Influencer Concerns and Frustrates Viewers | Eugenia Cooney Case Analysis

Published 2023-10-28

All Comments (21)
  • @lee3171
    The only other time I have seen anyone who looks like Eugenia, it was images of concentration camp victims. To say she is thin is an absurd understatement. I'm amazed her body is still going.
  • @islandgirl1818
    Underweight is an understatement. She's literally skin and bones. She's a walking skeleton.
  • @lunavalcreations
    She's a medical anomaly, how she even can stand up is beyond me
  • @phokang7649
    I’ve struggled with anorexia and bulimia for almost 8 years now. TBH, if I was Eugenia and getting all this attention because of my ED I would love it. It’s sick but true. It would just enable me.
  • @DarioPriolli
    shes been concerning the internet since 2014...
  • @thull21
    She's already dead, she just doesn't know it yet. The amount of damage she has done to her body is beyond the point where she can recover.
  • @R4CHEL__
    Her mother plays a major role in supporting her social media and is the one behind the camera most of the time. It’s incredibly concerning and hasn’t gotten any better over the years, simply continues to spiral.
  • @rweems5796
    Many years ago I knew a young woman, a veterinarian who owned her own practice. She suffered from anorexia and bulemia. She was smart, a professional and loved by her family, a family that had struggled to help her. She experienced multiple crises, each of which left her mid-30’s body ever more depleted. She was one of those women when shown a photo of her within in a group, she couldn’t identify herself in any photo - she saw herself as fat, regardless of just how cadaverous she actually was. A matter of months later she was dead due to organ failure. Until the individual wholly accepts a reality reflective of her/his actual health state, this is one psychological problem that is almost impossible to overcome.
  • @patricial641
    You should do an episode on her mother - who is her enabler. She’s almost 30 and could afford to leave home and be on her own but it seems she is stuck being a child.
  • As a registered dietitian it is safe to assume that she qualifies for the diagnosis of malnutrition. Furthermore, in a culture that is already obsessed with body image, she is a terrible influence for teenagers. Thank you for the review Dr. Grande.❤
  • @badgurl5758
    How could any adult say that she doesnt need treatment? She needs help in every way possible, not social media clicks. Soo sad 💔
  • @user-bp6gp2rc1v
    It doesn’t ‘seem’ like a life and death situation, it IS a life or death situation.
  • @jbegg1978
    The weirdest thing about this to me is the police officer who said she’s “always been thin” and likes chicken sandwiches. As if there’s no problem here. Also what a weird thing for a police officer to say. Maybe she’s surrounded by enablers like this.
  • @leslieroth698
    As someone who struggled with anorexia for 30 yrs. Lots of relapses. Eugenia does promote it. Blue butterflies are sign of pro anorexia movement. She uses them and says she just likes them. She has young girls list their BMI in every post. It's a bad situation. Anorexia as a lifestyle has tons of support. I wish I had the answers. I am a grandma and still bodycheck and am still obsessed. On disability from spinal damage from overexercise. Eugenia is dangerous.
  • @jenniferashley99
    In 1992 I worked at a frozen yogurt store. We had nonfat sugar free was shocking the girls who would eat that only. One young girl died who came in twice a day eating that, and sometimes would vomit before eating in our bathroom. I still think of her after all these years and what she missed out on in life..its such a cruel disorder and if Eugene doesnt get help soon she will have the same outcome
  • @GreenxEmerald
    Honestly I’m surprised she’s survived this long, I always expect to hear she’s passed. Very sad and upsetting.
  • @Ipetam
    I am honestly surprised she's still alive, and i really hope shes able to accept help before its too late.
  • Calling that body "skinny" is a huge euphemism. It is simply amazing to see how a skeleton can walk and move by itself. Just the idea that someone can find that image of death attractive is mind-blowing.
  • @margali666
    I hate that YouTube is pushing her content when searching for totally unrelated videos like spinning wool or cast-on for knitting.
  • @MiniiCitrus
    I'm a student nurse and have worked as a CNA, so I've seen a lot of grisly things, from open bilateral leg amputations to unstageable pressure ulcers. Eugenia's illness gives me a visceral feeling of horror that I haven't experienced with anything else so far.