Conlang Critic Episode Fourteen: Ido

Published 2017-04-08

All Comments (21)
  • You have got to be about the most superficial commentator on con-langues since the idiotic B. Gilson. Did I miss the one where you said which conlang you're fluent in and read at least three times a week and can read new books in every week of even one year or listen to radio shows in every week? New radio shows?
  • Hi, Esperanto representative here. We don't accept Anthony McCarthy and he is to be barred from all keyboard privileges.
  • @lipamanka
    So THIS is where the legendary Anthony McCarthy posted his legendary comment!
  • Imagine thinking being able to refer to nonbinary people is some kind of political agenda
  • @dukepuddingdale
    Seeing that pinned comment makes me feel like some sort of anthropologist or historian who finally found a lost primary source related to the topic of his life's work; just replace "life's work" with "baffling meme song."
  • @atruv2089
    Jan, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the beauty that is the Anthony McCarthy's comment section. It's been over an hour and I'm still reading it, truly the most entertaining hour I've ever had. Thank you.
  • @jaydub3733
    Having found the legendary comments between Mitch and Anthony, I find it simultaneously entertaining and disturbing that in 500+ comments, Anthony had little to say besides "toki pono or whatever isn't as similar to Esperanto as Esperanto is to Esperanto, ergo it's a bad cong-langue" and "I'm an old teacher and you silly-billies aren't learning anything in school these days but that's clearly not my fault as an educator because the young'uns simply don't know English" also phrenomenomonenomone
  • @cat_photo1973
    Anthony McCarthy, the one man you do not want to bump into in the comment sections.
  • @crimsonhawk52
    I did not expect to spend hours of my day today reading the beautiful shit storm that was the #NewRadioShows comment thread. Big thank you to the presumably late Anthony McCarthy. Life comes at you fast. Surprised no one ever mentioned (or maybe I just missed it) Tolkien's languages that spawned the LoTR. I always assumed he never intended anyone to speak any of the Elven languages.
  • @wirym3975
    "If you don't know what Esperanto is, please tell me how you found this video and why you're watching it..." My experience with Esperanto is "it's a conlang" and "i have a single friend who is fluent". I'm here, however, because a different friend linked me to your video "c" which, frankly, made me want to watch every video you uploaded, so after watching the seximal & base-neutral videoes I went near the bottom of your uploaded videoes to find the first "conlang critic" video, and now I'm here, just watching them in order. also, thank you for the bizarre pin. Again. I know everyone thanked you about it already, but it's great.
  • It's wild that people would whine about someone talking about nonbinary people or sexism in a conlang video, calling them "POLITICAL!!!!" Culture, history, and politics are all almost inseparably intertwined with language, and that includes conlangs. To make a wholly apolitical conlang video you would simply be talking about how a language feels with absolutely no context, which is boring in comparison considering context is the whole point of any langauge, conlang or otherwise.
  • @Luigicat11
    I just got done reading #NewRadioShows. It was great but unfortunately ended abruptly, presumably because its third season was woefully cut short, possibly due to the guy who played Anthony quitting and/or dying. It was a wild ride, but worth the read. I will definitely be archiving this page on the Wayback Machine so it can be preserved for posterity.
  • @ss9O
    I guest V0tgil is on the bottom forever.
  • @Skriak
    Thanks for not shying away from the sexism topic. Esperanto is of its time but it's definitely silly for a constructed language to inherit such a cultural problem.
  • @Flowtail
    AS AN ENBY I appreciate your constant acknowledgement of my existence, Jan :) This cloud of bees is pleased
  • that pannenkoak meme came straight out of nowhere, and i freaking love it
  • I came here to watch another episode of conlang critic and learn about a hobby which I don’t participate in but I actually read through a single comment thread for 90 minutes where it was 1 man vs the world
  • Might want to turn the music a tad bit down, I had difficulty hearing. Also first comment!
  • @tinibari456
    Is /ts/ a sound an English speaker can’t easily produce? I don’t think we have a single sound which represents it, but what about “cats”? The coda should at least approximate the sound, right?