The God Cards - Failed Cards and Mechanics in YuGiOh

Published 2022-05-30
The God cards are a series of monsters which have their own specific type and attribute that were created just for them, and is used for no other cards in the game. So you would think that an archetype that was important enough to be given its own type and attribute, something that's never done for anything else, would be somewhat game changing. But at the best of times, God cards were nothing more than a niche tech option.


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All Comments (21)
  • @damsonrhea
    It honestly feels like they were so scared of the god cards being overpowered that they couldn't stop sabotaging them.
  • @raptorwithwings
    I love how the anime characters make fun of Kuriboh is the same way we make fun of the god cards.
  • @ParmMannREBORN
    It's a shame that the Sacred Beasts have a functioning decks but the god cards barely work. Then you get the Wicked Gods forgotten forever and ever
  • @elilopez6260
    Honestly the only thing Sphere mode proves is that the only way to save the god cards is completely retrain the three, with better protection, better effects, and easier summoning conditions
  • @KingUnKaged
    The god cards are a perfect example of how yugioh could benefit from keywords. Effects like "immune to everything" and "can't be targetted" that take up half the textbox could've been condensed down to make room for actual effects.
  • @jaggidfire
    Absolutely wild to me that these cards came out nearly ten years after their debut in the anime.
  • @frosif7751
    I like how 1 out of the 3 god cards have target protection meanwhile stuff like apoqlifort towers and subsequent "towers" effects, being unaffected by card effects, is perfectly fine
  • @NickferZev
    I don’t know why all God Cards don’t have Obelisk’s targeting protection. And I guess Konami employees were asking themselves that question after the God Cards were released, given that they released that Field Spell that gives targeting and destruction protection to all God Cards.
  • I remember feeling so powerful the first time I summoned Obelisk the Tormentor 😤
  • @rashidhumine
    God Cards really needed the effect "Unaffected by Card Effects"
  • @babysinclairfan
    Despite being less iconic, the sacred beasts were give such great execution. I wish the gods got such care
  • For the next failed mechanics. You should do the one about gen 1 ritual monsters.
  • @juksleo6257
    I love the fact that Towers is a better adaptation of the God cards than the God cards themselves its all there, 3 tributes, imune to everything {except Iinks}, and can remove things in a near unstoppable way
  • So I have a fun story involving the god cards. I was dueling my friend, who had the illegal version of the Winged Dragon of Ra his deck (we based its effects off the anime, it was around the GX era), and he had summoned it to the field. He also had a Wingweaver (2750 ATK) on the field. He used Ra’s “reduce your LP to 1” effect from the anime and was one turn from beating me. I drew my final card: it was Monster Reborn. I played it, special summoned Cosmo Queen (2900 ATK) from his graveyard and attacked Wingweaver. Since he only had 1 LP I won the duel. Edit: You gotta read the replies, there’s a guy who thinks you can’t attack with Special Summoned monsters, but is so stubborn and keeps doubling down despite being absolutely proven wrong and it is glorious
  • I remember having a fake Obelisk back in the day and my friends and I would play the anime way and rules. It was so fun.
  • @MasterWalrus
    Actually, the first set of god cards was released in 2004 in a gameboy game. But they specifically say on them that they cannot be used in a duel and have flavor text instead of their effects. I have a set that my grandfather got me the day the game came out, always loved those cards.
  • @PBart7
    I know they're not very good in the grand scheme of things, but the God monsters and God support are my favorite cards in the game, I live for God card shit lol
  • @SamuiNoBaka
    I think the god cards could become more viable if they got some extra deck cards that auto-equip themselves from the extra deck to a specific god card when it is summoned. This would allow the god cards to get an indirect buff, and would allow Konami to continually keep them up to date as the game's power level increases.
  • @urm0m69
    Man, as an anime fan, it hurts seeing cards like Z-Arc and the Aesir as regular type and attribute monsters instead of Divine attribute (and divine-beast in the case of the Aesir).
  • @Warchief-te9jj
    Idk maybe they could have added a rule that made the protections they had in the anime intrinsic to the divine attribute to get around the text box limitation.