for some reason it hurts

Published 2023-03-26
Sorry, I had to reupload this because the shorts version was lower quality.

I know no one asked, but I have always had almost no friends, only have 1 or 2 irl friends and 2 or 3 online, and most of the time my irl friends look happier without me, and I also have a 4 mental disorders which impacts my social life a lot, I use art to cope but a lot of people don't like it, including my parents. It is hard for me to make friends because it always turns out they were using me for stuff, that or they just backtalk me the whole time, and sure, maybe I am stupid at times but still. So how the mental disorders impact me.. idk if I am really that ready but here we go, mental disorder reveal ... Autism (higher on the spectrum so it isn't all that bad) adhd, ocd and one I only tell to close friends because I don't really like to talk abt it. So adhd, the adhd just makes me hyper, overreactive and stuff like that, idrk how to explain because i might be crossing the autism.. idk just search it up cuz idrk. But I know that I have extreme social anxiety and I am terrified to show any parts of my body online, even just my hands.. I also have a really bad class, they are sexist, homophobic and racist so I hate my class and only have 1 friend in it. I only have 2 friends in the entire school and one is usually gone so that sucks, right? I have never told anyone this much stuff before.. but when the people I like the most seem happier without me, it makes me jelous, sad and angry all at the same time, idrk if I will reveal anymore stuff so bye..

i am scared to upload this because of the description because so many people online fake this stuff and now the internet thinks people who say they have autism, or adhd are attention seeking, I hate people
who fake these because some people
actually have it and it makes us mad

All Comments (4)
  • I can’t wait to lipsync a 2nd snout its hard in my style 😭 Also i never felt this feeling rn and if that happened to you recently then it must hurt alot.