Overlord - Battle With the Old Overlord (Last Boss)

Published 2008-03-08
NOTE: I skipped the part where you have to get your minions' hives back because of Youtube's %!@#@!$*%$10 minutes limit. I managed to include all the rest... barely.

The last boss. He represents the last of the seven deadly sins which is Pride.

Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity.

A shocking ending that turns the whole story around.

As you can see in the video, it happens that there were actually eight heroes that had come to slay the Original Overlord. You were the eight.

After being defeated the original Overlord took over the Wizard's body, without anyone knowing. You then fell from a great distance and your Hero friends left you for dead. They taught you were dead but were not sure, they chose not to inspect you so they could get back to looting the tower off of its riches.

So once the heroes were gone the original Overlord ordered his remaining minions to place you in a sarcophagus and to heal your wounds.

While you were being replenished and still knocked out. The original Overlord had been corrupting the other heroes with his evil inspiration (they all look up to the wizard).

After finally waking up from a long time of sleep you remember absolutely nothing, your minions tell you that you are the reincarnation of the Original Overlord, and got you ready for battle to kill your now corrupted friends and to spread your evil dominion.

It also happens to be that Rose and Velvet were the daughters of the Wizard before his corruption.

This was an incredible game.

Edit: When he activates his shield you have to kill his minions and then look at the color of his shield. If it's yellow throw in your browns. If it's red throw in your reds. Blue, blue. Green, green. When his shield is down throw everything at him to damage him as much as possible. When he gets up and knocks you and your minions back, run near the hives (the place where you spawn minions). Why? If he starts spinning around he will catch up to you at a tremendous speed knock you down and kill all your minions. After that he will again activate his shield. Repeat this until he's dead.

||Advice:|| I recommend using your "Shield of Death" (or however it is called) ability to clear out the hordes of enemy minions.

All Comments (21)
  • @Dante38783
    After the announcement of Vampires the masquerade bloodlines, and Borderlands 3, Overlord 3 is all that people want!
  • @lI-tm2pn
    This game deserves a movie. The premise and the story is so epic. And the plot twist is so awesome
  • @TheHorreK2
    Overlord had a surprising smart storyline! :)
  • @aragax
    The Final Boss has the most awesome voice actor I have ever heard, this game is truly phenominal, it really is a must-play.
  • Kinda dissapointing that Gnarl and all the other minions would go unpunished for their betrayal.
  • I have to admit I did not expect this, also love the awesome symbolism with each hero turning into a deadly sin ( Goldo=greed, Oberon=sloth, Melvin=gluttony, etc.)
  • If all the heroes represent one of the seven deadly sins, the Overlord you play as must be the hero of pride. I can imagine him being all like "I have done all this work! All of this belongs to me! I AM THE GREATEST OF ALL EVIL!"
  • @Fawkes42
    I think he meant that most heroes are too arrogant to believe that they could ever be corrupted.
  • @TheDiamond123123
    "The good.. they don't know how close to evil they really are." Never more truth...
  • @bindair_dundat
    I know it would be boring in a game, but I would still love to see the 8 heroes as they banded together against the evil Overlord. And from all the damage to the tower, it must have been a spectacular fight.
  • Imagine when the old Overlord went to the Infernal Abyss, thinking, “Well, at least I don’t have to worry about the guy who killed me anymore..” But then, the new Overlord takes the Abyss over in Raising Hell, and the first Overlord found out. Imagine what he thought when they saw each other down there..
  • @twisted7016
    This game itself needs its own TV show or movie lol
  • @ninjamaster9094
    While the build up for this guy was awesome, his fight sucked. All he does is summon easy to kill minions, tornado in a predictable manner, and set up elemental shields in which only specific minions can pass through, and while that last one sounds tough, it really isn't. It doesn't help that he's constantly "talking" to the ex-heroes, he just looks like an idiot telling his imaginary friend he can have another roast beef. Plus, compared to the incredibly difficult fight against Khan, this guy is a complete joke.
  • @lobo4462
    I’m pissed that you can’t sit on you’re own throne in the game.
  • Looking back, I wish you would be able to spare the Heros that left you for dead, forgive them and they would help you defeat the Wizard.