Maharishikaa | Deep meditation is not necessary | Preeti Upanishad

Published 2022-06-04
A practitioner of deep meditation, Shiva (David) asks Maharishikaa why she is against meditation when so many great spiritual masters of the past attained enlightenment through long hours of meditation. Maharishikaa elucidates that deep meditation leads one through the circuitous route of enlightenment before the inevitable self-realization processes that must be undertaken since we are in a body.
She makes a proclamation about the future of spirituality.

#Maharishikaa #DeepMeditation #SelfRealization

Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti Maiyaa, is a revolutionary female mystic who fearlessly dares to demystify spirituality in her unrelenting call to realize Self, and act from Source. Detailed biography:

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All Comments (21)
  • How many thousands of torturous hours I could have been spared trying to keep my back straight and mind empty! If I ever rose doing this it was only to fall the next day. Thank God I found Maharishikaa before I lost my marbles.πŸ™πŸ˜Š
  • @farhana2120
    I love this exchange between a student and the Guru. How the question was framed and how the answer unfolded in multifolds...
  • @Ron-rk6iz
    You see some people in the audience think: "what did I do all the time ?" On it's self a difficult start to re think. New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.......
  • @InnerPathwayReiki
    Many talk and teach about getting out of life, she speaks about getting into life. After many experiences, I am with her and this truth all the way. ❀
  • @Blueskies7775
    Very well explained by her. This makes so much sense. When I meditate for long periods, you are literally dis-associated, you aren’t present. You aren’t connecting within, you’re connecting with the ether…something way out there. And that’s a very different feeling from focusing on within. I just had a light bulb moment.
  • @sugarfree1894
    Just sit still, upright, for 30 minutes daily. That will do it, whatever "it" is :)
  • Thank you! I bow to your greateness! It is a pleasure to hear your soothing voice and feel your soft, embracing, kind, motherly, loving presence through the ethernet. I will add you to my list of pray(ise)ers! I am humbled, thank you.
  • I have been in meditation practice on a daily basis for some 40years, and I confess it appears to me as very difficult to leave that behind. It has become part and parcel of my daily life, if not to say "of me". Still, Maharishikaas teaching convinces me, the truth in it is undeniable and also matches with my experience. How to resolve this, I don't know. Still, thanks to Maharishikaaji for upholding this teaching.
  • Beautiful... πŸ™πŸ΅οΈπŸ™πŸ΅οΈπŸ™...
  • @1967CGM
    Great video . Absolutely reasonates. Thank you πŸ™ 😊
  • @dlukton
    Good question; and interesting answer. And a totally different message from that given by guys like Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.... who teach that one should meditate until one realizes that he "is not the body".
  • @user-vn5wh1un6z
    Meditation is the merging with super soul. In starting for the awareness it neede.. In advance stage all comes directlly... ❀️❀️..
  • @adiavadataIOI
    This is why in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, especially Vajrayana, there's a lot of use of meditation with the eyes open, so that one is very present, like a new born's not about "meditation", it's about cultivating 'awareness of awareness". And the Divine Project, which is an ongoing Project of the Concept of Evolution She is essentially's like certain chapters in the book, they have already been played out in this dream leela play on the stage of Creation, so we don't need to go back and replay those old chapters of the story and many of us......we were those souls who already realised various levels of spiritual enlightenment through meditation and other practices and now we have come back to do something a bit different.....something with a much greater "inclusiveness" impact on the World, because now the natural time is right according to the Book of Creation / Time, that this greater possibility can unfold. So now we are in the 84th Universe (with innumerable parallel universes used for cut and paste and purposes) and 84 is a very significant number and now with this arising or dawning of awareness of the fundamental need to surrender to the Divine Feminine Principal (because the ENTIRE fabric of Creation is MADE of Padma Matrica Kundalini Sakti Devi), therefore She innately holds all the keys to "possibility" of what can be achieved in this Book of Creation play. She IS the book. EVERYTHING in the Book is made of Her. Therefore.... To surrender to Her is the realization that one's truth as a "being" (because ultimately we are non-beings playing at being, for our truth is Infinity) is as Her child, therefore the Child IS the Mother ....1 is 2, 2 is 1....All her qualities are innately within the our body mind and Her body mind IS One .....therefore as we progress down this final revelation path, the entire body of "matter" will begin to awake in more and more radical ways (this is what Aurobindo was aiming towards in his sharing) and "matter", which is Infinity asleep, will progressively lose it's (relative) curse of pulling the souls into ignorant sleep, thus dramatically accelerating the path of evolution for all souls in the Creation. Thus the natural innate activity / wishes of a Mother, which is that the entire (soul) Garden blossom and receive it's innate inheritance of infinite freedom realisation, can be fulfilled, because the body of the universe itself can progressively move towards awaked-ness of freedom transcendence. Thus, the beautiful radical Divine Project now, is to unify the physical body and the Sambhogkaya body, so that Sambhogkaya can be present here on Earth and wherever else and be seen and experienced by all and so that the Oneness Energy of Sambhogkaya begins to permeate the physical realm, just as one can go consciously / mindfully into their human body and influence the cells (and souls of the cells), so the universal Sambhogkaya can radically influence the souls in bodies experiencing through the physical plane and this will become more and more profound as we deepen into this collective evolutionary project. It's a strange paradoxical contradiction in many ways, to unify these 2 bodies into One.....a profound radical and daring courageous all loving project and essentially a project of the All Inclusive Love of The Mother. So this is why the Kalki Maitreya / Maitreya Buddha is the number 10. So, in multi-dimensional ways, a full cycle / circle has been completed (After 9 we return to 0 and/or 1 )and just as a circle, it's complete.....meaning completely "inclusive" that IS the entire essence of the Divine Feminine.....Absolute Inclusivity.......which of course is what Universal Love or real Love, really means. So, whilst, due to various karmic reasons, Maitreya is depicted as a male body, of course, in reality, He is really She. Yes, Ardhaneswara...Yog, Union of Sun/Moon Feminine Masculine...but since the entire fabric of Creation is Padma Matrica Kundalini Sakti, therefore Shiva, Krsna, Buddha, Christ etc....those concept manifestations of Purusha, Transcendent God, they only can appear because of Her.....otherwise they remain as pure consciousness idea play only and cannot be part of the world. So it's an absolutely inevitable path of Creation, of the Story, that the Divine Feminine Principal become the surrendered to Directive Principal of Creation's play. And what Vajra Yogini Maharishikaa is sharing, is that this is a basic fact and so to surrender to this's the quickest smoothest most compassionate path......NATURALLY. That's of course why she is not saying don't meditate, but just advising that (in most cases) not to meditate for incredibly long periods very regularly. because also, the increase in higher vibrational blessing energy is radically upon the Earth, solar system, galaxy and beyond and so it's already filling us with the higher clarity energy of prolonged we don't need to struggle to perform such meditation feats as in the past times. And in this next chapter of the Divine Project it's compassionately being organised that that energy is available to all (step by step and as we purify (essentially by surrender) our antenna human body system, so that it may receive and operate through the higher frequency energy. In this way, as a Mother's compassion dictates, all the souls that have time burdens, health / physical burdens...full time jobs, families, etc etc......they can still progress very fast with only limited formal meditation practise.......providing the attitude of surrender is being worked on / surrendered into. πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°