PTSD vs CPTSD: Understanding Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Published 2023-05-13
This video describes the difference between PTSD and CPTSD. Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is largely neglected and misunderstood. This video explores the causes, history, and diagnosis of PTSD and CPTSD.

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All Comments (21)
  • @CB19087
    Your description about "cptsd is largely neglected and misunderstood" probably describes how every person with cptsd feels. I went to an NHS mental health appointment and said I thought I had it, the nurse said there's no such thing and I'll never recover from the trauma and will just have to learn to live with it! Set my recovery back by 6years!
  • I loved the thought of looking at Post Traumatic Growth. - We are not victims but survivors.
  • @timalan5376
    I have been officially diagnosed with Severe "complex" PTSD and he describes it perfectly. Thank you!
  • @tinaleubecker
    I have c-PTSD and I was recently ‘triggered’ (in quotes because I really don’t like using that word; to me, it connotes weakness) and even all of these years later, the intense abuse from childhood which spilled into adulthood, can cause me to unravel a bit. But I’m healing all the time and I thank you for your explanation and differentiation. Most people hear PTSD and say therapy, and while different therapy modalities are helpful, most psychologists & psychiatrists cannot touch on something they do not understand or are not allowed to or willing to explore. I found traditional therapy useless. In fact, it only took about three sessions to convince me that it was all me in the relationship and I should ignore all of my impulses because I can’t believe myself due to horrific and sustained childhood abuse. The decision I made after that based on this professional’s personal opinion almost ruined my life. Because of this, I stay alone and seek no therapy. It’s not the therapist’s fault, I didn’t have to listen to her. And I’m not unhappy. I’m not unfulfilled. I am, however, sad that there are so many of us who’ve suffered as children tremendous pain & heartache and the treatments that could be had are not offered. Maybe not treatments so much as just being understood. But better yet, we should figure out what causes some people to harm others (not all of them were abused themselves); is it evil, is it lack of empathy (psychosis)? Regardless, until the bad element is eradicated, people like me will continue to exist so I do not see why there is not a professional distinction between them so that people with c-PTSD can get the targeted help they need (and I don’t necessarily mean medication; I, for one, am against Big Pharma).
  • @brabbit303
    Sorry the second you said emdr i had to pause, my therapist used to do emdr with me in a very basic form and it worked well, i was diagnosed informally with cptsd but even so I've been living functional for about 6 years unmedicated & emdr really did help
  • @TMH792
    For anyone who comes across this I have been diagnosed with both in my life time and I do have CPTSD. If you are able call every trauma informed therapist you can and ask them what modalities they use and what do they know about childhood trauma. You will usually know if the person is educated about it. Most of my CPTSD is surrounded by narcissistic abuse from grandma, mom and brother. I have cut ties with everyone and have been doing intense reprocessing using EMDR and IFS. It's rewiring my brain. I am better than I was 7 months ago. There is healing! When I would see people say that, I didn't believe it and thought I was too broken. There are a lot of therapists who do know about the differences. I also have had terrible therapists, but I knew right away and I truly believe the reason they won't put it in the DSM is bc it would turn into a pamphlet instead of a book. Much love and healing to everyone! My only regret is I wish I would have done it sooner, I've lost years of my life being in survival mode 24/7!
  • Hi everyone I'm having very serious problems with mostly family difficulties and misunderstanding. The lack of support caused me to slowly drift away wondering why growing up as a child witnessing and overhearing everything. My parents fighting over whatever they come up with refusing to do as I tell them. No freedom, no acceptance on my wishes. This has turned my life upside down feeling confused, lost, always overthinking and remembering that something.
  • One of the best resources on the internet I found on these topics. Thank you.
  • @autumn2859
    This is one of the most helpful videos on the subject I've found so far, especially because of the information on a variety of treatment options, and ending with an encouraging introduction to the idea of post traumatic growth. Thak you!
  • Your lecture is beautiful calm and informative with much good information. Thank you.
  • @harrisona.4654
    Oct 24 2023; 4:45 pm; Bago Great job of differentiating PTSD from CPTSD! My biggest take-away was the concept of Post Traumatic Growth. Too many persons never seem to get past the trauma, and stay in a loop of Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda. Am now excited and inspired to immerse myself in material related to Post Traumatic Growth! ;)
  • This was a really good video! Clear, concise, insightful. Thank you!
  • @lensinmotion
    Love these snippits of education and wisdom. You've earned a subscription from me.
  • @noneya9444
    I find a dirt bike in a single track going through. The woods is great therapy for complex PTSD and I have a friend that is a veteran that finds it great for his PTSD.
  • @annedebrams007
    Yes I am a survivor as well and thank you for the yoga and all of what you shared I now realize I can go forward with Post Traumatic.
  • It's so soothing and grounding to listen to you and your calm voice. (I really like people with friendly eyes and your friendly manner has a positive impact on me.) Thank you for providing all this information. I feel like I've now finally understood what CPTSD is, and what steps I can take to recover from it! 🙏🏻
  • I sometimes struggle with listening to these kinds of things but I tried my best to stay with you until the end of the video and will look into EMDR and cPTSD growth, I wasn’t challenged by anything you explained, one of the best videos I’ve seen on these subjects, thanks so much
  • @ooulalah4333
    What I pick up on about CPTSD is that chronic stress is a typical feature such as sustained stress in childhood living in an abusive home