What To Eat When You’re Constipated | Dr. Will Bulsiewicz Live Q&A

Published 2021-11-10
What are the best foods to eat when you’re constipated? Dr. Will Bulsiewicz reveals them best options to give things moving again when he joins “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll on The Exam Room Live.

Dr. B also answers viewer questions sent to The Doctor’s Mailbag:

- Can protein powder cause constipation?

- What is the best diet for diverticulitis?

- What should you eat after taking antibiotics?

- And many more

Have a question? Post it in the comments or chat and we’ll answer as many as possible during the live broadcast.

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Physicians Committee

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The Physicians Committee is dedicated to saving lives through plant-based diets and ethical and effective scientific research. We combine the clout and expertise of more than 12,000 physicians with the dedicated actions of more than 175,000 members across the United States and around the world.

All Comments (21)
  • 1. Prunes. 2. Apples. 3. Wholegrain and legumes 4. Papaya 5. Flax seeds 6. Chia seeds 7. Kiwi
  • I had a bad spell of blockages causing a visit to hospital, the advice cut back in fibre...too much whole grains and legumes caused my blockages and they advised increase soluble fat from meat, prunes and olive oil. That was 10 years ago and never suffered since. Almost every senior I know who use Metamucil have bladder infections and more frequent constipation....do not rely on over counter meds folks,
  • Dairy in all forms was the biggest constipation culprit for me. Eliminating dairy eliminated constipation. Then adding food with fiber and resistant starch bulked up my poops so that pooping is quick and complete.
  • @sonudeep8204
    Dr will very honest person and good knowing person I think everyone have to follow him he have great knowledge.
  • @roseker3288
    Thank you guys💝You are a couple of “the best” out there today⚛️
  • @litachow1327
    The best vegetable in the world for constipation is OKRA. Saute with garlic and oil, do not cut, as the slimy substance will come out and most people do not like the taste of it. Keep it whole and saute only until it turns slightly dark green, only for about 1 or 2 minutes. It should be still firm and have a slight crunch to it. You can add some spices if you like but I used garlic salt, just a bit, not a salt lover. I usually choose the small Okra and still green, not the yellowish ones as they are a bit older and tougher. Okra also is good in batter and fried, but it is healthier when sauteed. I had a friend who had a problem with constipation and she suffered for 4 days not being able to go. I made her the sauteed Okra and didn't tell her the effect of this powerful little veggie. The next day she told me that it worked like a "BOMB" and she felt sooo great and relieved. So, try it, folks. This is a thousand times better than any other fruits or veggies. No need for med. You will love it, and please, thank God for His creation.
  • @33tcamp
    Cup of black coffee and an apple in the AM, plus a brisk walk. Works every time.....
  • @unnamable465
    Yes my BIGGEST mistake when trying to cure my constipation is only ADDING more fiber without taking the BAD things out of my diet like fast food and breads. Please listen to this if you truly want to stop suffering!
  • Great presentation on everything from eating it to eliminating it.
  • Thank you very much Doctors for giving us these amazing informations. Especially, its does cost us a penny!
  • @danpantaleo7094
    Thanks so much Dr Will. Love the straight forward conversations and sound scientific advice . Thank you Chuck ,Love your energy.
  • So! Fix to here!! You are amazing!! Thank you for your help!! I’m very constipated and now I know what to do!! You a GOD sent!!
  • @1977baxter1
    Wow I really love this guy, the Dr, he's on point.
  • @unnamable465
    I've cut out garlic, onions, Grains and dairy and it's literally changed my life for the good! I've struggled with constipation off and on for 20 years and for the first time I can poop normally! I've also added chickpeas and have limited my red meat intake and I eat small amounts.of other meats. I feel great! And I don't eat large salads cuz too much fiber will constipated me so I have small salads.