► H A L O || Polo x Ander x Guzman (Elite S3)

Published 2020-04-03
Olà bebies, this is a request. Actually I would have liked to edit it about 2 weeks ago but the idea made me so sad, lately I have found the courage. I really cried at the end of season. I think their friendship is the most beautiful and profound thing of the whole Show. When you love a person you will love them forever despite everything. Hope you like it.
Show: Elite
Song: Halo (male version)

All Comments (20)
  • @chanyeolnoona
    The scene when they’re with ander in the hospital is so sad.
    They were friendship goals.
  • @samaya9552
    gonna miss my fave trio🥺 they deserved better
  • @bbp3650
    Polo's dead,Andre is fighting with cancer and Guzman is heart broken and all alone.Its so sad that friendship like that ended up like so tragic, they should've have happy ending.
  • @troublemaker833
    I love how their friendship developed and grew with each season, like in the beginning I thought it was kind of superficial with all of them being pretty popular and rich and it seemed obvious, that they would stick together. But then things got harder and they all had like a ridiculous amount of trauma and problems they were all dealing with and they still stayed friends. And even when Guzman learned, that Polo killed Marina, he couldn’t hate him completely. And when Ander got sick and things were so f*cking broken, but they still loved one another so much they went to Chemo with him nonetheless. And the kiss between Ander and Polo (which by the way was executed amazingly, I know there are people out there who ship them but honestly don’t think those two would have happened EVER, because they need each other in ways they could never be there for one another if they were actually in a relationship, also both of them are so passionate and short tempered and impulsive they would honestly crash and burn, but that kiss was amazing and I like how they never talked about and it still never got awkward, like they were in silent agreement, that they were to important to one another to let this change anything). And then there’s Guzman’s completely heartbroken resigned facial expression after Polo dies. Like he isn’t even sure what to feel anymore, because he hates Polo for killing his sister, but he also loves Polo for being the brother he never had and you can literally feel the physical pain. Or when they beat up Polo in the showers and Ander just looks so freaking lost, like he can’t make sense of the world anymore. Or Guzman’s shocked expression, when polo is having his panic attack. Honestly, I can’t with these three.
  • @doggy2334
    The part when he said ‘‘I forgive u '’ and then polo grab his hand made me cried so much . 😢😢
  • Sometimes I imagines how things would have been for them if things were a bit different.They had the best frienship and even after everything that happened they loved each other so damn much.This season hurt so much and it hurts.
  • When polo died, I cried. I knew what he did was wrong but his death still got me.
  • @jayeiychoi1805
    What I love about them is how they are not afraid to be affectionate and vulnerable to each other and how they comfort one another. That's real friendship
  • @Aayusaa
    Elite will never be same without these 3 ...