Kill Team in 30! Guard vs Orks. The Octarius War 40k

Published 2022-09-15
The new season of Kill Team is here. Nick and James see who can take home the prize generously donated by our Kill Team season sponsor, Army Painter. They provided us with the supplies we used to get our models camera ready. They have a wide range of accessible products for beginner and experienced painters. Follow this link to their website

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Warhammer 40k Kill team!


All Comments (21)
  • Can this please be a weekly thing. KT is fun and waaaaay more affordable than 40k proper.
  • @DaMrMerloc
    As someone that is just getting into Warhammer 40k because of kill team . I am so happy that my favorite Warhammer channel is finally giving it a go. Cannot wait to see what they think about the new box that just came out.
  • Tonite on POT Gear: James shines his head to blind the audience, Nick's lack of crisis suits sends him into a crisis and JT, Tak and Steve fuse their forms together in what can only be described as ''unspeakable''
  • @Smilomaniac
    James doing his sneaky smile before the 'WAAAGH' reminded me a lot of Gowron. Same energy.
  • 9:08 - the plasma gunner was more than circle beyond the heavy cover (the oil rig) between him and the rocket boy, and should not have been available as a target due to being obscured. LoS is a tricky rule to get around to start with, but it makes sense in no time. Glad to see some Kill Team content on the channel though, keep it coming! :D
  • 6:00 I believe you can fight in conceal, just not charge, which is what makes the Orcs charge in conceal so good.
  • @Tyresiax
    This is the Kill Team content the people wanted and needed !
  • @reptyler123
    Next game don't forget the wounded penalty's to movement WS and BS when a operative is below half hit points. Love that you guys finally got around to the new Kill Team, its such a great game, and extremely brutal damage output. Keep up the good work!
  • @WeOnlyEatSoup
    Finally some kill team! Easily the best way to play in the 40k universe
  • Great game! I've been waiting for it for a long time. However, I see a lot of mistakes here. It's one of your first games, isn't it? Some notes: - At the start of the game, you give Orders to operatives right after you deploy them, not after both players finished deploying. I.e. the Attacker will see the Defender's Orders. - I see you skipped Equipment, Tac Ops, Barricades, and Scouting steps. These are pretty important for the game, though I can see wanting to keep first games simpler. Keep them in mind in the future though, it adds a lot of fun to the game! - On the first turn, I'm pretty sure Plasma would be Obscured from Rokkit since the oil pump in the middle is heavy and is right between them. The same goes for Vet Sniper shooting into Rokkit. It's a bit complicated mechanic, but important for the game balance. - You have mistaken how AP works in Kill Team. Unlike in 40k, here AP reduces Defense (i.e. how many dice you throw for saves), not the save characteristic. Ork Nob in the end would still save at his 4+, but throw only 2 dice. - And a bonus point. I can't tell from the game whether you know it or not, but it's a common point to miss, so I'll throw it here just in case. Vantage Point only cancels Conceal if the target is behind Light terrain; if it gets Cover from Heavy terrain, you still can't shoot it. But overall, I really liked this game. Can't wait for more!
  • @saucysam4
    I've been waiting for this since the start of the new edition!
  • One thing I love about the channel is how the distance shots really show we don’t need top tier display level paint jobs for a army or kill team to look amazing. Speed paint/contrast jobs or dipped/dry brushed paint jobs still show off.
  • @BishopHavel
    Loving the return to Kill Team! A small thing though, models in conceal can still fight, despite not being able to charge. So if a concealed model is charged, they're still able to fight on their activation (assuming they weren't killed). The core book specifies fighting can only be done in engagement range, it does not say a model has to be in the engage order to do so (as it specifies with shooting).
  • Man, this was SO great!! I’ve always loved GW’s skirmish games more than their full war games. I was a little sad Kill Team Challenger was no more, but this is just as great. Amazing job, team!! Hope this is as regular as the 40k in 40 minutes series!
  • Mortal wounds on the sniper rifles happen immediately, those sixs push through their mortal wounds to the targets before saves even happen. It makes snipers extremely dangerous if they roll well. "In Death, Atonement," it's a great tactical ploy to use on your guys that haven't activated, especially if they have some untapped punch. If your plasma gunner gets dakka'd down before he gets a chance to take his activation, use that stratagem. Take your plasma gun stand him back up, over charge him and blast something. He goes down after his activation still but at least you get some use out of it and it really makes your opponent respect your guys a bit more. Ideally you down someone before they go, but if you do that, they get a chance to take their turn. Using it to take or activate an objective, plant a banner, and or shoot something is incredibly valuable especially as they don't count as injured for it. Also, I strongly recommend bringing your spotter, his mortar barrage is silent and can do a boat load of damage, it's a free asset to bring and you can keep him in conceal the entire time. Put him high up on a vantage point in conceal and you can bomb stuff the entire game hitting any opportunistic groups. This is particularly good on the first round if your opponent is playing cagey, it can force them to split their forces or suffer the steel rain. Additionally, you can pair up your spotter with your sniper, and the spotter can activate your sniper and treat an enemy model of your choice as having an engage order allowing you to snipe them off. It can really catch someone off guard when their supposedly concealed leader gets capped.
  • @pointynoodle
    Seriously the editing, sound mixing, photography, it's SO fucking impressive
  • Glad you're doing this, KT is my fav GW game right now so I'll take as many of these as I can get!
  • @orshenoble
    This has to be my favorite batrep you have done on the channel yet. I love Kill Team more than any other tabletop game and you guys did it such incredible justice.
  • Guys, this is great. Love to see your killer production quality tackling Kill Team, it’s a great game and I’m excited to see where you guys take this. Hope you’re having fun playing it!
  • @ripdot1904
    Really cool video!!! Would love to see you guys do more of this in the future. Anton already pointed out a lot of corrections, but there are a few more that I noticed. 12:22 Comms Boy can only give the extra APL to a model that is visible to him, so he couldn't have given it to that model from behind that wall. 19:28 All models can perform a fight action while concealed, not just the Orks. It usually doesn't come up because most armies need an Engage order to charge, but it's really helpful because if you're already in engagement range you can have your model with a conceal order kill the enemy it was already engaged with, and then stay concealed behind the cover it moves behind. 23:52 The Veteran Guardsman Tactical Assets specify that you use them "when you would activate a ready friendly operative" meaning that you need to have at least one veteran that hasn't been activated in order to use it. Nick couldn't have used the airstrike normally because he was out of activations, and he also couldn't have used it to overwatch. You guys have already been getting a lot of corrections, so I'm sorry if it's starting to seem like dogpiling. Kill Team has a lot of little finnicky rules, and it's really easy to get tripped up if you're not looking for them. I hope this doesn't discourage you all from making more Kill Team content in future, because the production value you guys have is phenomenal and it's so much fun to watch you all play