Stronger Together (Miraculous: Unicorn Academy Crossover)

Published 2023-10-22
I’ve been sort of hooked on this ship for the past few days and here it is, a full AMV. Which I haven’t made in a long time. It feels good.

I wanted to use a song that evoked what these two have in common: a desire for freedom

Clips: Miraculous Ladybug and Unicorn Academy
Audio: Here I am, from Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron

All Comments (6)
  • Adrien x Sophie is my new favorite crossover ship, and I love these two so much already ❤
  • Also having watched the premire epsiodes of Unicorn Academy one thing that really impressed me aside from how likable the characters are is how the show so far isn't afraid to tackle issues of death and loss and closing yourself off because of it which is something i feel MLP:FiM kinda drop the ball with i mean yeah there was the episode The Perfect Pear but still you'd think the series shouldn't have been TOO afraid to delve into darker subject matter. Like i seriously preferred the headcanon that Scootaloo was an orphan who found someone to look up to with Rainbow Dash rather than "oh her parents are these really cool ponies that Scootaloo admires even when they're ultimately really negectful" Heck even freaking Disney Junior shows like The Lion Guard and Sofia the First didn't completely shy away from darker, and sadder subject matter
  • Hey Maggie i recently saw your piece on deviantart on your version of Asha from Wish and your decription on your version of the movie and while I get where you're coming from at the same time I disagree with a lot of the things you said: For starters i'm sincerely hoping there's absolutely NO sympathy or redemption for King Magnifico cause for starters we haven't really had a real full-blown antagonist in a Disney film in a while when it's either been a twist villain, generational tramua or some faceless entity and i've also gotten pretty tired of seeing a little too many redeemable/sympathic Villains in shows and movies. I mean just let Magnigico be this total and complete bastard throughout the film and it's super satisfying when he's ultimately defeated much like Ozai in A:TLA or recently Belos in Owl House. (although this is kinda saying a lot when i want Azula to have a well-earned redemption arc) I also disagree that Asha is going to be this "steryotype quirky girl" i mean for one we'll only seen trailers and we don't know the full extent of Asha's personality and also the whole typical 'girl who was right from the very beginning heronies that we've been getting a lot of these days' is also something i strongly disagree with i mean did you not seen Raya and the Last Dragon? Raya obviously made mistakes and learned from them and she wasn't really all that quirky and yes Mirabal was pretty quirky and was right in a few aspects but even then she also had to learn some things herself. i'm just saying maybe wait til you actually see Wish to give your full-on judgement for its story and characters.