The Quest for a Spiritual Home: Conference Warmup | John Vervaeke, Jonathan Pageau & Paul VanderKlay

Published 2023-04-17…

Join Jonathan Pageau, John Vervaeke, and Paul VanderKlay on YouTube for a two-day event with presentations, conversations, and break-out sessions using the Estuary Protocol, moderated by Kathryn Wilson.

The main conference on May 19-20 will feature presentations, conversations, and feedback sessions with all speakers. A more detailed schedule will be available mid-April. Meals are included.

On May 21, join John Vervaeke for guided meditation at 7am, followed by Paul as a guest preacher at CrossPoint Church at 9:30am. At 1:30pm, Jonathan Pageau will lead a tour at St. Andrew's Orthodox Church.

Attendance is limited to 325 people, with 100 discounted tickets available. A group rate for 30 rooms is offered at the Ayres Hotel in Chino Hills, CA. For help with lodging and transportation, click the link to connect with others.

Register to be among the 100 participants in "Paintball for Jesus" on May 18, followed by dinner at Graziano's Pizza.

The event is sponsored by ProFathers, Inc., and the local Chino chapter of the Estuary Project.

All Comments (21)
  • @moisebenezra
    Abraham does not leave into the unknown. His eye is fixed always on Zion.
  • @bvokey8842
    I’m a simple man. Whenever I see Jonathan Pageau, I click.
  • @jchvatal1
    Great conversation! Worth a listen! This covers SO MANY important topics in a short period of time. Thanks for sharing!
  • Chris Byon 1일 전 Dr.Vervaeke and his fellows are real genius with respect to humanity scale. I personally had drunken milks in early ages so lipid oversupplied in early ages body development was boosted and quickly stopped, such symptoms are suggested that one cannot live more than age of 55. I live with same country with Dr.Vervaeke and under same sky and only commutable distant from my home, it is my honor and respect for his video contribution for everyone like me. He is older generation than me, but if I die at 55 (now 41) he still is alive, then it is good for him and good for me, because I don't see fallen angel of his life (older generation dies earlier but in my case, my life is earlier ending I predict). This is not meaning that I would like to suicide, it is my expression to honor and respect his spirit of talk every part of videos he is contributing. He is contemporary living scholar with our ages he is contributing to humanity scale~!! I am watching same blue sky when he sees clearly blue, I am watching same rainy sky when he sees rainy, he and I live nearby cities and it is happy experience I can do while other country people cannot do! The bragging some Korean immigrants have, some of the bragging is we can go Canadian university cheaper than abroad student, I add one more: I can live nearby Dr.Vervaeke and we can see him just by paying bus fare only! Of Course, he is not friend to me and I have to make appointment to meet him, it is true that I am so happy with being his same nationality and living under same blue sky! He is gem of Canadian cognitive science area. I am big fan of his Youtube videos~!! His fellows are also great people and human network of the strength they can make difference. If I die at age of 55, it is not regret or dispair, because Dr.Vervaeke lives more than that!! Long live Vervaeke, truthful king of all sciences. I live upto 55 is colloquially I have heard, it is not curse when I watch his Youtube videos. Dr.Peterson is same hero as Dr.Vervaeke, I realized why UT is best university all over Canada. This is what I am supposed to think about, even though some my replies are academically colorful and sometimes counteropinions about certain issues. * Things are good --- this mentioning is also subject to be abused, but I post this.
  • @olafhaze7898
    its been 7 years that i have not enjoyed listening to anything supposed to be serious related for more than 5 minutes, until days ago, when i came across you guys, so i am more happy than before. Great ideas so far, in the end anyone who tries to believe in One GOD and strives to do good deeds should have a spiritual home even one like me belonging to no religion at all. Background should matter only as far as the name suggests.
  • Incredible conversation. John, your videos often seem to speak eerily directly to what’s going on in my life. Maybe we’re both riding the wave of the zeitgeist. Thank you folks!
  • @lifearttimes
    The only direction from the divine, from the beginning is to love each other❤️ A connected divine feminine,is weaving many things, in a flux, at any given moment and in a multidimensional way too , Jonathan💫 Leaving home 🪷
  • @FrJohnBrownSJ
    This was very interesting. Thanks, y'all. I think "home" is going to finally rest on who we share parents with and who we share meals with. God our Father, Mary our mother, the Eucharist... These are real things.
  • @Lucasvoz
    I am so grateful to you all for coming together with different viewpoints, experiences, and insights. This is exactly the time to learn from each other and I cannot wait to see what comes of the conference. This Kairos can go many ways and I know that you guys have a big part to play in it. Bless all of you and best of luck!
  • The Home of God or the much shorter The Hunger for Home: Food and Meals in The Gospel of Luke are two books that explore our need for a spiritual home. John Vandonk, I think would love the first book. I too have trouble settling in certain churches (as a Catholic I actually have a huge variety of churches to choose from. Franciscan or Dominican or Diocesan? In NYC the choices are endless. They all have a distinct feel.). Just went to the most amazing church in Edinburgh (St. Albert the Great) and it almost makes me want to move there. I am moving in the. next two year and I choose the church first because it makes the biggest difference in my life. It is where we are with a community, our spiritual family.
  • Ive watched this episode the last time, if i was an american i would be there. I wanted to say this last time but didnt, you Paul feel like a spiritual home/homecomming to me, i cant say its the religion but is a part of it/you ofcourse. From the start that i watched you speak about certain things that i was busy exploring and sharing with others, you already had ideas about it and words for it like the secret sacret self. 👍👍👍
  • @pteronine9
    Home is also orientation, how we "home in," or place ourselves through understanding context. John frequently reminds us of the temptation towards nostalgia. How is the sense and practice of home related to the practice of being present? Nostalgia is that which diverts attention away from the present, forever at sea among the restless and weary. Home is also where we house our innocence, a place we must leave if we are to come into the sense of being through agentic process. Thanks for the inspirational conversation.
  • @EamonBurke
    Just chiming in to continue to extol the immense value Kathryn is bringing to this! I wish I could make one of these
  • Thank you all very much for this conversation, good luck in May everyone, peace. Question Do know of Ben Goertzel, probably do, interesting gentleman. I figure because you're ai aware, as you've spoken about the subject before. Peace
  • @KalebPeters99
    Oh man I am PUMPED for that essay on GPT. I've been really curious how John's model may have evolved given recent advancements
  • @Hany323
    May they all find a spiritual home in the One Only Holy catholic and apostolic Orthodox Church of God.
  • @moodbox_no
    The Camino keeps showing up in several different contexts. Maybe I has to move back into a motorhome again, and nuture my homesickness. Or I can let my meaning crisis slowly conform me. Right now I need more of that no-thingness.