Joseph Anderson - Joe's Final Thoughts On Zero Escape ZTD

Published 2022-08-11

All Comments (18)
  • he's not wrong about it being rushed and slapped together, this game happening at all is a miracle and almost never came out. it only happened due to an incredible fan effort called Operation Bluebird. The budget was non-existent but the ambition was there.
  • Sigma and Diana showing a lot more closeness to Delta could have delivered a similar emotional angle to Junepei and Akane's 999 conclusion. Which the two characters themselves could have understood, and commented on. Even Carlos could have related to Delta after that with one of his goals being wanting to save Everyone and not just 6 of the 8 billion. That could have shored up the ending some. I'm amazed they gave us VLR fan service of another Phi kick, totally forgot that happened. Nothing could save the aliens though... there's nowhere the story could go. He. Loves it.
  • Lmao joe really lowered his expectations for this one. Actually worked out nice for the streams cause they were much more lighthearted.
  • @The9813
    It occured to me too that Sigma and Phi's whole gimmick of being super soldier morbers trained to morb in VLR and yet in ZTD they don't do it ONCE during any of their routes, despite Phi mentioning to jump during their execution. Instead the morb team is C team, whoes main power up to that point was playing telephone through the past and future, and a literal who.
  • My favorite momet was when Sigma and Diana are stuck in the shelter, Diana has a complete meltdown, and at the end of the scene we find out it only has been 2 weeks.
  • @vinter3693
    This trilogy was a wild ride with lots of good laughs and silly plot twists. I'm glad I was there for it all!
  • @gfjmember
    ZTD was, in my opinion, pretty clever about the reflection thing. I think it reasonable to assume that an average man wouldn't deliberately go out to check his reflection unless they had some reason to, but if they were passing a mirror, they'd casually check it out. HOWEVER, Zero Sr deliberately went out of his way to remove pretty much every reflective surface there was. For example, the mirror in the infirmary had been scuffed. When I was first playing VLR, and was reaching the end, and was theorising that Sigma was actually in the future, I thought back to the infirmary mirror as a clue.
  • ZTD just doesn’t quite live up to the twists and turns of the rest of the series. For me, 999 has a great conclusion and works really well as a standalone. I especially love it on the DS, where they use the medium to deliver some cool twists to the story. VLR also appeals to me in that I’m one of the few who liked the sci-fi aspects more than the horror ones, and I loved all the time travel shenanigans. It left a heckuva cliffhanger at the end though, and I don’t think ZTD could have lived up to it in all honesty. Reminds me of KHIII if I’m being honest. 😒
  • @Cheffihn
    Glad he enjoyed it and honestly for me that's all that matters
  • Dunno if this was explained yet, but the one mirror in the entire facility of VLR, if you try to look at it (you can during a puzzle), it'll not that the mirror is dirtied up so the one chance Sigma has to look at his reflection is halted by dirtiness. Clean your room, kids, you never know how old you actually are unless you do.
  • @rainbcwdream
    okay yea, sure sigma didn't look at his own reflection, which i can kind of get, but i do not understand how he did not realize his hair was longer. surely he should have felt that on his neck..
  • @The9813
    Wouldnt 67 year old sigma know how exactly he lost his eye and arms? Or would it end up a stable time loop where if he didnt lose them then, he would elsewhere?
  • So how good is AI the somnuim files? And it got a sequel recently too right?
  • @nephel6158
    I personally enjoyed ZTD more than VLR, but like, I definitely think hat ZTD is the worst objectively though.
  • @PaddyRoon7
    The only good character in this game is Diana. The rest were either crap newcomers or returning characters that didn't get enough attention. Like seriously, wtf was Akane in ZTD? Where's her machiavellian side? She's just a damsel in distress for most of the game. Junpei is a huge emo. Phi got no real character development. Sigma just feels like a generic good guy protagonist.