLIFFHANGER!!

All Comments (3)
  • @DustyOldMovies
    Thanks for filming and posting this!! I love Batman 1966! I actually just did a top five Penguin episodes video!!
  • @lyddiharvey
    Lol, you like Penguin? I honestly don't know what to think of him, besides the fact that I find his obsession with umbrellas hilarious. I only wish I had something better to record these things on :(.