Nietzsche - Overcome Shame, Become Who You Are

Published 2022-03-03
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WISDOM WEDNESDAY. Every week, you’ll get five powerful quotes from timeless thinkers (combined with some original insight):

In this video, I talk about Friedrich Nietzsche, becoming who you are, freedom, and shame.

So why is shame bad? Because it prevents us from becoming who we are. But keep in mind, I’m talking about toxic shame: shame that arises out of the idea that who I am is not who I should be. There is, perhaps, a healthy form of shame that arises from the idea that who I am is not who I want to be, but that’s a different topic for a different video.

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(1) Videos are just my opinion, for entertainment and informational purposes. Just some things to think about—not advice.

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All Comments (21)
  • @atomicapple7806
    “Do not kill the part of yourself that is cringe, kill the part that cringes.”
  • @thechancellor-
    To the worthwhile person seeing this, your dream is not dead. Don’t allow the past and current pains and hurts stop and define you. You’re more than a conqueror. Rise up and put yourself together. Keep pushing your future depends on it. I wish you all the best in life ❤️.
  • @devlynne1916
    "I think those who would try to make you feel less than who you are, I think that's the greatest evil." ~Fred Rogers
  • @BabyKaleido
    People always told me I was too sensitive and too emotional and I always thought my empathy and my emotion was a horrible part of me. I am finally doing work which frames this part of me as a strength and it is very liberating. ❤
  • “If the path before you is clear, you’re probably on someone else’s.” -Carl Jung
  • @NorthStarPNW
    "Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken." -Oscar Wilde
  • @jonvia
    Im a singer-songwriter and Ive had many people (mainly stuck up relatives) shame me for choosing my career path even though Ive been playing instruments since I was 5 years old and Im very good at it and it comes very natural to me. What feels unnatural is being at a day job around people that are negative and in-polite. Id rather die penniless doing what I loved than living rich doing what I hate. "Find what you love and let it kill you." - Charles Bukowski
  • @conorknapp6764
    This Toxic Shame shappened to me when I moved back home from university during COVID. From the moment I stepped in the door I was a threat to my immediate family. After living on my own for a decade I was independent in thought and attitude and thoroughly myself. Happy, outgoing, witty, friendly. My family saw this as a personal attack on their own insecurities so they started shaming me, turning everything I said into and argument and doubting me at every turn. I didn’t know what to believe because even after all the life I had experienced, I had trouble believing that these people could want me to feel so terribly, even if it was just their subconscious projections onto me as an emotional scapegoat. Now after two years of hard drinking and binge eating, I’m finally starting to realise the effect they have on me. Stay strong my brothers and sisters out there, we will rise again our of the ashes
  • @LARKIN5950
    To anyone struggling with this, I hope my story inspires you... For the past 15 years I was surpressed by my father's expectations. I lived my life for him. I lived to become who he wanted me to be. It was an inner turmoil that conflicted me to my very core. I felt so ashamed whenever I wanted to stray off the path he set out for me. I know he had my best interests at heart, but I hated that I had no control over my life or my destiny.. I could not be myself. This shame festered into depression and it ate away at my soul. I spent years dwelling in self pity. I was suicidal and I was so close to ending it. As a last ditch effort before I gave up, I told myself that I would travel across the country alone to reflect on my life. I packed my bags and I just began driving... As far as East as I could. I haven't looked back. 4 months passed, and I never went home. I went to a new city, stepped out of my comfort zone where I no longer had the influence of my parents and began anew. Finally, I rediscovered myself.. I began setting my own goals, pursuing my own passions. I finally began to see clearly and I told my father that I am done living in his shadow... It took fifteen years (I'm 28) for me to muster up the courage to put my own happiness first. The burden of his expectations lifted, my depression subsided and it was the first time I have felt truly happy. It was liberating. For anyone else struggling with this, please put your happiness first. Be who you are. Be brave enough to say THIS IS MY LIFE... It is better to be uncomfortable in the one moment you say NO, than live a life full of resentment. Step out of your comfort zone.. IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO BEGIN CHASING YOUR DREAMS. Just do it, make your dreams come true. I believe in you and its your turn to begin believing in yourself.
