Spider-Man 2 Has A Complicated Story

Published 2024-03-24

All Comments (21)
  • also something i wanna add is that when he first gets the symbiote hes joking around a LOT. i think its because the symbiote is slowly digging deeper in peters mind, and since hes humor is kind of the surface level of his personality thats what the symbiote amplifies first and then when it gets deeper it amplifies his trauma because thats deeper inside him
  • @Neutralizer16
    Bro makes the dopest edit of the game and act like we ain’t going notice.
  • @Revali69420
    ima be honest my only problem with Spider-Man 2 is that it was to short, we didn't get enough. Like bro 300 mil for 15 hrs is crazy giive me more pls. btw it does have the best traversal of all time.
  • There's another criticism that you forgot to put out: the fact that the game didn't include the best Spider-Man villain of all time: the wall.
  • @partylrd8699
    14:43 Everybody gangsta until Peter starts talking about himself in plurals
  • @cat_jk00
    The worst, most obviously annoying addition to the story is the Danicast. She literally just spells out everything that is going on for some reason. I genuinely think the story is pretty great as its own thing, but she went from kind of a fun neat addition that showed more of Mile's community to just telling us the plot that just happened.
  • @isabaig6665
    I love that Peter’s arc in the first game is him learning to accept help. That he needs to accept help to share the responsibility with. That’s what miles and his relationship with MJ is. This game is the 5 stages of grief of that and Aunt May. At the beginning he is in Denial that he is having a problem. The black suit represents his anger towards the fact that he needs people to help him. He thinks the suit can replace miles and MJ so they won’t be in danger. But he grows an addiction. The fight with miles is Bargaining. Then he is in depression as we see when he gets Anti Venom. And him giving all the responsibility to miles is acceptance.
  • @NiohArcadia
    Miles rocking the Killmonger cut is character assassination. No sane person rocks that shit unironically 😭
  • @skylord1846
    44:48 Agreed. The Fridge is Peter’s Arch Nemesis. It’s been the main villain of this Spider-Man Insomniac series. Hopefully in the 3rd game, Peter can finally beat it.
  • @KingdomKeyJT
    42:42 ngl bro adding Otto here with the voice acting on top of that actually made me tear up 💀
  • @thatoneguy5347
    My problem with the Scream fight is that she’s not really held accountable for the things she said. Now, I’m not saying Peter should’ve held it over her head or something, but the second Peter got the suit off, he apologized for everything he did, but this feels more like her aggressively pointing out Peter’s flaws and having him apologize for everything, it would’ve been nice if she at least tried to apologize for what she said and have Peter say it’s fine, because he understands what the symbiote does.
  • @MkayM254
    I feel like they miss out on making venom scary by not having him actually hurt anyone close to Peter. It would add that extra oomph if we actually saw Venom use his teeth on someone Peter loves or knows. If Venom in the one scene with MJ broke her bone or something…it would be such a WTF moment. They give us this menacing huge animalistic beast and the only time we see him draw blood is against Kraven. A big part of what caught me by surprise with the first game was them killing May. I didn’t think they’d do it. But here everyone felt “safe” like we all knew nothing bad would happen to anyone Peter cares about.
  • @SHMidlerPlays
    So I just finished watching this video and I just thought about the moment you bring up the opinion most people have on this game’s version of Venom and the symbiote being inherently evil reminded me of a line from Prey (2017). It is a line from Alex Yu to your character around a 1/4th to halfway through the game’s story where he says: “People are quick to project human features onto things they don't understand. The Typhon kill us without hesitation. But it's not because they're evil. It's because they can't do otherwise. You know what we discovered? They lack mirror neurons. For all of their wonderful abilities, there is one thing that we can do that they can’t: empathize with the suffering of another living creature.” I think in a way this quote can apply to Insomniac’s take on Venom. Because we have no actual way to say if this take on Venom was evil to begin with or not. Just thought it would be interesting to think about
  • @TomCat0217
    Synthetic Boy’s ranting at the beginning of the video 😂😂😂
  • @Goofy.Ahh.Kid.
    I love how when the little alley oop thing is over, the subtitles for Ganke say [WAR CRY!]
  • @avengerboy2171
    41:46 This sequence is genuinely amazing, it shows how Peter changed over the course of both games and how he parallels from the previous game. Something I didn't notice, Good Stuff. 👍
  • @striker07927
    42:40 ok, I love this cut. 1. I felt like the only person who realized Peter was mirroring Doc Ock here, their need to be better after so many failures externally became something which nearly ruined Peter 2. Because the Symbiote mirroring the Neural Interface was a great move by the writers, and as for the rest of the entire video, it was really well done and backed up all claim’s with evidence from the games and didn’t overly bash on the game for its writing choices, just brought them up to make clear the intent behind the video.
  • @mustardsauce1418
    Dude for this game I was most hyped for venom obviously, but every single scene with Kraven was terrific. Every time I hear his theme I get the goosebumps. Man is a monster
  • @Squishcat
    as someone whos tried defending this game so fucking much its refreshing to see this thank the fucking lord
  • @raven3067
    Despite the issues that the game has in terms of story writing and character arcs, Spider-Man 2 is still an enjoyable game and I'm grateful for all the hard work Insomniac has put into it. :)