The ULTIMATE Scratch mod : Penguin mod

Published 2023-10-01

All Comments (21)
  • @FreshPenguin112
    Thanks for this awesome video! The Among us and dragon shapes being left in is a true story because i thought it would be funny, im the owner of PenguinMod btw(as you could probably tell by my name), if anyone is wondering why the site isnt working right now we had to temporarily shut down our servers because we got DDoSed
  • @betaman55
    This mod shows that scratch could have implemented these a long time ago, except for the few blocks that were really useful that were removed. The blocks could’ve revolutionized scratch, but unfortunately we live in a time where scratch is too easy on their community
  • The reason the 'move X steps' block, and the ones penguin added, are very important is because it is based on what direction the sprite is facing.
  • @goobertnelius
    Les go, I've been using penguinmod since nearly the beginning and I think it's great people are starting to recognize it!
  • @Challenger10K
    I started using pemgiunmod a few days ago for my private projects but I think the community for scratch is a lot bigger and better. Its probably one of the most underrated mods for scratch
  • @evanlim9098
    When I was younger and still figuring out scratch I was like " Why is there no when I _ event block" eventually I knew how to do it with the if and forever blocks but to this day sometimes I'm tired and I go " Dang where did they put the when _ block?" But this mod makes it 10x easier on my brain when I'm coding at 3 in the morning.
  • This is huge!!! If the scratch team just used hired them to make 4.0 then scratch development as a whole would change forever!
  • @SharkPool_SP
    Yoooo my extensions!!! @ 11:30 I made Better Input, Sprite Parenting, and Particle Tools ;)
  • @ItzEndrr
    pm contributor here(translator, approver, moderator, just a person who gave a lot of ideas, etc.), pretty cool video dude
  • @RammansPizzas
    I specially love the new Rotation Styles, previous costume block and when stop blocks, but also the Switch Blocks (I use those often in GML, thats why and they are really useful) they added! Really liking this sofar.
  • I've been using this mod for the past few months and im glad it's finally getting more attention!
  • @90Bananas
    3:06 the diffrence between 'change x' and 'move steps' is that change x is only gonna change x,no other value,while move can walk diagonally and vertically,based on the direction.
  • @ShowierData9978
    (someone who partly (kinda just gave insperaiton) for an extension) note: The reason its not on the forms is because fresh did not want to remove the discord link, and did not care about it being on the forms
  • @idoblenderstuffs
    one thing i really want from a scratch mod is the ability to reliably play a gif or mp4 file. i was gonna make a full on game using turbowarp but discovered it was just extremely inefficient at displaying a gif so i went elsewhere.
  • @brayloncodes
    Scratch is definitely better if you're still starting out/practice but once you get good you realize how limiting it is. With penguin mod you can make quite literally anything, I started using it a while ago and I was blown away, try it.
  • @ElephantMario83
    I think scratch addons is definitely is a strong alternative, and also customizable and isn’t it’s own website. Both great scratch additions, just based on personal preference 😀
  • @weirdooftheyear
    4:00 Other people have probably already said this, but you can make a sprite stop speaking in native Scratch by running a blank say block.