An Amazing Mechanic from an Unloved Call of Duty

Publicado 2022-08-31

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @Bricky
    I might be part of the problem but this Scar-H isn't getting fall camo on it's own
  • @Ritley
    I mean we can all agree that the best feature from COD Ghosts was the Fish AI
  • @bonesy4754
    I also missed the character customisation of ghost. Being able to make your own character and having headgear/uniform as unlockables through challenges was awesome.
  • @acenoob2265
    i really enjoyed the "field orders" too, it made the game feel a little more rewarding for trying something different from maybe your usual playstyle
  • @thomasgray6059
    I have always felt that Ghosts had the best Create a Class system we’ve ever seen in a CoD game. The evolution of Pick 10 to getting more perk points for dropping items was near perfection. As a side note, I also loved Extinction (the alien/cryptid mode) and I think it never got love because it wasn’t zombies. The team play mechanics, the rank progression system, and the mission structure all impacted future iterations of Treyarch zombies, but the fan base didn’t like Extinction as a mode, and I’ve never really understood why.
  • @obcd9653
    cant believe he has the "i have no idea what im doing" badge. pretty sure that took 500 kills with dual .44 mags with extra attachments. truly impressive
  • The large number of small perks was so cool because it allows for so many different classes but then they just said nah and ditched it forever
  • I miss ghosts, Bo1 and 2, and mw2. I miss that era in general. Ghosts had good guns and the fast ttk, and the hit detection was at it's Peak. Yes, the maps were bad but not all of them were bad. They had good maps. The perk system was amazing and I miss it too
  • @menacingdonutz
    I absolutely loved Ghosts, it makes me sad that there was a lot of people that hated it
  • @Jehkosa
    Another example of devs (especially for CoD) adding depth to a game that needed it and it was rejected by the playerbase for being "too confusing"
  • @exzyyd392
    Ghosts was probably my favourite cod but I still wish they had gone with the trailer/opening vibe. The story of the Ghosts defending a hospital even when they ran out of ammo is so much better than "Your dad is a vet oh also by the way, ORBITAL BOMBARDMENT COMING AT YOU"
  • @joepapa1189
    Cod ghost was my first cod game I ever played. I played it so much that I memorized where all the bots went depending on game mode and bot difficulty. I still remember where some of those guys go like 6 7 years later
    one thing I never see people talk about was the Bo1 contracts and gambling matches, they were some of the best times to be had in the game, being able to actually buy stuff like different items to make an emblem, attachments, guns, perks, etc. made it quite a bit of fun to try and balance out the money in the beginning. would love to see it make a come back.
  • @JoCat
    Ghosts multi-player is definitely top 3 favorite cod mps for me granted I only ever played against bots so that may have something to do with it
  • @soufinator3631
    I spent hours mixing perks together, I made several class combos with CoD Ghosts amazing perk system, most of which allowed me to move a lot faster with melee only like the maniac killstreak (one of my favourite killstreaks), taking less damage and run with riot shield and throwing knife and many more creative classes, I really like this perk system in ghosts the most and I can't believe some people call it bad
  • @TheJamieellis
    Another underrated part of Ghosts for me, was weapon variety having in-built attachments. Like the Honey Badger having an in built silencer, or something like the Chainsaw being the first under-arm LMG. That and the field orders giving you really cool easter egg killstreak rewards... man, Ghosts was great imo.
  • This video means the world to me. Meeting guys who share their cod preferences when they were kids is like a personality test. And when I would relish the perk system and clan wars of Ghosts, I would have to defend myself every time.
  • @ShadowKnfing
    Sadly there are more and more interesting mechanics and modes that get left behind each year. Really sad for the potential of the series
  • I really do miss the perk system from Ghost. Being able to really customise your soldier to such a degree. It really felt like my character.
  • @matt_l2003
    MW2 gunsmith + AW scorestreak system + Ghosts perk system = Dream COD game