MegaMan's Revival is Long Overdue

Published 2023-05-05
Someone had to say it. This is an intervention, Capcom.

As usual, all footage is borrowed from other channels. Links below:

Thumbnail Art:

Battle Network 6 PvP:

Battle Network 5 PvP:
   • MegaMan Battle Network 5 PVP: First r...  

Battle Network 4.5 Footage:
   • MegaMan Battle Network 4.5: Title Screen  

Battle Network 4.5 PvP:

Battle Network Legacy Collection Home Screen:
   • Mega Man battle network legacy collec...  

Battle Network 1 Elecman and Protoman:
   • MegaMan Battle Network 1 - ElecMan V1...  

Assorted Battle Network 2 and 3 Footage:

Battle Network 3 Metalman:

Battle Network 6 Boktai Crossover:
   • Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gr...  

Assorted Battle Network 1 Bosses:
   • [Boss] GutsMan First Encounter - Mega...  

Battle Network 6 Bosses:
   • Megaman Battle Network 6: Gregar - Al...  

Battle Network 5 Finale:
   • Mega Man Battle Network 5 - Ending & ...  

Zero/ZX Legacy Collection Title Select Screen:
   • Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection Re...  

ZX Advent HD Cutscenes:
   • Mega Man ZX Advent Anime Cutscenes HD...  

Hero.EXE Trailer:
   • Hero.EXE - Official Kickstarter & Dem...  

Duelists of Eden Trailer:
   • Duelists of Eden - Alpha Trailer  

Sonic Frontiers Gameplay:
   • Sonic Frontiers: 3 Minutes of Super S...  

All Comments (21)
  • @ThrillingDuck
    Megamen rise up. Also no offense is intended to Hero.EXE or Duelists of Eden. I love indie devs, I think they are all champs and are the lifeblood of this industry, keeping alive genres that AAA games have left behind. Games like Hero and Duelists look great and I'm glad they're getting produced. I sincerely hope they get the sales they deserve. I'm just a little wah-wah baby man-child who wants my Megaman characters lol.
  • @MaxinRudy
    Also, MMBN Legacy Collection outsold every MM collection and MM11 in 2 weeks.
  • The irony is, Megaman 11 was a success. 1.4 million copies is surely enough given the scale of the game? The collections seem to sell quite well. I do think there is an audience. The Battle Network collection seems to be selling very well though so maybe that'll be the one to get the ball rolling again
  • You: Bring back the Blue Bomber. Capcom: throws Mega Man into a safe, shuts the safe door, resets the combination, throws out the key, and dumps the safe into the Mariana Trench I'm sorry, what?
  • @Corrderio
    I don't know if I'd want a sequel to the X series but a revival of Legends and Battle Network would be nice.
  • @EvaristoH
    CAPCOM: [[invents smartphones]] smarphones: [[BECOME REAL]] CAPCOM: huh anyway
  • @Discotechque
    In the age we are in, smartphones, Battlenetwork would be so meta I don't know how Capcom hasn't capitalized on it for almost a decade now. Imagine the merchandise they can sell when they capitalize on smartphones. Imagine carrying battle chips in your pocket at all times because you don't know when virus programs will appear out of nowhere. Imagine having a phone case like the PET in MMBN6. If ever Capcom does sell battlechips I hope it's cheap enough for kids to buy with their lunch money, AND PLEASE NO BOOSTER PACKS, NO EVENT EXCLUSIVE CHIPS, AND REGION LOCKED CHIPS EITHER! GOD DAMN IT CAPCOM STOP SLEEPING ON BATTLE NETWORK!
  • Capcom is doing an absolutely legendary job with some of their franchises, and then is absolutely SLEEPING on others to a really sad degree. I definitely think they're doing better than 99% of other Japanese game devs (im lookin at you KONAMI!!) in terms of respecting their IPs, but damn they gotta be more consistent across the board. tldr: make Maverick Hunter 😎
  • Finally, someone who's saying it! The legacy collection seriously wasn't enough for such a marketable concept.
  • The comparison between Sega's handling of Sonic IP vs. Capcom's Megaman sounds like a case study worth exploring. You can throw in other examples/cases to show how unique the contexts surrounding how Capcom made sense out of Megaman's "failure".
  • @TakeaSwigBro
    I couldn’t agree more dude, I’ve been obsessed with 4.5 since I was like 10 years old in 2005 (I actually managed to figure out how to order a copy of it online at that age, on my own, because I was that determined to have it.). It never lost its magic to me, and a modern version of it would be a literal dream come true.
  • @retrospect
    Battle network and Starforce with revive him I BELIEVE !!!!
  • @NotTheWheel
    I feel like in the age of online cardgames a new megaman battle network would fit nicely.
  • Megaman is the best Capcom franchise and the fact that Capcom doesn't do much with him is disappointing. 😔
  • @SuperHellaLol
    Please PLEASE let this reach them. I’d pay MONEY for a personalized Net Navi on my phone. I’ve been saying this for years
  • @wellsshady
    If they'd actually finished making Legends 3 and ZX3, the modern adventure-rpg-anime-addled audience ( me ) would eat that straight up
  • @snazzydrew
    Bruh. The conviction by which you said "Bring back the Blue Bomber" actually made me really emotional.
  • I've said it before, but when I look at the MMBN Collection and the effort put into it (ignoring the bugs, because no release is ever perfect,) I get the distinct feeling that that particular development team poured all their pride (assuming any of the original devteam was present) and affection for the series into it. It seemed like they tried their hardest to put the best foot forward for Battle Network. I hope they do the same for the Starforce Collection that is almost certainly coming, because you'd be stupid not to, Capcom.
  • @typhir5911
    I totally agree with you. It's so weird that Capcom does a fantastic job with the Resident Evil remakes and Monster Hunter franchises, but just sleeps on Megaman. Battle Network was such a unique take on both the turn based and action combat that it still resonates with me two decades later. One Step from Eden was cool, but because it was a roguelike, it lacked the same bring your own battle chips to the fight feel that Battle Network did. I hope that the success of the Battle Network Legacy Collection shows Capcom that there is still a market for these games. They did some phenomenal work with adding online PvP to each of those games, which if they were any other developer, probably wouldn't have bothered. But I think I speak for all of us when I say we need new games!