EVERYTHING You Need To Know About Space Marines in 10th Ed | Warhammer 40k Tactics

Published 2024-04-18

All Comments (21)
  • @azrael1045
    I love running azrael, apothecary and 10 hellblasters, just makes me smile
  • @greg_mca
    Fun fact: oath of moment affects all attacks and is not phase locked. This means it can be used during overwatch to bring your hit rate from 16.7% to 30.5%, essentially doubling the number of hits on your big target. When combined with something like devastators' auto 6 ability, it could allow you to destroy a high wound enemy in their own turn
  • @grahamives5781
    White scars go Vroooom. All I need to know about space marines. Could have been a short.
  • @JoeHero40k
    You should do a video talking about what armies are for the experienced players. Which ones that the experienced players tend to do well with, that newer players tend to not pick or wont do well with if its there first.
  • @Jenkans
    Well done! There's a lot of information packed in here. You are my favorite 40k presenter, with lots of energy while keeping things moving. Thanks for the video.
  • @reginlief1
    Love to see this for other factions (that have their codices).
  • @Antnerd
    I did NOTTTT know about the Transport Void vs Reserves - my friend group and I have been playing that wrong this whole time, good to know before tournament, thanks!
  • @taodark3703
    Well written and excellently presented. Great Work!
  • @davidring681
    I wish you went into the specific strats for each detachment. The 1st company one has some cool buffing ones
  • With 10th edition murdering the psychic phase, I’ve found that I’m going back to my roots and playing my space marines again because I don’t love how GW wants me to play Thousand Sons in 10th while I was completely in love with them in 9th. I learned to play with Indomitus and marines, and then moved to the Sons because I loved the psychic shenanigans and I really don’t love the only way to get it back is to say “oops only rubrics and characters” and rely on Magnus alone for dealing with heavy threats
  • @Rotaienko
    Our local tournament rules don’t allow to deep strike 1st round even if you started on the board and then removed the unit to the strategic reserve. They say it was rulled only for WTC which doesn’t make it formal rules for all tournaments. Any thoughts how to counter-argue that?
  • @jarrod7465
    As a fists player, I tried and tried and tried to make anvillus siege force work but it just doesn't. You are not incentivised in 40k to keep units stationary. Sure if you do you'll kill more stuff but you guarantee a loss on objectives because you arent running up the table for board control. It sucks. I wish anvillus gave a flat boost to all bolter weapons instead. Like what salamanders Detachment does for flamers, do that for bolters.
  • @jongrubka7169
    I am playing the dark angels because my arm is opening up a dark angels. I’m using fire storm assault because I have long Covid and memory issues along with brain fog, and I forget to do things in Gladius. I would rather playGladius. but I just keep forgetting too many things.
  • I'm Playing the Space Dominicans 🇩🇴 The Crimson Fists! They're even the same color as the flag.
  • @kendozero1861
    I wanna says a surprisingly tough unit for Vanguard Detachment that people dont use with BDD is Deathwatch Terminators (take up to ten wtih thunder hammer storm shield). Thats up to 40 wounds + whichever character used, with 2+/4++ starting 9 inches away from enemy DZ/models. If you deploy first, that unit can create a big Bubble of infilteator / scout denial.
  • At 13:58 you subject placing a model on an objective marker to screen objectives however... Page 58 of the rule states "you cannot end a move on top of an objective marker."