UK PM Starmer appoints Cabinet members: Lammy as foreign minister; Reeves takes charge of Finance

Published 2024-07-05
New Prime Minister Keir Starmer named Rachel Reeves as Britain's first female finance minister and Angela Rayner as his deputy on Friday as he began putting together the team that will help him try to deliver on a promise to rebuild the country. Reeves, 45, a former Bank of England economist, spent her time serving in opposition mending relations with the business community strained under left-wing former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and pitching to voters that the party could be trusted with their money. Starmer appointed David Lammy as Britain's new foreign minister and John Healey as defence minister, while Yvette Cooper became interior minister, known as home secretary, overseeing domestic security and policing.

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All Comments (21)
  • @stevejones3868
    Don’t worry, they only have to take instruction from the establishment and read stuff out every now and again.
  • @Coyb1866
    Lammy as foreign secretary 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 are we still on april 1st, this has to be a comedy skit.
  • @sharonwatson720
    Yvette Cooper for immigration.. So next time she holds her refugee sign up Ithink she should remember to put her home address on it!!
  • @benito1977
    Lammy as foreign secretary good God! Like putting peter Sutcliffe in charge of the hammer department in B&Q
  • @davidscott4637
    There are some great comments here. Lammy as foreign Secretary is demonstrative of what we can expect from Starmer.
  • David Lammy, the male Diane Abbott, foreign secretary? If it wasn’t so tragic it would be hilarious.
  • What real experience do any of them have to do the jobs they have been given. God hep us all!
  • @outlaw6421
    Dont worry rayner will start night of the long knives as soon as she in cabinet watch your back starmer she after getting JC at the helm.
  • @Beanie1984
    I love the way the door is shut by a robot... Nothing else interested me
  • @rubaiyat66
    Coming into the office smiling and will be kicked out from the office crying baby.
  • @ColinMill1
    If this is supposed to fill us with confidence it's not working.
  • And they say that Starmer has no sense of humour? David Lammy as Foreign Secretary? Did Larry the Cat turn it down, or something?
  • @Paratus7
    It’s like the kids in the E-stream class now running the school. We are all screwed.