Worst IGN Reviews Ever


コメント (21)
  • IGN probably ended Alien Isolation’s chances at a sequel with that review. One of the best horror games of all time.
  • "Game journalists really like death loop for some reason" "death loop basically plays itself" Well that sure does explain it
  • I feel like the review for Wolfenstein: The New Order sums of IGN the best. They judge games based on what they want them to be, not what they are. That game got about a 7.5 or so, and their main complaints were that it felt “stuck in the past” and that you had to pick up items manually. My god.
  • This man seriously went into battle for bikini bottom rehydrated looking for the dark souls of platformers
  • I'm a diehard Doom fan, and when the Doom 2016 reviewer said "fixed power-up placements and shortcuts give experienced players who know the map an advantage," it just made me laugh. Yes bud, that's exactly how its been since the 90's.
  • You know they're unqualified when they put "frustrating AI" as a con for a literal survival horror game.
  • I remember I was really excited for Alien Isolation and looked forward to it for a year. The night before it released I decided to look at the reviews at was met with IGN’s notorious review. My heart sank. I ultimately decided “screw it, I’m going to play it for myself and find out” that is still one of the best choice I’ve ever made. I’ve played through it like 12 times by this point and Even got the platinum trophy. I still to this day won’t even consider IGN reviews and when I do for games I’m unsure about, I check out immediately after I see Ryan’s name
  • Alien: Isolation is still to this day one of the best horror games to ever be made. It's got the creepy atmosphere, it's got the feeling of hopelessness, it's got a monster that you can't kill. The game literally forces you to be paranoid at every possible turn or you will die and it is amazing. Not sure what the journalist was smoking that day when he reviewed Alien: Isolation, but I want a lot of it.
  • @boomz2526
    IGN went from a major juggernaut in game reviews to a footnote in a game's legacy
  • I still think about the Alien Isolation review and the fact that Ryan Mcaffrey put the game on hard and complained that it was hard. I wonder how that can be read by an editor and taken seriously 🤦‍♀️
  • This video (this actual video, not the one being reacted to) is a far better example as to how the gaming community should approach their opinions. It’s fine to have strong opinions, but it’s incredibly important to understand nuance and variance in differing takes and styles.
  • "The way he leaps off of rooftops and flips backwards to face the camera before falling into a head first dive is just full of the exaggerated swagger of a Black teen." Will forever be the weirdest line I've heard from a video game review. Edit: To clarify, this is NOT from IGN. It's from Gamespot's review of Miles Morales.
  • I found death stranding quite relaxing. That's why I liked it, and then once I got all the guns at the end it got really fun going around and just killing everyone and causing mayhem.
  • The problem with IGN is that they have far too many people doing reviews so their isn't a consistency across scores and grading
  • @GeremyG
    You can’t spell ignorant without “IGN”.
  • I don't even know how the reviewer called the Alien AI frustrating. I played through the game on hard mode for my first run (which to this day I don't think affects much in the game besides resources), and I thought the AI was extremely fair, with only very few sections where its pathing was difficult to get around, even with distractions. It is still my favorite horror game ever, and if I want to introduce someone to a real scary game it's my go-to. I really hope they make another one with less clunky combat, and it would easily be a 9/10.
  • @daikonbou
    "Deathloop plays itself" oh so it's the perfect game for Game Journalists
  • @Rifer0
    I wrote reviews a while ago for one of the biggest sites in my country and also wrote reviews for other media, like comic books. It was never really said outright, but the consensus was "Don't be too harsh or the publisher won't send us games in the future and we'll be on their blacklist". I gave a game 4/10, wrote the whole text for a 4/10 but when my boss published my review he changed the score to a 6/10
  • That Alien Isolation review hurts. I love that game so much and the AI for the alien is incredible. It's one of the most immersive and terrifying horror games I've ever played. You always feel like you're in constant danger. I feel like that IGN reviewer was just salty cause they kept getting killed by the alien. Just because you're bad at a game does not equal bad game design.