The Voices of Men | Men's Mental Health Documentary

Published 2020-07-11
Very proud to share this film, it's something that means an incredible amount to me.

This is a short documentary focusing on mental health, spotlighting men's mental health in a raw and honest way to help fight the stigma attached to men expressing their emotions.

I asked men to send in recordings detailing their experiences with their mental health, giving them a safe platform to open up as honestly as they want. We must normalise men talking about their feelings, which I hope this film will contribute to.

In the UK, men are three times more likely to die by suicide than women. In the Republic of Ireland, the rate is four times higher among men than women.

Mental health is invisible and you don't know who may be struggling. Check up on your family and friends - even the most charismatic ones or the ones you don't speak to as much anymore. Don't take anyone for granted. Be more considerate with what you say to people. Keep the conversation going.

You can call Samaritans 24 hours, 365 days a year for free on 116 123 if you need to talk to someone safely.

Please share this film.

All Comments (20)
  • @dryox
    2.5k views… that‘s how much almost 8 billion people on this world care about mens mental health.
  • @aiahzohar5636
    I grew up in a house with my mom and dad and four older brothers who were my heroes. Being the only girl and the youngest, I got to see how my brothers were treated at school and by people in general just because they're boys. The affection and kindness and loads of extra help I got because I'm a girl were all denied my brothers. Just because they're guys. Teachers adored me, praised me, encouraged me. At best, they ignored my brothers--all who're at least as "school smart" as me. And in their relationships... One of my brothers had a university scholarship revoked after a girl accused him of sexually assaulting her--even after a long and expensive trial when she admitted she'd lied b/c he broke up with her. The college never offered him back his scholarship despite his winning the case. Since high school I've been speaking out about this but no one cares to listen. Everywhere, boys are portrayed as these stupid, gruff monsters. In the media, in schools, in the workforce. It's one reason I've decided not to have kids. Being born a boy today is being born an automatic second-class citizen always suspect in the eyes of the law, the courts, schools, social services, and the community. And when we learn boys and men commit more suicides, what do we say? That it's men's fault for not reaching out, for not taking care of themselves. That it's the result of "toxic masculinity." Gawd. To all you guys out there, there are girls who see what's happening to you and who advocate for you.
  • @tommye5651
    Holy Shit that bloke just hit the nail on the head when he said "it's like ur in a room and everyone you love outside, you can see then through the window and all u have to do is open the door but you cant" from a 33yo father of 3, Spouse, Son, brother etc. Its So hard.
  • @cleverg1555
    I've been a weed addict for 5 years, now i'm 22 and i've been 1 month without it, i started to study something i really like for the first time in my life on september, i started to do exercise and trainings 4 times a week, i started to meditate, i started to be much more organized and disciplined, i started to meet new good people from my school after a few years without meeting new people, i started getting more confortable with girls again, (since 2019 i don't kiss or have sex with any), and i feel much better but at the same time i feel much more sensitive because I am in the most emotionally intense period of my life where there has been a lot of improvement in a single month and sometimes I find it difficult to handle it and keep improving, I opened up a lot with my best friend and I cried with him but still I think that I need talk more with my family because I only show them the beautiful part and everything that I am improving this month but I don't feel emotionally stable, i still need to quit cigars, caffeine, sugar and porn to get better phisically and mentally but i'm sure i'm going to get even better at the end of this year and become the men i want soon
  • @maryannhope8276
    My brother committed suicide 1953-1982. I wished he had watched a video like yours. 💔 Please continue... Blessings to you and yours from Rhode Island. Peace
  • @sherlock7898
    I just want to comment so the algorithm will promote this. MEN ARE PEOPLE TOO!
  • @writer2804
    Thanks for the tenderness with which you've portrayed these men's mental and existential distress.
  • Thank you for making this film. It is truly comforting to know that I'm not the only one who deals with this anxiety and suicidal ideation on a daily basis.
  • God I as a man from India I can feel all this. I was treated as a physically and mentally weaker individual since my school days by sadistic teachers and then mentally pressured by my relatives but now I feel like I am used to many of these feelings and at some stage in my life I did feel each of these problems I also felt of not being alive was better many times. But you know I recognized things and moved on myself rather than obsessing over my past. Thanks to my really supportive parents and their unlimited care and love. But I can feel to those who didn't have parents or close people in their life. The pain and depression might compound and make them break. It's so hard sometimes. We need to address these issues globally. But when the world will shift it's focus from religion, politics and all other non sense stuff around.
  • @dantemaycry89
    I've had times where things are hard and the question I find myself asking is "Who'd actually miss me if I disappeared?". I asked myself that very question this morning. A few days ago my girlfriend left me. We work together. As far as I know to myself I didn't really do anything wrong. I loved her with all of me. I never once raised my voice to her or deliberately made her feel bad about herself. Everyone at work is messaging her and asking how she is... 2 male members of staff have asked if I'm ok. Everyone else assumes it was my fault.
  • I needed this right now. As a man that isolates and withdraws, I feel completely alone most of the time. Even if I'm not alone on the occasions when I do socialize and crawl out of my hole, I'm never really there. I can't trust anyone to actually listen and understand me. At best, I get home and feel relieved that no one actually 'saw' me, because i hid it well enough. Being real with people is the worst; the common passive comments of people are usually so destructive. And being told to "man up" is the most destructive of them all. Do you really want men to take their hurt and channel it into more aggressive, toxic, and violent behaviour? Because that's how you destroy a man's empathy and turn him into a savage. The allure of the abandon is intoxicating to think of; to actually feel power instead of absolute powerlessness. "He who make's a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man." I've always felt like this quote is a perfect example of this duality. We ARE beasts, yet we are a civiliation that seems to put high emphasis on ignoring our animalistic nature and favoring empathy