Are We Seeing the END of Warcry?

Seeing everything going on with Games Workshop lately and with how Warcry releases have been recently, I'm wondering if Warcry is ending.

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コメント (21)
  • @dinnyskips
    It would be absolutely classic GW to make an incredibly successful specialist game, only to just completely trash it a few years later.
  • @animusvids
    The quarterly big boxes model is what scares new players away. Every other skirmish game concentrates on buying the core warband and expand it later, a more affordable model for players.
  • @benjamin2629
    I hope they re-release with town/city combat, give it some Mordheim flavour, Skaven vs the new Human guys in a city combat could be very cool.
  • @PMMagro
    The Underworlds & Warcry warbands have been the most interesting ones for years. The pace of seasons is just way to fast. I hope they keep making these smaller themed warbands as they have often been very nice models. GW rules etc are always hopeless (lasting six months at the best and often FAQued upon release even). The inital lowlife cahos aspring warbands where amazing and a very nice theme (more streamlined fantasy Necromunda kind of). I think they will always have their fans :)
  • @escapo6895
    I don't think they're retiring the game. I think they overdid it with the large boxes for both Kill Team and Warcry. All my local shops have piles of them sitting around, taking space. The smaller boxes and individual gangs are the way to go--they're way more retailer-friendly and have a more accessible price point for new players. The chaos gangs are just being retired because the setting of the game has turned away from the chaos vs. chaos struggle. I think there were a lot of players who didn't buy into the 1st edition of Warcry because they didn't have any interest in chaos.
  • @direden
    Seems like it's time for Snarling Badger to make a fantasy skirmish game. Ya know... something just right for using old Warcry minis...
  • @mattroso1210
    please god no... I literally just got into warcry this year and have been loving it. Its the thing that finally got me to dig out my old unpainted AOS 1.0 models (which i never even played), work on them, build custom terrain, throw together some compendium lists, and quite frankly get back into the hobby! Warcry is the only reason I recently picked up my first vangaurd box, spending hundreds $$$ on GW products just so i could have fun with warcry list building options (and its been great!) Buuuut, yeah... I guess I just said it myself - i'm buying AOS products (to field in warcry), and I've never actually bought anything branded for warcry itself... I wonder how many similar sales are on the books, potentially misleading GW on the profit margins of keeping this game afloat...
  • Big update for Warcry yesterday with around 2 dozen new profiles, lots of rules updates, and a lot of points adjustments. We also got John Bracken the Lead Game Developer on Warcry talking about the game in a metawatch video. In that video he talked about the game currently and the future. When talking about a few points and rules adjustments for the old v1 warbands he said "These warbands are still very much part of the game, lots of people own them, they're the OG of Warcry. People are very very fond of them. We want people to be able to feel they can use those in tournaments and not feel like they've got one hand tied behind their back." . When asked about the long term of Warcry John said: "We want to keep an eye on the points values, we want to keep an eye on the overall balance, the over all integrity of it. We want to make sure it's in a nice healthy place for matched play across the world in addition to producing cool new narrative content whenever possible." "What we really want to do is whenever new models are added into ranges that we update those as quickly as we can so people have new toys to play with. All that sounds like Warcry is in a very good place and isn't going away anytime soon.
  • I’m sure every business meeting boils down to: is this keeping the customers on the plastic treadmill or not? The Platonic ideal for them is that a new $400 box of Warhammer: The Old Team UnderCry of Sigmar 40k comes out every day and the customers buy it religiously while new customers join the treadmill at or above the rate that old ones die under box avalanches.
  • The changes to Warcry are in line with the changes to Kill Team. Smaller boxes with less terrain. The discontinuation of warbands is in line with Underworlds. They cannot keep them around indefinitely because of the AoS compatibility. Too many units that no one can find anymore creates frustration. Also, they seem to have moved on from Warcry being a game about chaos tribes and made the sensible decision to include all factions from AoS.
  • @5p3cu10
    The very first box for Warcry was an absolute steal. It was like £100 and it was an entire game in a box. GW should have kept launching those. Folk would have kept buying them. New terrain, new models, new cards. It also baffled me when they stopped the random card selection as a main feature. That was one of the best parts.
  • blowing up the chaos warbands for AoS is a sign of the impending (end, heheh) times for Warcry (and personally really angers me because I LOVE how diversely weird the chaos warbands are in warcry, as they should be). Leave it to GW to can their best currently-supported game. Guess it didn't compel consumers to hoard enough plastic for the shareholders
  • @briochepanda
    Either their clearing out to old warbands to focus on taking warcry in a different direction artistically, or it really is the prelude to the game's swan song. If they are canning the game, I hope they'll be considering a similar skirmish style replacement because they're a much easier sell when convincing the unconvinced to give it a try.
  • I reckon sales have probably dropped due to buyers fatigue from the rate of releases This has been a common theme for folks who used to be into underworlds for a while now
  • I feel like in 15 years this game is going to be viewed a bit like Mordheim; a great game GW gave up on.
  • @DalleDC
    I have a feeling the business thinking in a company like GW think they can channel the same players into fewer lines of games with fewer armies and figures for the to make, but just have people buying the same products. The Mordheim players, i think, are that special kind of old school players that like to model build and have rules that are not play out of the box simple for younger players. That kind of game that seems to be going away.
  • With the release of the first-ever Warcry MetaWatch this past week it doesn't look like the game is going anywhere!
  • @rbrentw
    Horns of Hashut was a surprise because it was released with 2nd edition. The rest were all 1st edition Warcry and I hope it's just to make room for new sets and a new 3rd edition next year.