Metal Gear Solid 4 Review

Published 2013-04-03

All Comments (21)
  • @greylithwolf
    I'll never forget being a foolish 16 year-old beating MGS4 at 2am and saying to myself, "I'll go to sleep after the last cutscene."
  • @chastermief839
    5:12 he says "the octocamo suit is a bit of a stroke of genius" as snake grabs the dick of a statue. these puns are too much.
  • "It's amazing he decided to spend so much time and energy on these clips when they only constitute 3 minutes of a players playthrough, and the player can only fully watch 1 of 5 channels on any given go. It's perhaps even more amazing that no one stopped him from doing this." Amazing quote.
  • @Catcrumbs
    1:07:33 "I'm surprised they didn't also expect players to switch the controller at this point." They did. You get a CODEC call if you reassign your controller during the battle.
  • @vallraffs
    I thought it was pretty brilliant how the game went from the credits to the epilogue. The credit for Richard Doyle really shows up at just the right distance from the other names, and is on the screen just long enough so that you don't just write it off as a press-x cutscene that you missed. You really do start thinking "wait, Big Boss was in this game? When was that? Did I forge-" and then cuts to the last scene.
  • In regards to the need to rerecord the voices for the Twin Snakes version, at 49:46. In a recent interview with a lot of the cast from the games (including David Hayter(Snake), Paul Eiding(Campbell), Tasia Valenza(Sniper Wolf) and Christopher Randolph(Otacon)). It was revealed how the recording process worked during the original recording for the PS1 version, where they had to record in a run-down house with almost no sound-proofing whatsoever, and because of the GameCube's increased performance they found out that when they imported the old audio files they realised that the GameCube picked up on a lot of extra sounds, even traffic outside the house. This resulted in the old files being unusable for the GameCube version and they had to rerecord it. The interviews were conducted by FraggedNation, KorruptRonin and YongYea, and you can see them on YongYea's channel.
  • @jackdaone6469
    "The wedding scene, where Meryl formally becomes Mrs. Poop." I just love those moments where you dive into humor like that, Matthew. It gives nice, lighthearted little breaks in the middle of your serious analysis.
  • @TK_GX
    one day matt will make a MGSV video... one day.
  • @IronyNinja
    0/10 This review was just an hour long cutscene with no gameplay!
  • @Derekrife1
    My interpretation of Snake's motivation in MGS4 is the same thing that drove him to come back from retirement in all of the other games. He has nothing else except for combat and being a soldier, because that is what he was created to do. It's mentioned in both Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, and Metal Gear Solid. It also puts a lot of what Big Boss tells him at the end of 4 into context, when he says to Snake "it's time to put down the gun." The fact that Snake continues to fight no matter what is obviously heroic, but it's ultimately self-destructive in every other aspect of his life to the point where he was going to kill himself for the sake of everyone else, and arguably what caused him to miss out on having the happily ever after ending that Meryl got in the end. But at least by putting down his gun, he will get to live out his final days doing whatever it is he wants, in this case traveling around the world to see the beginning of a new age without the Patriots, and no longer as a soldier.
  • The fact they said that Snake could choose to help either side is actually a lie. In none of the acts can you help the PMC's. They will go into alert as soon as they see you whereas if you give rations to the rebels they will not alert to your presence. There is still choice but the choice is to help the rebels or just to move on.
  • @SOIBand
    The Ray vs Rex fight is one of the golden moments in the whole mgs series :)
  • I feel like the insane amount of cutscenes would be more forgivable if there was a significant amount of gameplay to back it up. But there really isn't. Act 3, 4 and 5 are barely anything.
  • @gankyball4061
    I like how you're not a fanboy and you actually pick out the negatives of the games, these are probably the best reviews I've seen of the series purely because of the fact that they dive into the flaws without going as far as to accentuate the negative viciously. They've made me critically look at the games and while they're still my all time favourites you've shown me some serious negatives about the series, definitely the best reviews of this series I've seen.
  • @cookieface80
    "The cobra unit exist before nanomachines" DUDE PARASITES LMAO
  • @HelenaRedgrave
    Mild spoilers for MGSV: 45:27 I thought it was really, really stupid how the Cobra Unit's powers were retroactively explained in MGSV as being the result of parasites. Did parasites let The Fury become a giant flaming head too? Was The Sorrow's ghost infected with parasites as well? What about Volgin? Electric parasites? Honestly it seemed like a needless explanation to a question nobody was asking, and it barely even makes sense within its own universe. "Parasites" were literally just the "Nanomachines" of the 80s, used as cheap all-purpose plot hole fillers :/
  • @roger767
    the reason why the storytelling went downhill probably has to do with Tomokazu Fukushima not being a co writer on the games. The guy left after MGS3.
  • @BrainSeepsOut
    This game more than any previous Metal Gear shows just how much space Konami was willing to give Hideo Kojima in his direction. The deal has always been: "Please make more Metal Gear" "Okay but only if I have absolute control"
  • @phantomstrider
    I couldn't have asked for a more suitable review from you for a game I've long loved. Thanks very much for making this one.