Play Dr. MUNDO if you want to CLIMB

Published 2024-04-28
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#Educational #Challenger #Toplane #Fundamentals #Guide #Macro #alois #leagueoflegends

All Comments (21)
  • @Hymn645
    “I’m doing it consciously” My top laner before creating the most powerful raid boss to ever walk the rift.
  • @aabeeek
    I'm a simple man with simple pleasures. After a long day on the ranch, I pour myself a tall glass of milk, huff some paint, and log on to the Dell I got for Christmas in 2006 with Windows XP to play some League of Legends. The client needs to patch. That's fine. I reheat a bowl of beans and lard for supper, and it's already at 13% by the time I get back, well ahead of schedule. I huff some more paint to pass the time, and oh boy does it pass. The client is ready to go by 7:30. Everybody keeps saying it's laggy, but I don't notice any difference from usual. Maybe I'm just too intelligent, or maybe the paint is finally doing its job. I queue up solo - normal blind pick of course. The queue pops, and Clippy asks me if I want help selecting my champion. Not now not ever, I think boastfully at the cartoon paper clip. I lock in Dr. Munro. My teammates pick Shaco and all the others pick hot anime girls. I take one last good long huff to get ready for the game, and in we go. The first thing I notice is that their team doesn't have a dt Munford. Free win then. I go top lane. I always go top lane. They have a Aatrod. Pathetic. I hit the minions. I miss some crepes bc I have 450 ping. Aatrox tries ro hit me but I heal up bc I'm drMindoro. Midgame I have sunfire and I tp botlane to gank. They have thst new champ Aphelios shootijg weird bubble guns at me. There's a tirret or sometbjng? Idk anuway I kill him by running at his face pressing e amd right clicking him to death. I miss all three cleavers I throw. It doesn't matter. 20 min latr a D really stsrting to feel the paint. I have sjnfire warmogd spirit vosage and tp to baroj for teamfigyt. Aphekios knows he's dead as soon as tp channle starts. He tries to get away by rooting me or sokething? Idk anyway I press ult and run him down. I forgot ti buy boots. It doesnt matter. I get four kills by pressijg e and right ckickijg with my w on. Thst bitch Lux stole my penta. Game ocer. Another win for Dr mubdo. So in concolustn, hello fellow summoner. This you should just play mondarb against aphelios. He kill gun guy good. Thank you. Thank you. If you kill gun man, anime grliss hot. they'll be lower son. The Dr mildew play is right thing to do. So doooooo
  • @Mifian
    I've done it. I've committed to Dr. Mundo top. 21 games in three days. I've lost 300lp and counting. I've been dreaming in purple and thinking about the medical profession. I'll never stop. I go where I please. Keep doing Mundo content.
  • @lukadobo4769
    Mundo is super strong and fun to play, but beware. If you play it too much, you will start to become delusional, talking to yourself in a weird voice, etc. I refer it as Mundobrain syndrome. Just check comments, it has obviously affected some of them already.
  • @modeus4653
    The Rayman 2: The Great Escape music at 9:53 Omg. So many memories unlocked from playing that game as a kid ^^
  • @haydensmith9531
    @alois watching your videos and learning about fundamentals from you plus wave control has helped me stomp people as an adc. I’ve won so many games so early by poking down the other adc and shoving in 2 waves then recalling for component advantage then coming back and getting a kill. Thank you so much, I love the content so much
  • @jakobbrun6535
    I love mundo! I've learned so many fundamentals watching these videos. Yesterday a renek dived lvl 4, didnt get the kill, escaped with marginal hp. Killed him by E'ing a minion into him. He could do nothing from there. Even went executioner first item and I just had a laugh every time we fought. Mundo like actually seems busted sometimes - I almost only lose when enemies are super duper fed. Slightly fed enemies Mundo handles quite well...
  • @ripzy7671
    alright i wanted one video on mundo at this point you giving away the secret sauce chill my boi
  • @Bugy162162
    It is crazy how its so basic what you explained, but for me, a bronze 2 player, changed my game play completed... Thank you so much!!
  • @oldmanbanjo
    So, after years of failing to climb and watching dumb videos by Neace. After watching this guy for a week, I'm winning every lane top. Fu neace. Most educational channel for free in the whole space on the yootubes.
  • @Monstrosity9000
    If you do road to masters in other roles, I'd love to see Mundo in the jungle. You'll get free ganks just from poor positioning, and you get to scale for free with one of the fastest full clears in the game
  • @lynore_
    Best skim in the game btw, it always makes me smile
  • @aborxl
    2 games in 1 video is crazy i love it
  • @lugiasb1705
    Bayonetta music? With Mundo stomping?? LETS GO!