Hero Talents RANKED: The Best & Worst (TWW Beta)


コメント (21)
  • @ricof8557
    Good vid but i would suggest using youtube chapter feature. That would be great :) makes things more easy for ppl that look for infos to a specific class/spec/herotalent 😊
  • @ReyRey277
    I thought the whole point of hero talents is to lean into specific "fantasies"... They certainly knock it out the park with some specs... but some of them might as well Just be in the regular tree.
  • @sl3498
    I dont play hunter, but i think a good change would be to buff your pet and give it a visual. so hunters would put some more thought into their pet selection if they transformed in different ways. Also boomie shouldnt spawn trees, they should spawn little moonkins that fire moonfire spells that absolutely nuke.
  • @Kaypers
    Just fyi on pack leader: not only is it absolutely horrible aesthetically, half the tree is horribly bugged and doesn’t work lol
  • @mmaric700
    ty for this video , all in one video and a short one , like it alot! very informative
  • I still hate that people think BM hunter should be about summoning loads of pets, the point of a beast master was always having an insanely strong pet not swamping the field with weak pets, leave that to demonology warlock imp summoning. What BM hunter needed was for duel pet to become optional on the side but not integral to the spec and the focus to be on the pet getting more skills / damage / utility, have the hero talent tree for it be more like the old pet talent tree with abilities / buffs that work with / replace parts of the pets tool kit.
  • I agree with all of these. The warlock, mage and priest (clothies!) Are my top 3 contenders. If dracthyr were not stuck in their draconic form i would like them so much more.
  • @dotftw1
    I am a warlock player and also more than happy with the diabolist tree, though one thing i should point out; The demons coming out from the hero talent only buffs/change some of your spells but dont change anytthing rotational wise.
  • as a rogue main, i totally agree. Every spec feels like unfinished and underwhelming.... nothing is going on, not a single exiting button to press, no visuals
  • @bokii12
    How can I upgrade the beta characters to lv 80? Do I have to lvl them up on my own or is there an instant upgrade? Thanks
  • Some of these hero talents are so tame, it's like they were designed on napkins. At an airport. Wildstalker should be a Guardian-Resto combo, where popping out vines has little to do with the Feral tree.
  • @Sly_404
    As a rogue main I have a suspicion in which category its hero specs will end up. 😭
  • Any insights on Dark Ranger? I know you said hunters got shafted (lol) in general, but I haven't seen much anywhere on the Dark Ranger.
  • Dk and arcane mage got insane love Afflock and monks too Surprised they did not get mentionned (for healers prevo feels insane and almost all feel good)
  • Treants for boomy should cast insect swarm and it should increase the damage of your dots or something
  • wich race is your lock? Mine is undead, and im thinking to level an orc quickly before TWW releases, it keeps haunting my mind lol