Boxing Anime & Being Your Best Self | Ashita no Joe Segment

Published 2024-01-06
Speaking from the heart

If you are seeing this video because I tweeted out the link or it’s now appeared in your subbox randomly let me reiterate that this is still incomplete. Not only is it only the second half of this video but it is also missing a lot of the music, audio balance and some visuals compared to the final version. The first half of the video which hasn’t been made yet will be on mostly Ippo with bits of Rocky, Creed and real life boxing like my hero Marvelous Marvin Hagler. Hope you enjoy this because I don’t know when the full version will be done. I rewatched it’s today and got really emotional about it because this video means a lot to me and rewatching it has become a form of therapy for me to help reassure myself when I am filled with self doubt. It helps remind me of something important and that needs to be heard even if the me rewatching it currently doesn’t believe it. So I’m tired of waiting to share it thus here is a taste of the first video I’ve felt truly proud of

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End cards done by:    / @robingrundy7807  

All Comments (21)
  • @Cvit
    If you are seeing this video because I tweeted out the link or it’s now appeared in your subbox randomly let me reiterate that this is still incomplete. Not only is it only the second half of this video but it is also missing a lot of the music, audio balance and some visuals compared to the final version. The first half of the video which hasn’t been made yet will be on mostly Ippo with bits of Rocky, Creed and real life boxing like my hero Marvelous Marvin Hagler. Hope you enjoy this because I don’t know when the full version will be done. I rewatched it’s today and got really emotional about it because this video means a lot to me and rewatching it has become a form of therapy for me to help reassure myself when I am filled with self doubt. It helps remind me of something important and that needs to be heard even if the me rewatching it currently doesn’t believe it. So I’m tired of waiting to share it thus here is a taste of the first video I’ve felt truly proud of And to the people who are saying I am one of their top YouTubers or that they admire/look up to me. Please get better role models, thank you
  • @SchnozMeister
    The part about perfectionism got me. Pursuing it is grueling, ignoring it leaves you dissatisfied, and thinking you achieved it in the moment- only to realize later that you didn't, just leaves you with eternal frustration. It's such a weird paradox; perfectionism drives you harder than anything, but it's also the main thing that holds you back. Damned if you do, damned if you don't type beat fr
  • @nightdragonx123
    Your monolog brought some tears to my eyes Cvit. Keep going and doing you. That monolog is how you actually inspire those who are lost
  • @kikiloa2986
    Fear is the mind killer. To face fear head on, instead of running away. Is a sign of courage, and the resolve to keep moving forward.
  • @y_magaming9798
    I spent most of my twenties chasing perfection of various styles of martial arts. Growing up i was weak and bullied a lot. When i was 13 i saw the show fight quest then i met a friend who did kyokushin karate. I started with him. Then my best friend came into my life a japan trained judo black marine. That man changed me through the grueling hellfire of training. All of my insecurities came to the forefront. I started fighting again but not to defend myself like when i was little. I grew in a small drug and alchohol riddled town on the reservation so fights were everywhere. I graduated Highschool i only got worst. Ibdid this for about a year until just around my 19th birthday. I got into a car accident. I couldn't train for almost two years. I couldn't stop thinking about training. I went to a couple judo classes but had to leave due to vertigo and balance loss. I started drinking, i always smoked weed, i stated hard drugs. I spent the next couple years as a collector. Then one day i just stopped. Completely sober for like three years. But i became depressed. Around 25 i started training tkd and karate again. Moved back to my hometown. Started fighting randos again. Picked up judo, muay thai, bajiquan, xing yi quan, katori shinto ryu, yagyu shinkage ryu, okinawan karate. Trained like hell until covid. Trained for the first year of covid and just stopped. Got a desk job and now fat as hell. But now im getting ready to start training again.
  • @supaman61900
    I mean this with no hyperbole when I say this is easily one of the best videos I've seen and moved me to my core. As someone struggling with the insecurities of getting into art yet seeing people ages 16 to 18 do things that my 29 year old self can only dream of, this video means alot to me. Getting into art has been nothing short of soul crushing, I spends hours at a time struggling to draw something a child would even laugh at and choke on my bitter tears often. "Should I even try?" "Maybe I'm too old?" "What's the point?" "Pick an easier hobby." These thoughts weigh on my heart whenever I try to draw. I have given up on game design, on being an animator, on being a pro in strongman, mostly because I was groping for some goal. Now that I have that goal, it feels so unattainable, like I've been wasting my time and missed my shot. This video sparked a creative fire in me and arrived in my darkest hour to push me forward and I can't articulate how thankful I am for you making this.
  • @killerqueen8264
    I am a boxer in my country and all my life I've wanted this I know how it is I know how corrupt the sport is and all but this is everything I've ever known and hopefully someday those of you who read this will see me fight in the big leagues because no matter if I die poor on the street I will give it my all to be a legend in my sport and the thought of dying in the ring has always been a comforting one I don't know how to explain but because ashita no joe gave me hope I have the power to believe that one day I too can become someone and fight for a tomorrow that doesn't really exist thanks for reading all this from the future middleweight champion of the world
  • @extrashoddy
    I caught a glimpse of this segment on twitter a month or so ago, and it's probably my favorite video you've made, even incomplete. It's not easy to make entertaining work on this platform, but it's so much harder to make something heartfelt. This is something truly heartfelt. Please keep making stuff for this platform.
  • @Joe-mp5sd
    There is such syndrome called “ashita no joe syndrome” which makes some people stoic and focused on some matters in their lives, some worked for better results and the other worked for the worst. Ashito no Joe influenced a lot of young people and they went completely extreme left, namely socialist / communist sympathizers and joined red army and went full terrorists in Japan, hijacking airplanes and did terrorist attack in Tel Aviv in Israel. The most of young people were inspired to work hard in sports and academia and made Japan grow at that time with positive aspects of ashita no Joe. It still inspires Japanese people today and many in the world to keep on asking what the purpose of life means and what sacrifices one can make to make life worthy. Joe made all the efforts to archive his goal in life with burning desire in him which has burnt his life to white ashes in the end.
