Publicado 2023-02-27
Hey everyone Rho here, today we're talking my thoughts on the latest instalment of the Siege of Terra, with the release of The End and the Death Volume One.

As always with any thoughts discussions or reviews this is completely Spoiler Free! As I always say it's best to read the stories for yourself first without spoilers!

Games Workshop does not endorse or support this video. All views and opinions expressed in this video belong to Wolf Lord Rho and in no way reflect the views or opinions of Games Workshop Ltd.

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All art used in this video belongs to the artists.

Music belongs to Wolf Lord Rho.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @DaniMol
    It was an excellent book. It changes and develops a lot of what Chaos is and what it can do. It fully illuminates what Horus actually did to Terra and why so many alternate ideas and paths the Emperor could have taken would never have worked. And it also finally showcases the Emperor, fully and completely unleashed. All praise to Aaron Demski-Bowden, but he didn't give Big E enough time to showcase his powers, which makes sense with how pressed for time he was. Here, we see him fully dedicated, fully focused, enraged, unleashed. The Master of Mankind bringing the full wrath of Humanity upon His foes.
  • @MrJara1018
    The Malcador/ Horus persepective, parallelism was at first unexpected but was absolutely stellar and imaginative writing
  • @nickmagna9354
    Horus comparing his sons to the primarchs was interesting and saying loken was Sanguinius cause he was different basically saying loken is his favorite son. I get the feeling that loken story will come to close 😢
  • @zgmfx-09a
    I just finished the book and I've never felt more empty after finishing something, thank god there's a volume 2 coming
  • @subjectbarnes
    Dear lord, I've never been on such a roller coaster ride as I was with this book. I need to talk about Vulcan, about Corswain and the Dark Angels, about Basille, about my absolute favorite marine ever - Loken. This book was absolutely phenomenal and I can't wait til part 2.
  • @BRMCaptChaos
    Abnett read by Keeble is dream team storytelling. Wow. Agreed.
  • @DiogeneJones
    Finished the book today, and would love to hear your review with spoiler. Also, thank you for suggesting the audio version. I stared reading the ebook but, after your video, I got the whisper sync audiobook as well (with a discount, since I owned the ebook) and I am glad I did. The voice acting was absolutely stunning. Definitely set certain scenes to whole new level of emotion .
  • @helios0074
    It's excellent. Abnett written two of the three best novels of the SoT series, and I'd happily argue that it's better than nearly all of the HH books. I actually teared up during one of Malcador's chapters. Abnett's done that to me twice now in his books.
  • @mrgriff7677
    This book was wild,the build up at the start felt massive and ominous,the emotions getting charged up ready for the whole release
  • @eichler721
    This book is the perfect example of why Dan Abnett is the top of the ladder for writers that GW use along with Chris Wraight.
  • @burnpitcav1519
    This book was a master stroke of genius. I am so happy that GW did this right. Signing these authors to long term book deals, setting the stage for the story arch, cleaning up the storyline and pushing it into the next era. I’ve said this for a long long time. With the rise of popularity in the lore and books we will see it change from setting to story arch. A lot of people resent this but there is millions of people now who a part of this story while never playing a single tabletop game. We can accept them with open arms as the driving force for all these shows and animations or continue to gate-keep. Yes it won’t be perfect all the time but it will make things so much more interesting
  • @judowrestlerka
    My FAVORITE IMAGE in AAALLLLLLL of 40k Lore is the description of CAPTAIN AMET "The FLESH TEARER" slumped up against the, NOW LOCKED SHUT, Eternity Gate, Weeping and crying over the vision of his Primarch, Sanguinius' wings charred and torn and bleeding, bearing the blunt end of the battle for the Gate Amet is BAWLING AND WEEPING FOR HIS PRIMARCH and the loss of hundreds of brothers locked on the outside with the traitor forces. Intence.
  • @Melkor1205
    This book is just wonderful! I've never read more visual discriptions of the chaos and madness of war and chaos in this monumental scale. Can't wait for part 2!!!!
  • How do you feel about malcadors monolog at the beginning that essentially confirms that the emperor did love his sons and did not plan on killing them all off after the Heresy?
  • Nothing but a glorious part-1 recapping and connecting loose ends with lots of context from the minor & major storylines. We even get to hear the big G talks with some of the primarchs... PLEASE GET THE PAPER BOOK & AUDIO versions for your collection. I promise you will read and listen more than 2x... I'm on my second listening to count so far, and gleaned more understanding and things I swear I didn't hear or pay attention to on the 1st listening session.... A glass of prem bourbon, macro size ice cube for subtle melding, laid back and blasting it through some premium loudspeaker towers + sub.... DAMN GLORIOUS blokes, get the book or audio.. You won't regret it I promise .... Th3 3MPER0R PR0T3CTS 👑⚔️🛡️
  • @Astro_BS-AS
    The moments with Malcador and The Emperor were pure gold ... He is the True and only God of Mankind. Glory to the Emperor and Malcador the Hero
  • @stevenlarge895
    The only complaint I had was the blatant padding to fit in to two novels.
  • @heathmcrigsby
    Rho, my brother, your volume level in your video intros is just insanely high. Are you a noise marine?
  • @KonradCurze1682
    For me it’s the best Hersey book out of them all atm. Read it within 2 days just couldn’t put it down, a Dan Abnett masterclass.