Daybreak - Drink Less Support Community

Published 2017-06-22
"Life is not a bed of roses, but it's better without a hangover."

Daybreak supports people to change their alcohol habits.

The app helps change habits with one-on-one coaching and a supportive community.

Whether the goal is to cut back or abstain from drinking, Daybreak provides around-the-clock and tailored support.

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We support members to discover alcohol triggers. With the help of Australia's experts in motivational interviewing, we have built a set of self-reporting questionnaires to help people uncover motivators for change. Weekly check-ins help them to continue reviewing and strengthening that motivation.

We connect members to a supportive peer community. People on the same journey provide immediate empathy, problem-solving, and accountability. It is a vibrant community that cares for each other, helping each other navigate tough times, and keep each other in check.

We enable members to try different activities and methods to reduce their drinking based on research and data. Our collection of over 50 experiments, tailor-made for Daybreak and reviewed by health professionals, are based in the proven method of cognitive behaviour therapy.

We provide professional advice through our team of qualified health coaches that offer one-on-one private, secured and instant messaging.

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