Fracking is Dangerous: The High Cost of Cheap Gas | ENDEVR Documentary

Fracking is Dangerous: The High Cost of Cheap Gas | Investigative Documentary from 2013

The High Cost of Cheap Gas has been translated into seven languages and has been seen in over 48 countries around the world. The film has won numerous awards including the LA Independent Film Festival, Envirofilm, an International Award of Merit and others.

Directed, written and presented by Jeffrey Barbee
Produced By Mira Dutschke and Jeffrey Barbee
Associate Producer Charles Moore
Released in 2015, check out it’s IMBD page here:
The official website of the film with official posters, links and more exciting information:

What is it about?

Natural Gas development has come to Southern Africa. This ground-breaking project uncovers how the oil and gas industry is quietly invading one of the most pristine places on the planet. Reserves and national wildlife parks are not safe from these developments, which threaten the existence of Africa’s last remaining traditional people and wildlife. In this film we bring the voices of the scientists, experts and people opposing un-abated oil and gas development in the USA to Southern Africa so that the region’s natural wealth may be protected for generations to come by the best scientific data
available. Deep in the Kalahari desert our team filmed secret hy-draulic fracturing (fracking) operations across the migration routes of Africa’s largest single elephant population. 44,000 elephants pass between Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe and Chobe National Park in Botswana. The migration route is a tenuous and delicate string of sweet-waterpans in the dry desert. We have evidence and undercover interviews of newly fracked gas wells already endangering these ancient elephant routes.

Who we are:

Director Jeffrey Barbee is an award winning investigative journalist and film maker focusing on groundbreaking environmental and science issues around the world. Numerous newspapers and magazines, including National Geographic, The Guardian and others commission his writing.
His website:

Producer Mira Dutschke is an award winning film producer working on social and environmental filmmaking, investigating how human rights can inform environmental laws and policies and using the media as an advocacy tool. Ms Dutschke has a master’s degree in Human Rights Law and 10 years of research experience in South Africa, Northern Ireland and the United States.
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コメント (21)
  • It’s crazy we tolerate this enormous damages from natural gas power but we couldn’t tolerate one accident from nuclear power plants.
  • @txyz9294
    Its as with everything else --- its all about MONEY. How much money can a company make in the shortest amount of time with the least amount of investment and expenses ! Based on these, companies could care less about anything else such as environment, local economic damages, property infringments, etc...They will strip out as much money as possible until either the resource runs out or opposition becomes so great it becomes no longer worth their investment to continue. This is pretty much the basic foundation of any/all businesses in both capitalism and socialism/communist economies....Simply no one, especially the corporations want to admit this is all and politicians will continue to ride the fence line, always siding on the corporation side, well, until the corporate money funnel to the politicians starts drying up, then they may turn on them, but as long as the money flows and politicians are getting their cuts, whether its directly or indirectly all this will simply continue....
  • @JR954
    I wish we make the CEOs and other leaders and their families drink the reclaimed water daily as long as they have their jobs. They should follow what they want for others.
  • People have no problem with human extinction so long as their stock portfolio doesn’t go down!
  • Dont expect it to be banned corporations rule the world. So sit tight and inhale/drink/eat gas.
  • too bad Americans don't understand that clean water is the key to quality of life
  • What do you drive? A 2 tonne machine. How do you heat your home. Ask yourself who is the problem.
  • We may live to regret fracking because of the contaminantion of dwindling water supplies. In an era of increasing drought and diminishing fresh water supplies everywhere, it comes down to which is more valuable, oil (gas) or water?
  • Fracking in & of itself isn’t a bad practice. It’s all of the d@mned chemicals being used that can be absolutely disastrous. I’m not an environmentalist or a “tree hugger.” I have no axe to grind either way. I’m just a crusty old fart who’s been around longer than most & has experienced more than some. My love to you all!! 🇺🇸Grandpa🇺🇸 Btw, I’m also a very conservative old fart. We should ALL work together!!
  • This would do a lot better without an ad every 3 minutes. Its too bad because I really wanted to watch this.
  • @morzh1978
    It is so heavily subsidized - it is unclear whether or not would it remain economical if the subsidies are cancelled!
  • In the US this is why we don't have government health care. If you get sick from drinking toxic waters you pay for your own health care and deal with all the fallout. We need to turn up the volume and make it deafening to our leaders.
  • Its difficult to hear with the background music. Otherwise, very informative.
  • Not 3 minutes into video, read some comments while ad was playing. I can tell you for a fact that fracking is causing massive damage to the environment. Even if it was the cleanest method in the World to extract, it is causing problematic shifting. Look at the New Madras where it turns, which used to absorb slot of the quakes effects. Then look into how many quakes in regions rare b4 having quakes now are becoming more frequent E. & N. E. of new madras
  • One day we will find out, that after destroying last plant, after polluting last fresh water well, dollar bills are not edible.
  • They just introduced fracking here in India some time back. With our level of corruption and corner-cutting, we're doomed.
  • Yes give us your new green deal. . Just ask Biden , you know he won't lie!!