GNU Negotiations | Steenhuisen, Ramaphosa to meet again for talks: Mzwandile Mbeje

Published 2024-06-28
DA leader John Steenhuisen is expected to meet with President Cyril Ramaphosa this afternoon .

This comes after the DA's Federal Executive met last night over talks ahead of the formation of the seventh administration.

This took place amid seemingly no progress towards the Government of National Unity (GNU) process, amid disputes over cabinet posts.

Negotiations saw the DA receive an offer of six Ministerial portfolios, however, it appears that a disagreement emerged between the two parties over the Trade and Industry portfolio.

A scathing letter to Steenhuisen, penned by President Cyril Ramaphosa, revealed that these demands would not be acceded to.

Meanwhile, the nation continues to look on in anticipation of the President's announcement of his executive. This is a developing story.

For more on this by SABC News Political Editor Mzwandile Mbeje.

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All Comments (21)
  • It would be wonderful if Ramaphosa could for once honour his word. We need him to be more honest and transparent. This is not about white or black. This is about the people of South Africa. It is about time the politicians start forgetting about what they can get out of the deal a d think what is best for our country. Why are they making it a racial thing now?
  • So the ANC still want to cling to power, they are not willing to consider things that will benefit the citizens of SA? So much for listening to the vote of the people then?
  • @cheznone9296
    This fiasco is sickening. Why can’t DA & ANC have a minister of T&I and a deputy that way it gives them both a share in one portfolio. Therefore no secrecy which this unreal debacle is playing out.
  • The DA must not compromise. They must get their fair share of cabinet posts. The ANC is negotiating in bad faith.
  • this anc is taking us for fools. they have sold us out already but delaying it playing games
  • the ANC is praying that the DA will walk away.. it will leave the ANC in a position where they continue to steal unabatedly for another 5 yearsbecause all the other parties are only there to loot and steal , meaning they will allow the ANC to trot along happily for another 5 years.
  • Be patient, the cabinet will be announced soon. Other countries with coalitions of this type, took months to conclude multiparty negotiations. So SA, is only plus three weeks in these talks, before a cabinet is formed and announced. Be patient and don't throw shade.❤
  • well if the gnu dissolves remember that Ramaphosa himself is not guaranteed to be president if the other 51% of of other parties decide well you know what- just lets move on and appoint xyz as President (if MK deals comes in Ramposer goes clear as day) the only way he stays is with DA and both ANC and DA know this - that is the pointy end of the stick finish and klaar the rest os all BS we don't actually need a single cabinet minister even if it takes 2 years to appoint one the DG's are actually the people that implement and could report directly to president so cabinet ministers are technically not even needed
  • Ramaphosa is DA under ANC cover and unfortunately it's late for all these losers who will never win again
  • If before a wedding ceremony a couple is fighting already, what will life looks like in years to come?
  • The electorate gave this government a clear mandate. Representation in cabinet should be proportional to the number of NA seats in the GNU. Power must be shared equitably. Anything else would be undermining the people's will
  • If you use the national election results (%), then DA would get 6 ministers. But under proportional representation you must add up the numbers (votes) of the GNU members to arrive at a new %....then calculate the ministers based on that, and that new % gives DA = 9 ministers. Calculate it and see.
  • @lebotab22
    No, no, no, Mzwandi and Nompu, the DA won't work away, they signed and agreement with the ANC and i don't think that President have powers to work alone without the DA, he need DA and other parties to form GNU, here we are talking about Power sharing not the majority rules, and no party has won the majority power.
  • Or maybe if the DA walks away the whole goverment must be dissolved.
  • They should give all the positions to the DA, then this Country will go forward