Using Twitter for linkbuilding in SEO


コメント (21)
  • @ronaldec7
    The lastest books on twitter don't talk about this stuff. You are always ahead of the game.
  • Thats what its all about, thanks for taking the time to write back with some feedback, much appreciated.
  • Thanks for the feedback, can't change the video bt maybe I'll touch on these points in the future.
  • @leer5858
    great video, I came on hear for some fresh SEO ideas and you're giving me plenty! Thanks.
  • @gbmack2000
    Excellent vid. I wish you were my uncle so that you could teach me how to "SEO" my site. Excellent info.
  • At some point after this video was produced, Twitter added nofollow to links. However, that does not diminish the fact that properly using social media is important to SEO.
  • LOL!! Glad to be able to help out in my own little way.
  • Anyone tried the MoboRank (do a search on google)? I have heard many great things about it and my mate rank on page 1 for his term with it.
  • @ponedog
    I'm afraid I didn't find this at all helpful. From 0:43 to 1:24 - It's quite a leap to go from finding someone tweeting about how hot their office is, to actually convincing that individual to write an entire blog entry about it, AND include a link to your client's website, AND to tell their friends to retweet it. What could possibly motivate the individual to do any of that? No wonder your client couldn't roll it out. It wouldn't work. And you think you could get 50 people to do all that?
  • You can speak a little slower it will help us whose mother tongue is not English to follow better.