instead. Survival of the fittest IS the ultimate law of nature and as a civilization we seem to strive to go completely against that. Thou shall not kill, thou shall not steal, thou shall not covet thy neighbours wife, and the billion other civil LAWS we have accepted as a civilization for the greater good; they all go against the laws of nature. We are led to believe you don't need to be the strongest to be a successful man, you don't need to be the smartest to be a successful man, you just have to follow the rules. A male lion does not feel guilty for killing the wildebeast, it does not feel guilty for fighting another male for the chance to mate with the pride's females, it does not feel guilty for mercilesslessly killing the infant males of the pride so instead his coming offspring will flourish. No, he feels powerful and master of his destiny, successful in life. So how, if we are so civilized, do i see the most successful people being the ones that ignore civil law and just TAKE what they want from people. Our whole civilization seems like a scam to favor the beasts, while fooling the empaths into being taken advantage of. So if THAT really is how our society works, survival of the fittest, the physically strongest and smartest people get to feel powerful and successful by depressing other peoples success. Power corrupts people. And we constantly see people in positions of power selfishly taking full advantage of it. This is the truth. So despite being physically fit and smarter than the average person, my empathy has lead to me to being an unsuccessful man. I COULD be a powerful man. At the most extreme I could kill those that threaten me, take the stuff and things I want to improve my life, rape women who reject me; I could be a perfectly content man in the real world. But instead I chose empathy. I choose to take other peoples feelings seriously because I know all too well about the pain and don't want to perpetuate it. Instead i take my blows and rejection and ridicule for my sensitivities as a man, and i suffer in silence. Every day I choose to be a good compassionate person, and everyday I go to bed hurting and struggling with this question; how much more hurt can i tolerate before I succumb to the sadness, or let the beast out of the cage so i can survive. And i hate myself for even contemplating it.
  • Men do need to talk about their mental health. The problem is, when they do, most people run.
  • This vid is an exact accurate description of what goes on in my head. I liked the images.
  • Honestly man, more people need to talk about men's health. As of posting this comment, I'm 16 years old, I have symptoms of depression, sociopathy, suicidal thoughts, and social anxiety to the point I can't even look at random people whenever I go outside. I'm also a victim of emotional abuse, mental abuse, physical abuse, racial discrimination, and bullying. I have older two sisters who you can classify as "feminists" and parents who aren't supportive, don't understand the concept of mental health, and have preferential treatment towards my sisters. It's true when they say that men are no longer unconditionally love once they are no longer infants or toddlers. (I think you guys can imagine a bit of what I've gone through). All of it started when I was 3 and it's still ongoing until now, honestly at first I wanted to make this comment how I've turned out like this, and all their wrongdoings, but that'll be too long and I can write a book with that amount. In the last 9 years, I've used videogames as my distraction and relief, and I've started to play gacha games (don't worry I haven't spent anything nor do I plan to) because they present me a reality that I long for, a person who's loved, desired, and encouraged by those around him. I always cry by myself, telling no one about anything, putting on a facade around my "family," I've felt so hollow for so long, sometimes I even laugh because of shit my life is, and even cry while holding a knife in my hand, while contemplating whether or not to do it. and online school is still a thing here, and it's forecasted to go for at least 1 or 2 more years, if you're a parent and you're still miraculously reading this comment. There are things that your children especially young boys, won't open up to you about unless you give them an environment and give them the encouragement that it's okay to be vulnerable and to feel down at times. As for the feminist, don't keep generalizing men because of a small minority of shit men, and stop jumping onto bandwagons before using your brain first to formulate your own opinion.
  • @chrism8180
    "Well it looks like collectively breaking the spirit of man may have worked too well, let's pretend to give a shit now that we've about thrown the last shovel full on their casket."
  • @52down
    Reach out to someone? Why? Everyone I know has many other people to hang out or simply contact online and every single person of them is much more interesting, every single one is much more worthy a conversation and pleasant to be around than I am. And most of times I actually reach out I know I am bothering them, they will not say that, but I know I am so I limit contact to necessary or completely cut off and fade away
  • @ahmedtahqiq6056
    The last part where the person says that when we are thinking of suicide, it is to remove ourselves from the equation as we see ourselves as a burden to those people, that is what I struggle with the most. I don't end myself due to religious reasons. But man if I wasn't religious, I would have been dead 7 years ago. This feeling of always taking others feelings into consideration and pushings my own behind is just so heavy at times, especially when it comes to family and your own personal interests. I feel like, instead of just being a dissapointment to my mother and sisters or my fiancee, I'll just try to take myself out of the equation and make it easy for them to move on in life. A life without disappointment. I can't shed a single tear in front of anyone. The last time that happened was 5 years ago when my father passed away. I cried for 15 minutes holding my sister in my arms. Wiped my tears and put on a brave face for my family. I can only ever cry in solitude. My tears immediately stop as soon as someone turns the corner and all feelings go away in that moment. I guess it is some sort of defense mechanism. Last time I was about to cry because my mum would disturb me so much while I was working from home and it was hindering my concentration on my work (self employed) that it was affecting the money coming in as well. I got to hear from her for not earning enough. Not "helping" her when she asked. I couldn't take it anymore and I had a shaky voice and almost had tears welling up as I tried to explain to her that her constant interferance during my working hours is what is leading to my lesser income, she immediately said "Stop crying". That sadness in me immediately turned to anger and I yelled "So what? Is anger better? Should I start yelling?". I hated myself in that moment. I hated what she said. I hated that I was suffocating and I still am. I'm sorry for sharing all this, I don't know why I wrote all of this. I don't know where I'm going with this. I just really want my life to end. Like, die on a good note soon. I just keep listening and am never able to talk.