Understand Calculus in 10 Minutes

Published 2017-05-19
TabletClass Math www.tabletclass.com/ learn the basics of calculus quickly. This video is designed to introduce calculus concepts for all math students and make the topic easy to understand.

All Comments (21)
  • @jimmbo468
    POV: You looked at the title of the video, You then looked at the length of the video, You then went straight to the comments
  • @kidroid2317
    "Understand Calculus in 10 minutes", explained in 22 minutes.
  • @Bim310
    I took Calculus in High School. Got a D. Had to take it again first semester of college. Got a D. Had to take it again second semester. On my first day in class second semester, the TA asked me to meet him after class. He asked why I was having problems. I explained that I could do the math, but I didn't know what I was doing and why it was important. This led me to using the wrong rules on problems. He explained essentially what you show here, but only in about 5 minutes, since he knew I could do the math, but just had to understand the why. I never went back to class. Never cracked a book or studied. Just showed up for the tests. I got a B. Unlike the full professors I'd had in my previous classes, this TA knew how to teach. He simplified the subject matter in 5 minutes that two full professors couldn't teach me in a year. Nice job here.
  • @tamaz88
    10 or 22 minutes, it doesn’t matter. This video is perfect. Down to the most minute details. Thank you.
  • @ceckohere8751
    He's that type of teacher to still be giving examples four minutes after the bell
  • @susanlindsay7970
    Thank you for this. I'm 79 yrs old. I took up through Trig in high school but have never known what was involved in Calculus. I understood what you were saying, I appreciate it. It's not scary at all. lol Never too late to learn.
  • @pf6455
    I'm a 9th grader here from India. Mathematics, physics, and astronomy are all very interesting to me. I will study harder to know more than anyone can at my level and make a significant contribution to the unanswered questions about the cosmos...
  • @adibannur1985
    It's actually a 10min video, you just have to watch it in 2x speed
  • "Understand Calculus in 10 minutes", explained in 22 minutes. Calculus in a nutshell.
  • @robcooke1956
    People get intimidated by math. I know I did. I’m a professional engineer, graduating from UC Berkeley in the late 70’s, I had a very successful 40 yr career. I took 4 years of math in High School, it wasn’t pretty, I just couldn’t truly understand it. I took A2, Trig, Analytic Geometry, and 4 calculus classes in college. Many people, especially boys’ brains aren’t developed enough to fully grasp math. Plus they tend to be restless and don’t have the required patience (If this is you, don’t worry, you are very normal). So they start to doubt themselves and hate math because of it. It happened to me. However, once I got to college, I was ready to tackle it. Don’t get mad at math, get even… when you are ready. I graduated at 23 with an Engineering degree from Cal because I didn’t give up. You haven’t failed until you stop trying. Of Course I had to go to JC first, but you do what you have to, to achieve your dreams.
  • @FurbyLord505
    As someone who is interested in physics, only in middle school, and has never learned a thing about calculus, I appreciate this video very much. If only my math teachers could explain things like this.
  • @PunjiThePlayer
    I knew the comment section is gonna be gold just by seeing the video being 21 minutes
  • Many years ago, I thought game development would require no math. Now, I'm having to learn calculus to put a blue and red circle around the planets for my space game.
  • I'm an retired engineer also and use calculus every day, for those who took classes before learn integration and derivation is not understanding calculus that is just algebra manipulation. When you understand calculus then you applied in everything you see just because you see what others can. Excellent video
  • @muuzikk
    I took Calculus twice 6 yrs ago. I can’t believe I have not seen this. Had I seen this, I wouldn’t have dropped the 2nd class. Well I’m going to attempt it again and I have a better understanding of it now. Thank you so much!
  • The derivative of 21 is 0, that's why it's 10 minutes, he live in the fourth dimension guys don't blame him.
  • @raycano7706
    I have always had the deepest curiosity, respect and love for Mathematics. I graduated college in 79 with BS in Accounting. I left off at basic Calculus with a C. That’s because I got lost at derivatives and limits. Very frustrating because back then, math didn’t wait for you to catch up. And admittedly I’m a 2-dimensional slow learner. But after I saw your video here at age 63, I GOT IT. Thank you so much. My curiosity continues to burn on the language of the Universe. I’ll be able to move on in Calculus and beyond, now that I’m retired. Thanks!
  • @hersheath
    I have an habit of watching lectures at 2x speed so I indeed understood calculus in 10 minutes. Thank you very much.
  • @hdfoster5507
    I'm 77yo and I've been trying to learn calculus since I was 18. The first course I took in college was taught by a brilliant mathematician who lectured for 3 hours non-stop. If one of us asked a question at a first or second floor level the answer came back at the 106th floor level, only 3 kids in the class could understand him. It was an exercise in total confusion. Differentiation I learned from a physics physics professor at the U of Wis in the student lounge when I was a grad student in psychology a few years later. (I started out in chemistry). What he taught me, in 15min was essentially exactly what you said in your presentation, where were you when I was in school??? LOL. I've still got problems with limits and integration. I hope your lessons will help. Thanks for doing this.