  • @funkybear7243
    This was life changing for me. I ended up crying a lot, this is where my shame comes from. I was a quiet boy who would wander around the playground on his own, being bullied and ignored. I created a mask, I became a clown. I made people laugh and I got friends, I always had to entertain. I'm 31 now and this mask just broke, I don't know who I am and I'm scared to be my authentic self. Your video helped me to stop feeling shame about the little boy I was though. How do you build yourself up after ignoring yourself for most of your life?
  • @Cloudnine2024
    As a diagnosed narcissist (a shame based personality disorder), and being self aware of my condition and thus willing to change, I can tell you that is 100% spot on. Parents need to be careful about how they talk to their child. It can fuck them up, badly.
  • @TKMRacer28
    This is so great, I love this channel. When I was 15 I got a job at the local kart circuit, and spent ALL my money on racing for years. My parents told me I was wasting my time and money and that I should get a nice car and a girlfriend. Now, 15 years later, I’m racing McLaren GT cars, ran 6 marathons and am engaged to the girl of my dreams.
  • @iskandar4661
    I once asked my mother “why do you always treat me like I’m the bad guy?” And without thinking twice she said “Because you are.” I’ve started living for me instead of for her approval. And though it’s been rough, I do feel much better about myself
  • The story of Timmy was really resonated with me. "He began to play this masculine role and wear this masculine mask to protect himself from shame. But to play this role effectively, he himself had to believe that it wasn't a role. So he had to convince himself of his persona before he could convince others of his persona, and by doing so, he had to cut off contact with his real, authentic self." I am wondering how many of us lost their true self. If we live our lives according to others expectations so long, then how can we remove the mask which we put up? I am afraid that if we keep staying in the dark, we will lose our eyesight.
  • @reliablechild
    I just turned 40 and finally applied some of these principles in pursuit of leading a more creative, fulfilling and social life. It's never too late to start.
  • @bitkurd
    You are not what happened to you You are what you choose to become. ❤️ ☮️
  • @bboyneon92
    This is the story my life. This is the story of many individuals I've come across. The way you've edited and built the story is very emotional and personal. My respect and love to you.
  • @hamzaamin09
    I was once the kind of person who used to express himself fully, live on his own terms and actually enjoy life. I then came across a couple of guys who I thought were my friends. The relationship with them took a turn for the worst when they started shaming me for who I was. They wanted me to believe what they wanted to believe, eat where they wanted to eat, date someone who they approve of, and have fun like they had fun. This made me feel insignificant and lonely especially when I was with them. It came to a point where I was being judged for every possible comment or thing I said whether when I was with them or on social media. I couldn't express myself anymore. I stopped reading books, gave up my hobbies, stopped growing as a person and more as a mannequin designed for public display. They even started to take credit for making me a better person than I was before very publicly which basically meant that I extinguished my personal self for their approval. I became extremely lazy, started procastinating on my dreams and lived their's instead. The worst part was, they made me so dependant on them that I felt entrapped to their opinions and couldn't think independently anymore. After realizing that something needs to change, this is my first week of actually living on my own terms. I have limited my connection with those guys, have started to reconnect with my hobbies and dreams that I used to cherish. They have tried contacting me, but I have only given them a cold shoulder for over a week now. I feel extremely free and I am thinking more vividly now about where I want to go with my career and personal life. This video has come at the right time for me and I thank the creator and all the authors referenced in this content for provoiding me with such a profound view to life. Best of luck to all those who are going through what I have been through and may you break the threads that hurt more the longer you keep holding to them Good luck :)
  • @jg1503
    “Shyness is nice and shyness can stop you From doing all the things in life you'd like to” -Morrissey