Educated Ethiopian Orthodox vs David Lynn CFM Bay Area Revival

Published 2022-09-24

All Comments (21)
  • @CharlesBarjon
    May God bless the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Orthodox Church of God, Amen πŸ™πŸΎβœοΈ
  • This video helped bring me out of inquiring into Protestantism and back to Catholicism, all the Saints in Heaven pray for David Lynn. He is missing the fullness of the church. God bless my Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church brothers. St. Philip pray for us.
  • @loethariou220
    God bless Orthodox people and may we be saved from this kind of preachers
  • @jacob4047
    Well, I too used to be a Protestant Street Preacher, first Reformed and then would have lined up more with Lynn after a few years. I could also quote and recall a lot of scripture and was thought by many to be on fire and filled with the Spirit. I loved and still love the bible but I thank God that I have now experienced God more fully in the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church and my introduction was while trying to convert an Orthodox Christian who "went therefore" (Matthew 28:19) in his daily life and spoke of and demonstrated Christ to others, not as a loud mouthed street preacher but as one who applied 1 Thessalonians 1:11 to his own life and made it his aim "to study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands" and 1 Peter 3:15 "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear"
  • @dododo481
    Was this you brother? Are you this guy? What an amazing show of Orthodoxy! ❀
  • @peterehab592
    I am an Orthodox from Egypt and I do not understand what the problem is with being Orthodox. I am proud that I do everything that our Lord Jesus Christ says, everything that we have learned from the Bible. We do not worship the saints and we know that our Lord Jesus Christ is the only one who has the ability to forgive our sins of course, the saints do not have this ability we certainly know this. We only ask that they pray for us, and this teaches us to be humble, and because the Bible showed us how the Lord hears and cares about the prayers of His children and how the Lord works through His children The Bible asked us to pray for each other, and if you do not admit that, then you are saying that Saint Paul made a mistake when he said to the Thessalonians: β€œPray for us.” (2 Thessalonians 3:1) Paul was a saint and he asked people to pray for them, and this is because he was humble and knew that the Lord hears and cares about the prayers of his children. So how can I, an ordinary person, not have the humility to ask for the prayers of the saints? I love Pastor Lynn, but unfortunately I think he does not know what Orthodox is, because if he knew Orthodox, he would know that we follow and work with all the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ that we learned from the Bible.
  • @StopTheLiess
    Orthodox Christian’s are the first Christian’s and most traditional Christians ❀ I love ALL orthodox branches. We don’t go around converting or trying to convince people we stay in our lane and continue our practices like we’ve been doing for centuries
  • @treson8640
    Ayye thanks for the reupload. I was looking for this vid. God bless you
  • Bad logic, Mary was the First Saint and the only Human to ever live that was Holy and pure enough to have God pass through. We are to honor and call her blessed for generations to cone, as the church she is our Mother too and there is zero wrong for asking Saints to pray for us, She is not dead and highly favored by God, we can pray for each other and ssk for prayer and i would love for his mother to pray for me. I love you Theotokos and i will pray to the Mother and Father of Mary. Thank you for bringing them to mind. All πŸ’• love
  • Lord have mercy David Lynn, Christianity is not meant to change a nation but a man to repentance for the life to Come. David Lynn is Criticizing about the Images, did he really understand the scripture if he claims the Holy Spirit upon him?
  • Si how David Lynn is blind, he accepts that there is an authentic line of tradition that can be trace back to the first Christians. Now how could he be sure that what he is doing and understanding of the Scripture is authentic and relevant to the first century Christian?
  • @Aufbleiben
    There seems to be some sort of disconnect between the protestant mindset and the orthodox mindset in relation to the apostles and a larger tradition. This has been informative, thank you
  • @yk.7053
    David is funny talking nonsense about the Ethiopian orthodoxe church and at same time he wearing a traditional Ethiopian clothes. πŸ˜‚ But nonetheless Amen!
  • David Lynn is caught in his own mouth, 1500s-1600s Protestantism, in short his teachings and understanding of the bible is baseless and derailed from the teachings of the Apostles.