  • I can't wait for the full video to come out. This is absolutely amazing and I think it's easily one of the best videos you've ever done
  • @firelink10
    I turned 30 last year and I've been trying hard to reconnect with the things I gave up on, this video could not have come at a better time to motivate me. I've been a longtime fan, but never articulated my appreciation for your work so I'll do it here. It takes a lot of courage to put your work out there and its natural stress about every little detail but I'm still grateful that you put them out there regardless. Don't forget to also take care of yourself, okay? Thank you for all of the excellent videos, they're always a joy.
  • @TemplarTrejore
    You were able to perfectly articulate Joe's obsession and how much it can electrify a viewer into pushing their dreams into reality. I would not have been able to word it any better than you.
  • @Liquid_Ivan
    Hello, I coincidentally just finished watching Ashita no Joe right when you released this video. I was saving it for after I watched the final episode, which I just did. As a genuine admirer and fan of your work ever since I discovered your channel through KBash's, I must state how inspired I feel hearing you talk about how Joe's struggles managed to fuel the flame of passion within you and animate you with the purpose to perfect your magnum opus. Your content is my absolute jam, and your dedication to cover niche PS2 action titles amongst other things always shines through, as the videos themselves are brimming with love, care and passion for video games, as well as for the process of writing and making content. It must be heartbreaking to see the stuff you pour the most soul into do the least numbers, time after time, but as you stated, it isn't something I, as a non-creator, can really understand. What I can absolutely recognize however is the amount of effort and energy you spend to make stuff you feel is worthwhile the absolute best it can be, and I am always delighted to be there for it, every time. The fact that the internet provides us with a place to share and talk about this stuff is nothing short of a miracle, and I am oh so grateful that creators such as you stay dedicated to excellence regardless of the toll on your personal life. Though I have always resonated with portrayals of struggle such as Berserk's, I must admit that Joe has touched my soul in a way no other form of artistic expression ever has before, and has lit a strong flame of passion within me to get stronger and stop being a victim of the internalized fears and emotional shackles in my life. No longer shall I be a slave to anything or anyone. No longer will fear and lack of courage empede on my freedom to seek the wonderful things the world and its people have to offer. This is it. We're all in. There's no turning back, If we were to back off and run away, weeping and wishing for things to be easier, we might as well lay down in a coffin already, for there is no other path to purpose and fulfillment than that of struggle. I strongly resonate with the way Joe's path has influenced you, and strongly relate to your dedication to making the absolute best you can regardless of the consequences. I genuinely feel that expression fueled by this all-in inner fire of passion is the single most beautiful thing humanity has to offer, regardless of the shape it takes. The will to fight, the will to struggle until the bitter end to give your life meaning and purpose and the absolute commitment to 100% full-throttle living through the pain and hardships is what I believe to be the true meaning of life, and our inherent purpose as human beings, and it feels deeply envigorating to see others embrace the hardships to reach their goals. I wish you the best for your future projects, Cvit, and am looking forward to the release of the full video. Never quit, never give up For Carlos, For Rikiishi.
  • @ice1638
    Man, this video hypnotized me into watching it fully. I can't tell you enough how i relate to this video man, thank you for this. I will use this always to motivate me
  • @playmaker7910
    Perfectly well put. As someone who pursued a career of a professional athlete and was forced to quit due to injury (not by choice I was literally banned from competing anymore) Ashita no joe perfectly captures the pursuit of self destruction competing for something gives you. "To eat food you have to take it out of someone elses mouth." Was something my coach told me that stuck with me. When youre in the grind though trenches the world makes more sense and is simpler you forget about problems of society the obbssesion with looks, the increased worship of beta males, the fact that most peoples lives have gotten worse since 2020 and that people are scared and broke more then they have ever been. For all of those hours practicing the world disappears and things make sense and life felt good and I wouldnt trade that passion and fire for anything because at least all the people out their destroying themselves are trying to make their life better. Even if they dont succeed at least they tried and thats worth something.
  • @JudgementNutter
    Definitely relate to that "being too hard on yourself and giving up too fast on everything I attempt" part of the video. If the Ippo part is even half as good as this, these might be some of your best work. Hope you find what you're looking for this year. Keep moving forward.
  • @erdidalkilic6006
    Thats the reason i'm a subscriber of ur vids.... Brought a tear to my eyes... As someone born in the late 80s, who feels the weight of life and wantin to give up every once in a while... Let me tell you this.. Life is not fair, it was never fair, but gets worse from year to year.. no matter if u end up in a 9-5 job, making your boss the money while u life off scraps, or make videos, or even if u like your job.. there's no easy way, struggling is not sometimes, but always the thing we need to make u feel that u still life.. no matter how hard life hits you, YOU CAN AND ALWAYS MUST GET BACK UP.. THE STRUGGLE AND WANTING TO ACHIEVE OUR PASSION KEEPS US GOING. DONT LET LIFE WEIGHT YOU DOWN.... Really appreciate your hard work. Keep chasing your dream, some day life may award you. and if not, u at tleast didnt go down withouht fighting, and spend your life pursuing happiness... much love and best regards..
  • @outter2
    This segment has gotten me to watch ashita no joe, and i absolutely love it! It's absolutely beautiful, and i can not believe i have never heard of this anime before.
  • Genuinely, one of the most beautiful YouTube videos I’ve ever seen… amazing work