Help me fight, Youtube [MIRROR] [].mp4


I need your help guys. I cannot do this without help. I don't know where to start, but I know that I must; The UN must protect human rights, and that is exactly what it is not doing... So we have to speak out.

Here's how I found out:

Here's how you subscribe to her:

My take on it:

I am going to ask for your help Youtube.

I need your help.

I want to a collaboration video; And I need it to get massive.

This is not for me. It's not a vanity exercise. This is literally to spread the word.

If you've been on youtube in the last few hours, then you might have seen videos on the subject of the latest UN vote;

This is your chance youtube. You may think that nothing can really be achieved by youtube speaking out against this travesty of human rights from the people who are supposed to defend it, but this needs to be spoken against. This cannot stand, and I have no intention of letting it stand.

I haven't worked out the details yet. I don't know the logistics, but we need voices. Lots of them. Big voices, like Coughlan616, TheAmazingAtheist, philhellenes... small voices, like me and other similarly bracketed subscriber bases.

This needs to go viral. This needs to be as pure a demonstration of democracy as you can get; This needs to be thousands of voices howling at the top of their lungs against this.

This is religion making and influencing laws. That day we thought wouldn't come is here. Because of religion and who cares which one, if you're gay, or lesbian, or bisexual, or transgender, because of pronouncements in books of fairytales affecting a UN vote, you can be executed for it.

Leave a comment if you're interested or think you can help drum up support or send me a PM.

You could even make your own video, like this and send them my way or... I don't know yet. We'll work it out.

Even if you just want to wish us well, it is appreciated.

Till the next time I clock a thousand heads, till the next time we unite through common dreads.

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