10 Incredible Things About Babylon 5

Published 2021-02-15
In the annals of science fiction TV, there is a short list of series that always get mentioned: Star Trek, The X-Files, and of course, The Twilight Zone.

But there is one series that ran for five years in the late 1990s that is deserving of an honoured place on that list. It is frequently forgotten because, until recently, no major streaming venue carried the series. But now that it is being seen by a new generation of science fiction fans, it will hopefully receive the renewed appreciation it deserves.

So let’s talk about 10 Incredible Things About Babylon 5.

This list was scripted by the amazing @ckvanderkaay you can find him and more of his work over on the Twitter!

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All Comments (21)
  • @eurogryphon
    Regarding the CGI, not only was it groundbreaking, it was done entirely with a series of 24 Commodore Amiga desktop computers instead of using a supercomputer.
  • @milanondrak5564
    Babylon 5, the show that dared to make the aliens technology different from each other unlike so many other scifi shows.
  • @Leahey1
    One of my favourite things about B5 was that it felt like an ancient, lived in galaxy. In Star Trek most of the races always seemed to be at a similar level of technological development, but in B5 you had young, old and ancient races. The Minbari were space faring 1000 years before humans and almost wiped us out in the Earth-Minbari war, and the Vorlons and Shadows were so old they were the literal 'angels' and 'demons' from other races myths and religions.
  • @jeffmontray88
    Thank you all for the kind words about B5. I was an animator/effects artist/supervisor and got to blow up space ships on the show (and other things) for seasons 4 and 5. It was some of the most fun I had in my life.
  • @decam5329
    One of the best TV shows ever. You don't even have to mention it's sci-fi.
  • @Snapper314
    J Michael Straczynski said that he came up with the entire story arch of Babylon 5 in "one moment of perfect clarity". He then spend several months fleshing out all of the details. It was and will always be one of my Favorite shows.
  • @TheSnowwraith
    No other sci-fi TV series evokes a passion in me than B5. Roughly every 5 years I take out the full box and rewatch the episodes. I'm pleased that this time I can watch it in the remastered 1080 version. 2021 had a good start.
  • @Patman-cr3tu
    "Dedicated to all the people who predicted that the Babylon Project would fail in its mission. Faith manages." I will always remember this Quote at the end of one of the episodes that was a jab at TV Guide
  • B5 had some of the best writing and acting ever, in a series that many disregard due to older effects-- folks are missing out. G'kar's speech about freedom in the Council after the fall of Narn is one of the best moments for me in any show or movie ever. RIP Andreas Katsulas.
  • Some of the things I like about B5. People have pockets, people go to the bathroom, people spend and worry about money. In other words its a Real World.
  • @Solitaire1
    God I love that show. And I will honestly admit that I could barely see the screen through the tears when Sheridan vanished in the flash of light and B5 itself was destroyed. So many awesome storylines. So many awesome performances. An accessible awesome creator as I was a follower on the Usenet newsgroup and conversed with him on occasion. Proud owner of every DVD released of the series, even with the awful butchering of season one's widescreen conversion. And very very glad to see that the show is available again to new generations in a restored form. The B5 universe will hopefully continue to grow someday as more people discover it again. As for the loss of so many of its cast too young: "Toast. To absent friends, in memory... still bright." – Sheridan
  • @ThomasFrieden
    Thanks for making this video. If there ever was a series I wish I could forget so I could experience it again, it's this one.
  • @johnpatz8395
    The internet newsgroup, and the website, The Lurkers Guide to Babylon 5, were awesome back then, as were their communities. I’ll never forget that I couldn’t watch Severed Dreams as it first aired, and my VCR glitched out and didn’t record it, but thankfully when I mentioned this online, a member of the B5 community online express shipped me a VHS tape containing the episode, so I was able to watch it a couple days late.
  • @zero_chevalier
    Woah! Did not know that JMS showed up in Thor! That's a cool tidbit.
  • Everything about this show was epic: the story, the characters, the space battles are all top notch and they are what makes this series stand up to anything that has come along since.
  • I think you missed out on an interesting fact about it. Deep Space Nine wouldn't've happened had Micheal not pitched B5 to Paramount. And even her rip-off was great!
  • Correction: Franke's music was recorded with an orchestra - Berlin Symphonic Film Orchestra
  • @TheAdorkableRJ
    I am beyond delighted that we're getting a new animated movie this year, Babylon 5: The Road Home. Even after all these years and even with other sci-fi franchises overshadowing it, the Babylon 5 love still endures.
  • @johnnemesh5459
    I was one of those who used the usenet newsgroups! It was GREAT! I actually talked with JMS twice and got responses! Even AFTER he worked 10-12 hours on the set and another 2-5 writing, he would still take time out of his day for his fans. Simply amazing!
  • @johnnemesh5459
    Fun fact about the CGI animation: When the show was broadcast starting in the early nineties, high definition was just a pipe dream and we were limited to just 480i resolution on TV. That "i" stands for interlaced. Each frame of picture was comprised of 240 alternating lines. USUALLY, those lines would be of the same image...BUT the animators realized they could take advantage of the format and rendered at 60 FIELDS per second. This meant that the animation looked INCREDIBLY fluid and detailed during the original broadcast on our old CRT sets...but it also meant that when it came to DVD, the rendering method did NOT translate well and resulted in the blurry mess we got previous to the new remasters...even there, it's not the same look and feel as what we originally got. The best solution would be to completely re-render the scenes, but unfortunately, the data files weren't saved and were lost almost completely. Additional fun fact: Because the original data was lost, when JMS went to create "The Lost Tales", he didn't have some of the starship models he needed. He turned to the fan community online and the fans helped him with fan created, show accurate models, which he then used in the movie.