Bad in Isolation, Worse in Context.

Published 2024-04-20
Fallout TV is very bad, it's ok to like bad things. Not a full breakdown, cut a lot of stuff from the script for time and flow.

Episode 4, timestamp 6:30. Lucy says her Mom died in 2277 during the plague, that's not a date the vault can lie about, other people in the vault would know she was gone. That is rock solid proof that Shady Sands was nuked before the events of New Vegas. That means my charitable timeline assuming Shady Sands was nuked AFTER New Vegas was wrong, so the lore damage is worse than I claimed. Credit to ‪@SafeLlama24‬ for finding that clip

6:30 I said New Vegas was in 2288, it's actually 2282, my script says 2282, and 1 minute later I refer to it as 2282. Didn't catch that in editing somehow.

Stay hydrated.

All Comments (21)
  • @user-li2yv5je5e
    The characters put all their stat points into luck and took Wild Wasteland.
  • The dude wacking off on the top bunk might be the most military accurate part of the BOS portrayal in the show lmao
  • @mr.nesbitt8967
    I forgot who, but another YouTuber mentioned a good point. Who the hell in the post apocalypse, is gonna manufacture and distribute a serum for ghouls? Who has the tech and why?
  • @MayaWu44
    "Why everybody in this show has to be an idiot?" - Because it's show for idiots?
  • @levijackson767
    Shady Sands is no longer in the state of Shady, and it feels like they retconed the Boneyard and Shady Sands into being the same place. If so I guess the library never turned into medical university.
  • @Lazarus_ReSpawn
    Finally, someone besides MauLer who sees it for what it is - a nonsensical amateurishly directed garbage.
  • @jakell4711
    Watching the Fallout series almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.
  • @monkee5th
    Bad writing is common in many of shows and films from Hollywood. There are very few good to great entertainment for last several years
  • >Show is sloppy at best. Huge success anyway. >Fanbois defend every discontinuity, error, and outright bit of idiocy. Todd: it just works.
  • 43:43 They don't have the supplies, because conveniently, Maximus smashed them when he thought he was rescuing Lucy.
  • @cozminr
    its like the ones who proofread the script are high schoolers
  • @Plutonia001
    The main mcguffin of the entire story is cold fusion, supposedly a revolutionary new technology that could provide limitless energy and save mankind. It's bad enough that the writers didn't know that cold fusion already exists in Fallout's lore. But you know where it exists? It's what powers the main mcguffin of Fallout 2, the GECK. Vault Tec put cold fusion tech into an item that was supplied to almost every vault.
  • @shogunpug4071
    Also the giant airship that definitely ISN'T the Prydwen says "Prydwen" on it. So that means its Elder Maxon's chapter
  • I feel like the Fallout TV show is the Fallout 4 of the TV Show world >cool set pieces and moments that makes no sense >plot that's broken and a complete mess >Brotherhood of Steel having an airship that's incredibly complex and advanced even compared to Tactics's Airships which were literally just normal blimps >Brotherhood of Steel wearing any power armor that is not the T-51b >Vault dweller main protag character. There could be some more that I miss but I digress
  • @Wile_E_Cyote
    The shows definitely a mess and makes almost no sense narratively. Cant wait for Creetosis's in depth breakdown, hopefully Mauler does an in depth video as well. Anyways great vid. It was very informative and fairly in depth. Its a shame so many people commented without watching.
  • @PrivateDoge
    When it comes to the whole NCR thing people are constantly like "just wait for season 2 bro! We'll see more of them then" as if the show doesn't already take place in NCR HEARTLAND. Sw should have already seen them here. Instead what we got was a couple of raiders wearing paintball & airsoft masks... The only thing that season 2 can do to fix any of these issues is opening with "this show is not canon to the wider events of fallout". These bethesda simps write off any critique as blind hate while swearing up and down it captures the feel of fallout. Sure it captures the feel of fallout... fallout 4 & 76. And while I sure as hell enjoy those games if that was the feeling they were going for then why have it take place on the west coast?? This EXACT story could have been told anywhere else in the 80% of the US we haven't seen yet... But no they just had to shit on the most well established area.
  • @year111
    The show is made for people who never played fallout.
  • @Austinuztantine
    Dude the brainrot in here with the defenders is insane, each one of them is a perfect example of why we can't have good stories anymore, religiously defending mediocrity and shutting down the criticism that could lead to an improved experience. Its like they want the world to be worse. Or they're just trolling hard to tell with how dumb the arguments are.