How Spice and Wolf Changed from Book to Anime - Adapt or Die

Published 2017-06-02
Spice and Wolf is one of the greatest anime ever made – but what did it change from the Light Novel? And were those changes improvements? Today, we’re gonna find out.
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In the depths of his Mother's Basement, Geoff Thew creates videos analyzing the storytelling techniques of anime and video games. He has been named the number one Worst YouTube Anime Reviewer by The Top Tens.

All Comments (21)
  • @mothersbasement
    so what other adaptations would you like to see me cover? also you can get the shirt at sharkrobot.
  • @BladedAngel
    Holo seems noticeably, "older looking" in design in the anime. I'm guessing that's because she's practically naked in most shots, and the anime didn't want to have a young looking loli running around nude.
  • @shent1059
    Finally more S&W coverage, shame adaptation of vol 7 never... That shirt's as savage as ever
  • @Loopy_Kick
    Spice and Wolf totally deserves another season. I want a season 3 so bad. It's not fair how a lot of shows that are poo get episode after episode and season after season, but good shows like Spice and Wolf and Deadman Wonderland can't even tell all of their story in anime form. (-.-)
  • @soft8oiled
    First time I came across the series was by seeing a young-looking, 30-or-something man reading the light novel in the original language on a plane to Sweden and I managed to get a peek of the cover, which then piqued my interest and got me to look up the anime later on as well. Where ever you are, thank you for letting me into the world of Spice & Wolf through passive osmosis, friendly airplane man of culture.
  • @egeorgiades93
    "The manga has Holo with nipples so that's the Ultimate Version!" Lol. Nice.
  • @Malicient
    To me, Lawrence being terrified made more sense than him just going "Oh, a giant wolf is wanting to travel with me, okay" due to the fact that as a man who saw a fellow merchant eaten alive by wolves, the sudden appearance of a massive one would instinctively scare the hell out of him. I don't care how pragmatic and tough someone thinks they are, if you watch someone ripped to shreds by wolves, screaming for help, and then get confronted, alone, by a chick with a GIANT wolf paw that can easily rend you asunder, you're gonna piss yourself.
  • Spice and wolf was my first official anime and holds a special place in my heart
  • @masterxehanort3
    "And they didn't want to offend anyone who believes in those things" I get the reasoning, but frankly, believe in God or not, the corruption of the church at historical eras has litle to do with the actual validity of the faith said church represents, it is just a historical truth anda way people abuse power.
  • @TidusplZUO
    Stop it, Geoff Stop breaking my heart about the fact that we'll never get season 3 As for what you should do next - Berserk 2016/17. Bring alcohol.
  • @TwinergyGaming
    Still waiting for season 3! At least we have the sequel books to look forward to I guess!
  • @elafila6883
    Because the design in the anime is mature holo is a believable woman and it doesn’t look ridiculous when she reminds Lawrence she is way older than him and she is one step ahead. It’s plausible and looks right. Because sometimes you can see that sometimes Lawrence is talking with other people and you can notice that holo doesn’t take part in the conversation a lot. But when Lawrence talks about it to holo, you realize she understood a lot about that conversation even if she looked detached
  • @dr4c0blade
    After the reboot, it's interesting to go back to this video and see what the first episode of the new anime did differently from the old. And honestly? Not much. The first episode clearly took most of its cues from the last anime than the light novel. It's almost a bit for bit remake, only with different camera angles, a larger budget, and reworked character designs to more closely resemble the light novel illustrations. The biggest difference is that Chloe's gone now (save for a cameo), replaced by Yarei, who she originally replaced in the first place. Plus, the flash forward at the beginning that implicitly promises that we're getting the whole story this time.
  • "If spice and wolf is an economics lesson with boobs, then the anime is definitely the cliff notes version." Such truth to your words, MB my dude! (This also applies to Maou Yuusha)
  • Thanks for reminding me that this show will never continue. I really wanted to have that wound reopened.
  • @Mike23443
    virgin anime Lawrence vs Chad book Lawrence.
  • @titanslayer492
    This video is so well-researched and insightful and makes want to go out and read the light novels from the beginning. I urge you to keep doing this series. It's fantastic
  • @LaraWarriorWolf
    Dude, a FANTASTIC piece of work you did there. It's a blast to have your videos on! Thank you!