The Environmental Effects of Climate Change On Our Planet | Breakthrough

Published 2024-06-29
Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing our planet today, with impacts felt across every continent. Scientists are racing against time to find solutions that can mitigate these effects and protect our future. What are the latest discoveries in the fight against climate change? How are innovative technologies and global efforts coming together to tackle this crisis? Find out in this compelling exploration of the planet's most urgent challenge.

Watch the full documentary:
Breakthrough, Climate Crisis

The real impact of global warming is now being felt in communities around the world. Climate scientists explain what to expect where you live, and what steps might still be taken to reverse the climate crisis.

#CuriosityStream #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming

All Comments (21)
  • @MyLoganTreks
    VOTE for Politicians who aren't corruptable by big oil. Facts are for every degree warmer, the atmosphere holds 7% more moisture, and the more common atmospheric rivers we are experiencing.
  • @bill8985
    Don't forget to mention Eunice Foote - who discovered CO2 atmospheric warming earlier that Tyndall by three years. But she was a girl and back then, boys ruled.
  • @mayatara1980
    The local climate predictions might change entirely if the AMOC stops. Then the northern hemisphere will more likely plunge into an ice age. Both warm or cold scenarios are terrifying and both can happen sequentially. Every life form will be slowly adapting to the warming and then will be hit by freezing cold. It's a possibility looking more likely by the day. We don't know for sure what will hapoen, but dramatic changes will happen one way or another and no one is able to adapt to such rapid dramatic changes, especially not the plants and animals and ecosystems we depend on for surviving.
  • Unhappy anniversary "During heat waves, Lytton is often the hottest spot in Canada despite its location north of 50°N in latitude. In three consecutive days of June 2021, it broke the all-time record for Canada's highest temperature, ending at 49.6 °C (121.3 °F) on June 29. This is the highest temperature ever recorded north of 45°N and higher than the all-time records for Europe and South America. The next day (June 30), a wildfire swept through the valley, destroying the majority of the town."
  • Excellent graphics and well written content. Crystal in Canada 🇨🇦
  • @Me97202
    We were warned. We did nothing. We deserve this.
  • @MunnyMunroe
    I kinda like global warming. Not one day of 30 degree weather in the west of Canada yet where I live, farmers have had to irrigate barely because of the rain. Soil conditions are crazy good right now. Harvests have been better each year for the past 10 years according to farmers. Moisture has been the same after every El Niño event here. Just love it
  • This is 5 years old. It is now 2024. Don't be fooled by upload date.
  • @raphlvlogs271
    once again it is neither the strongest nor the most intelligent that will survive it is those that can adapt
  • @mrhappy4521
    Drive everywhere! It’s the race to extinction!
  • Em poucos anos o recomeço vai começar sem parar. E vão precisar pensar muito antes . Não pode ter erros biosistêmicos nas tecnologias . O planejamento estratégico tem que ser exato. E a execução de obras precisa ocorrer sem falhas . Não é uma tarefa para fazer "remendos ou quebra galhos" ( obras que dao defeitos e problemas ) . Vão precisar desmanchar cidades aos poucos e fazer outro tipo de infra estrutura de cidades. E depois construir nelas para morar. Acabar com a " encrenca " ( problemas da Terra ) no jogo da bola.
  • Why still there is only 432 likes so selfish human being shows human itself no interest to stop climate change
  • The pot on the hob is the planet, the water in the pot, that is getting hotter and hotter is the climate crisis, and all those frogs, sitting in that slowly boiling water? That's humanity! The last year they quoted was 2019 though, so how old is this video?!
  • @micklee7018
    You haven't seen anything yet. Our poles are on the move and the magnetosphere is weakening rapidly. The sun is accumalating dust from the galactic spiral arm which will cause it to micronova maybe in the 2030s or 40s. All a part of the 12000 year disaster cycle. We have the jovians just starting there alignment culminating in September giving our solar system a second toroidal magnetic field this leaves us in front of the sun with all the other planets behind us. We have mass movement of fighting age males out of Africa. Mass immigration into Europe and North America. The Bricks nations are getting stronger everyday and their currancy is back by gold. Western countries are likely to see hyper inflation. The above is just the tip of a extremely corrupt iceberg We live in a very dangerous world. Buckle up buttercups it going to get very rough very soon.
  • @raphlvlogs271
    global issues and trends will always be affecting different parts of the world differently
  • "This is the fastest climate change in earth history." (IPCC 2019 Special Report) Events like these usually leads to mass extinction -> more than 75% of all species go extinct. The big mammal human might be an exception. Our tech like AC and nukes probably helps us out.