How I Started My Channeling Journey...

Published 2022-10-12
Kyle Boyd and Leah Rush, founders of the #HeartCoherenceCollective, share the profound impact the messages from Lee's guides, the Z's, have had on them personally, and ask Lee to expand on his experience of first connecting with his guides, in this clip from their interview for The 100 Day Heart Coherence Challenge.

Want to connect with Lee and the Z's and go more deeply into your own wider-reaching spiritual connections? Join us for INITIATION 2022 - get all details here

All Comments (19)
  • Lee, I love that you've been teaching channeling. I just started doing it after watching your videos, and I've already noticed that it is effective for grounding and direction for the day. It's brought alot of my unconscious thoughts into awareness as well, and how chaotic the noisy mind can be. All in the search for the Soul's voice. You've made this so simple for me. Thank you.
  • @Mysticnic25
    I’m on a channeling journey also, I find it tricky to find support and people who understand or can help me Spirit embodies me as well as writing, hearing etc
  • @sooniemystic
    Exactly what I needed to start my day! Listening to experience of others supports me in my choice as nothing else 💜
  • I started channeling this week after watching your video. It's been profound! All the messages align with other messages I've received through numerology and card pulls and channeling from other reiki healers. I feel a new energy, a closer connection with my guides (I'm also dating everything I write down. I was concerned that one message might have been my ego voice, it's only been a few days, so I feel a bit confused to, tbh, it's quite overwhelming navigating this new connection. Just trust, right?!) 🙏❤️
  • @bitmor2628
    I talk to my oversoul all day, every day. The answers I get are in images, not words, but I completely understand the answers.
  • @leanna2721
    Oh my!! I had dreams about the static tv as a child! It was a nightmare though. I have now cleared myself of nightmares through lucid dreaming 💗💗
  • @CaseyClaar
    Oh I so enjoyed this! I really love hearing about how people started doing what they do. Thank you ( to you all ) for sharing.
  • You have be very careful when channeling or doing any kind of automatic writing. Carelessly inviting beings into your space is not recommended. As a psychic medium who has never had to deal with any kind of attacks I will say my life drastically changed in February. I too have been automatic writing for several years and have always went above and beyond protecting myself from lower energies/negative energies. I never thought in a while years that some thing that I’ve been going through for the last six months would be happening to me. It’s very easy to get caught up in automatic writing when you’re in the flow but you have to remember that unless you really are careful you can invite unwanted entities into your space and consciousness. Being aware is key and not being naïve thinking you’re invincible to lower density energies. My life has never been the same since April when a ET like figure in my backyard came out of nowhere and attacked me. I don’t know if you want to call it an attack I have it on film and have only showed it to a couple of people. I am still traumatized from that experience but doing better than I was. I am still searching for help to overcome this trauma. I am able now to go outside and be outside at night where before I could not do that. I have made peace with the experience I had in April and even though I don’t have the answers that I seek I’m OK with that. I’ve got lots of evidence on film and I am currently seeking someone that can help me figure out what exactly took place and if in anyway I was violated. I was standing barefoot in my backyard watering the flowers and all of a sudden my feet started burning terribly. It was about 55° outside and I’ve never felt this type of burning before in my life. As a psychic medium and animal communicator I’m able to see spirits and energies as well as animals who are crossed. I was filming my German Shepherd who passed last year. I had my recorder out on my phone and was recording him when all of a sudden for whatever reason I span down to my feet. That is not like me at all because while I was in the military I lost my toenail and hate my feet. I never ever record my feet. Thankfully I am so happy that I did however because if not I would’ve not captured what I did. This thing comes out of nowhere and comes right to my right foot and is holding some sort of device which looks to be some sort of flame coming out of the end. I was horrified when I watch the video and my life has been drastically different ever cents. Entities do exist negative energies do exist and even though we don’t welcome these into our lives I just want the world to know that they are there and you don’t have to welcome them to be present. I started getting attacked almost weekly soon after I had this experience outback. Attacked meaning demonic attack scratches deep deep scratches down my back will randomly appear I don’t have to be doing anything for it to happen. The last straw was two months ago when my eyes were attacked and I lost vision for a week. It was the most excruciating pain I’ve ever been in in my life more painful than childbirth. Thankfully I’ve recovered but I still don’t know why such things are happening to me. I don’t want to take the victim mindset approach to this more of the curiosity and through that I have learned what actually is out in my backyard. This curiosity has brought awareness and I’ve been able to capture things I never thought I would for instance like fairies. I never believed in fairies until I actually captured it on my phone. I have lots of videos and like I said I’ve only share them with a handful of people I hope to get the help that I need to perhaps move forward from all of this. I’m currently writing a book and sharing my story and my pictures with the world and hopes to bring awareness to what is out there that we are so unaware of. I’ve been a writer all my life and automatic writing is very therapeutic however I’m just here to insert my five cents in hopes that I can bring some awareness to others. It seems very Innocent all you’re doing is writing but it is not and can be very dark if you’re not consciously aware. Don’t ever say it can’t happen to you I used to think that way and I have been shown that in fact I am no one special.
  • Hello lee! Experience intèresante qui me ramènne a moi même!! Un tout lumineux merci lee!! Amour et lumière 💜
  • @Nadine-mc8dx
    Thank you for sharing.. I am trying to channel, et's or Angels.. 💜💓💜
  • Before channeling do your Aura protection decree, this way you dont get lost souls taking advantage of a open door.
  • @eprohoda
    LeeHarrisEnergy!How you doing?-Like, really perfect done,
  • When I invite in my higher self or spirit I feel strong pressure around my head and down my throat. Is this the beginning?
  • I want to do this to contact my recently deseased i have to call his full name in first? Im telepathic so i know i will probably be able to channel