Understanding Syria's Assad family

Pres. Bashar al-Assad is the face of Syria's regime, but his family also wields powerful influence. Nicole Dow reports. More from CNN at www.cnn.com/

コメント (21)
  • @ovidiuc
    the way she talks is sooo superficial and annoying I had to stop after 10 seconds. I will go to wikipedia to learn about Assad.
  • I literally am reading a 400 page biography on Hafez Al-Assad written by Patrick Seale. He spent a lot of time w/the family while writing it and goes in depth to their family history. There’s plenty of credible information on them and Syrian politics she just didn’t take the time to do it lmfao
  • The "Ruthless " brother seems tame compared to the rebels that behead their opposition.
    What a terrible piece of journalism, thank you CNN for wasting my time.
  • عائلة الأسد 🦁 هي الأفضل ، هي من بنت سورية 🇸🇾❤
  • @Toine399
    My God the journalist has not the most dynamic speech. The two first “you know” killed me
  • @baroh2413
    "They're, kinda Soprano-like" I stopped taking it serious after that comment
  • they're not very secretive, you know they used to walk on the streets in syria without security, go to restaurants and talk to people, name me one other president who does that
  • @slicbro
    The woman that did the supposed research on the Assad's sounds like a complete airhead. First of all, if this is all her research has bright to light, something that we can easily find out on Wikipedia, she should just get out of journalism. Second, her voice is just annoying. 
  • Wow, what an amazingly shallow amount of research, Nicole Dow. There's almost nothing in there.
  • @r12500r
    " dug deep " that's litrlally what's on wikipedia..
  • @zayn6371
    I hate those people who says alassad family is bad and they never visited syria .. Ask syrians about what happening in syria dont check the fake news
  • This interview seems to be rather pleonastic. The presidential family ist powerful. influential, rich. What else? You don´t no investigations to find this out.
  • I'm a American and like Assad family...I hope they can make Syria great agian. Rebuild Syria...please protect the people. And stop the killings.
  • If that is "deep" I guess a poli-sci class in international politics might be for her like quantum mechanics is to a grade 8 science class?
  • @marc21091
    The best book about Hafez al-Asad is 'Asad - The Struggle for the Middle East' by Patrick Seale, published 1988 with a revised edition in 1994. Patrick Seale interviewed Asad and two of his children. You learn all about Hafez al-Asad's life and rise to power from Seale who knew him well. Not a secret.
  • @JoArDri
    How much can you really understand about a family ruling a country after a three minute report? You'd think with 24hrs to fill they could devote atleast a little more time to, actual in depth reporting on a major foreign news story shaping US Middle East policy.
  • İ learned Assad family They are the legend greet from Turkey Long Live Assad