Jewish Holocaust Scene from film Clock

Published 2023-06-09
This scene is so powerful but often missed. I am sure people who understand its significance miss it on purpose. But you listen carefully to what she says about the VALUE of the Jewish Holocaust and why it carries such weight in Western culture. As she says they were far worst in history yet when we say African Holocaust most do not understand it is not a case of victim Olympics but gross injustices of how one Holocaust is notable, while the others are not. I wonder if the poor reviews of Clock have anything to do with this one scene.

And to totally vindicate what I just wrote. Just after uploading this YouTube put a write-up and a link to the Jewish Holocaust! WOW, how well-serviced one group is. Holocaust of Jews is clearly serious a different type of serious from enslaving and raping Africans for 400 years. So much so that every time I type Holocaust auto-correct forces THE in front of Holocaust to make clear-- there was only one. At some point, my sentiment would be labeled as antisemitic. What logic you might ask would cause someone to arrive at that conclusion? Because we Goy cannot even compare or discuss it, it is a 3rd rail.

All Comments (3)
  • I think she was supposed to say "Because they were White"
  • @User9681e
    Israel isnt an apartheid and isnt commiting a genocide apostate prophest channel went over the icj report on a live stream That proves even the icj wasn't provided with evidence taht could confirm it