MSDW, World Trade Center 12-31-1999

Published 2023-07-09
Short video I took while working at MSDW Morgan Stanley Dean Witter in Dec, 1999. The office was located on the 72nd floor of the second tower (WTC2).

The last clip was in the World Trade Center Mall where all the shops are located.

All Comments (21)
  • @user-nb8fr8gn3l
    This footage was shot in the 72nd floor. For those unaware, that’s only 5 floors below the impact zone.
  • It's still hard to imagine how all of that furniture, light fixtures, computers, toilets, refrigerators, let alone the actual victims all were pulverized into dust. Just from the intense force of that collapse. Unimaginable. Being alive when it happened, try explaining that to someone that wasn't around in 2001. Seeing this video just puts into perspective how much we lost that day. Multiply this office view 220 times, 110 floors per tower. All gone in 12 seconds.
  • @davewinst1
    This footage gets across the fact that those who died weren’t just a number but normal, beautiful people going about their everyday lives. We owe it to them to never forget them for the rest of our days on this earth.
  • @YokozunaNumber1
    For those who weren't around at the time, the pre'-9/11 "Y2K Aesthetic" (1996-2001) was a time of great optimisum in the US. The future looked bright and hopeful. September 11, 2001, not only took away nearly 3,000 lives, it also marked the end of that era. It's only now, nearly a quarter-century later, that we can look back and see just what we took for granted. I'm just happy I was there to see that special time.
  • @JustChill_1031
    Hard to believe that it's been almost a quarter of a century since this was recorded...
  • @arkan0id594
    As someone who’s been collecting media of the original complex in their glory days, this footage is absolutely priceless. Thank you so much for uploading this! :D
  • @Satrina777
    It's like looking into another world. I miss the days when we didn't all have phones/cameras in our hands 24/7
  • The last day of the 20th century, and of a millennium. I would have given anything to go back in time to see that special moment in time.
  • @hectorlopez1069
    They even looked so unreal inside. The old white computers from those days. Life was so precious before 9/11.
  • @xlandros
    Thanks for uploading this, and showing what a typical office in the WTC looked like. Very open floor plan, but packed with office furniture, CRT computer screens, and paper. The constant flutter of paper raining down after the towers were hit, is something I always remember.
  • @IllIIllllIlIlIll
    The fact my kids are learning about this as I did about Peral Harbor is almost impossible to comprehend. To them, this is something from history. To us, we lived it.
  • @MrS98VAC
    9/11/01 caused such a drastic change. We've carried on yet, the feeling was NEVER the same again!
  • @mariafinn1082
    Back in the day when people were shy and sort of embarrassed to be on camera, you know, BEFORE social media and the insufferable selfie.
  • @nightflyer3242
    This was also the company Rick Rescorla was the Security Director for. Everyone in this footage had probably participated in the evacuation drills he mandated after the '93 Bombings. Rescorla knew terrorists will strike the WTC again and predicted that the next attack will come from the air. Rescorla would be credited for saving over 2000 lives on 9-11, but sadly perished in the collapse of the South Tower.
  • @ChrisSl8
    This footage is incredible, I remember being in these offices with my father as a kid. Not sure if you remember John Slaight, he was with MSDW 60th floor South Tower, thankfully made it out. I was only 10 in 1999 but still vividly remember these offices when I would go to work with him, I’ll have to show him this video too. Thanks for sharing.
  • @GJW80
    The last day of the 90's and everyone seems so happy and making plans. Little did any of them know of the horror that was too come in the not too distant future. I hope at least some of them made it out alive. RIP to all of those who didn't. Heartbreaking.
  • @MichaelGeorge161
    They were looking into the future with such curiosity, and now we are looking into the past with such curiosity.
  • @plmn93
    I always think of those towers as grand architectural wonders, but that office looks like any other from that time, including mine. Only differences are the view out the windows and the elevator ride up. Makes the whole thing hit that much closer to home. Thanks for posting it.
  • @zurirobinson2749
    I was five days old when this was filmed. I was in the NICU on a ventilator, as I wasn't supposed to have been born until February 28, 2000. My mom had worked in the WTC some 10 years earlier. Obviously, I have no memory of the original complex or the horrible day when they were destroyed, but I've always been fascinated by what the world was like before (I even attempted to write a novel set among a group of interns at one of the companies in the WTC). Thank you for sharing this bit of history for future generations to see. The girl in the beginning looks somewhat like I do now... she's now about 50 years old, if she survived the attack and the decades after. I hope that all your friends made it and are okay wherever they are.