Stand Fast and FIGHT | Angels of Death Origins Breakdown - Kill Command

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コメント (21)
  • Only those who are prepared to stand and fight, can sail around in the space of night.
  • What struck me about the dark eldar was that I'm so used to them being described as cackling psychopaths that seeing them portrayed as businesslike and disciplined was actually kind of refreshing.
  • This was really a step above the Angels of Death Season 1. My favourite part is probably the haunting echo of the ships machine spirit "vengeance...Vengeance... VENGEANCE!"
  • @asaenvolk
    The ship knew its captain was dead, and while we don't know the relationship between the two, its anger of the loss was all consuming.
  • this episode was really good and shows how good the human aspect of 40k can be.
  • @rayz0101
    My god the animation for this was amazing. Those facial expressions when she enters the machine spirit.
  • @lilott1
    Those deckgun crewmen took a boatload of really bad people screaming into the warp with them. A good death is it's own reward.
  • @whydid666
    "On some level it's preferable to have your soul evaporate into the warp then be captured by chaos or xenos and tortured for eternity." One my favorite 'unofficial' 40k stories masterfully read out by **A vox in the void** is "all the gods are dead." It follows a humble vegetable farmer who hid under a floorboard rather then die in a futile firefight with a band of marauding Slanneshi cultists. In order to survive he dons an iron mask and the rags of dead a marauder and follow the raiders disguised as one of them. All along the way he feels disgust and hate towards them constantly praying to the Emperor and biding his time for when he can escape the raiders and surrender to the local PDF. As he forced to watch endless horrors it wears down his soul to the point he's begin to actively participate in the assaults and sieges feeling like a powerful warrior. All while rationalizing that in his heart he's still loyal and has "no choice" as he guns down defending PDF, laughing as he drunkenly watches raider pull down imperial statues and grapes "their stone lovers", while hungerly enjoying spiced human meats. In the end only death can cleanse his soul.
  • Holy shit. This was the first of these I've seen and that was epic! I tried to find where to start in this universe and listened to the first few chapters of an audio book a few years ago but changed jobs and lost spare time. ...I'm gonna have to try again
  • Great breakdown. As a Navy Vet, love to see the portrayal of the average voidsmen of the Imperial Navy or Astartes fleets in this case.
  • @Dreez76
    Cate Blanchette would make a great ship mistress in a liveaction movie.
  • Loved this episode, very much looks like someone has read Shadowpoint, which is an excellent book by the way. Glad to see the speech/mouth connection is getting better too.
  • @chains2660
    I guess “ saving many lives as we can” is never in an imperial officer objective
  • @amosb1452
    This was a great teaser for the next season. Every time you look past the bolter porn 40k really delivers.
  • @jakeg3733
    I love 40k void warfare and how it's becoming more grounded in real science. 20 years ago I doubt much thought would've been given to heat management on a Strike Cruiser by the writers. Now that people are generally more aware of the less fantastical realities of space combat, they're making a point to factor this into the writing. A damaged heat sink would absolutely prevent a ship from firing it's weapons safely (or at all). Great to see more of how a macrocannon operates too, although those look like torpedoes they loaded
  • The silent panic on the enemy ship with all the alarms going off was fuckin great 😎👍
  • I'am gonna look up the ship mistress voice actress because she certainly voiced a sister of battle in a audio book series
  • The Dark Eldar looked really good. Too bad they didn't get a chance board the ship so we could see them in action.
  • @ccdev
    WOW, the characterization, story, visuals. Great Job!