GAMES WORKSHOP is a mess! This shouldn't happen!

Published 2024-04-04
This is the reason why I dislike Games Workshop as a business, they make amazing products with amazing lore but for me, this stuff goes too far, if they can get away with this then they will do it to other ranges as well.

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All Comments (21)
  • @richkanu
    I spent two years collecting and painting my 3,000 point Stormcast army. It's probably 1,000 hours of painting. 90% is now just gone, despite being made up of models that are barely five years old. I don't have the time to do this again, and if I did, why would I ever invest in building an army again, knowing that they could do the same thing? This is such a betrayal, and such a lack of respect. GW couldn't be making it more clear that they don't care about us. They're taking us for granted.
  • @RealJahzir
    Amen. This is a BS announcement and that the author makes a joke about the discontinued models going to the "Heavens to work on other stuff" is such a jerk move
  • @draconicxeno4373
    Confidence in the game destroyed. How can I collect an army, knowing it could be gone in a few years?
  • @danielfenton9742
    Not 10 years man, a bunch of the slaves of darkness warbands are 3-5 years old. This is insane and shows, in conjunction with the prices constantly rising every edition, just how bold GW is getting.
  • @freybrand1617
    The sacrosant models have been out for just under 6 years and now they're all gone come 4th. This is half of my stormcast. They fucked me with my space marines, they fucked my dark angels, and now they fuck me on my stormcast. Screw these guys, I'm going to 3d printing.
  • @lsufantc0409
    Stuff like this scares away new people to the hobby SO hard! Why would I invest hundreds of dollars into an army when GW can just arbitrarily decide in 5 years that they're done with them? Absolute predatory business practices
  • @davidk4900
    Most of these SCE are only 5-6 years old. These SCE models are only two editions old… or about 6 years. That “age” is nothing in terms of GW lifespan (eldar warp spiders are 30+ years old). Not our faults that GW made so many SCE variants with each edition. When we buy, assemble, and paint these models, we more or less have an unspoken agreement with GW that recent models will be supported for many years (not just five years)… this breaks that covenant
  • @AlunDowdeswell
    I actually think the whole rhetoric about legends is disgusting - GW telling us they're playable still. They're not. As a chaos player they gutted a large amount of the usable roster. This news is really worrying in general. I understand consolidating datasheets, but this is a really crappy thing for them to do
  • @FlyConeGuy
    Gw in 2014: "Hey little rascals. We are killing Fantasy and starting a new spin on the setting. Get ready for Age of Sigmar!" Gw in 2024: "Hey little piggies. We are killing AoS and starting a new spin on the old setting! Get ready for Warhammer Old World!"
  • The Sacrosanct range is just about 6 years old. But this does call into question what else could go. Just think, what 'new' Maraine units are that old?
  • @bignorthmxo3350
    The old first born not yet updated are on the chopping block for sure
  • Imagine refreshing a 6yr old range, deleting peoples entire armies basically, expecting them to rebuy the new stuff. Personally I'd just quit playing if I was an SCE main. Meanwhile ranges that desperately need a refresh either get ignored(eldar/drukhari) or deleted(Beasts of Chaos).
  • @Lommyism
    I love that sacrosanct literally means "regarded as too important or valuable to be interfered with" and it is the only interesting chamber of SCEs. Or SC NOT Eternals.
  • Is 40k to GW now what FIFA is to EA? Your purchases are regularly obsolete so you have to buy all new ones?
    AOS getting the old world treatment whilst Old World getting the AOS treatment
  • For those unfamiliar with AoS, there’s a schism with TOW present here: -Stormcast have the 100 units issue that Space Marines have. There’s plenty of overlap where things can count-as without issue. -Beastmen and Bonesplitterz are full on moving to TOW, which doesn’t feel good if you have strong AOS armies. -Skaven are getting a redo in 4.0 The real loser here is Slaves to Darkness. All of those models are Warcry warbands. Those are each a unit that doesn’t play a huge role in the STD army. But it’s absolute murder for people who might be into Warcry in a similar way to Necromunda.
  • @solomonoftm
    Sigmarites understand how we who lost our Firstborn Marines feel. I'll never play Dark Angels in 40k again because of that, not because I'm bitter but because I put my heart into my army and they were tossed out by GW. I won't rebuy my entire model range just because they wanted to make a few extra bucks.
  • They're not selling much, that's probably the reality of the product. I am seeing this type of marketing in other companies, it's not only GW. Those familiar with gunpla/gundam kits, may know the struggle of buying gunpla, you buy what you can get, not what you want per se. The bandai factory can't keep up since covid and makes whatever they can a few batches and that's it, some kits aren't discontinued, but havn't been made in years, then you have kits that were made once or twice and never again, that is pretty much the Japanese way. They make 1 model, 1 batch, maybe 2 batches in the same release and never again untill maybe if you're lucky, years after another batch. Just try to imagine: you see this brand new kit and you know you need to get it, because you'll never see it released again. For me that has become the new normal, sadly.